Bata-kun no Uchi - "Tokimeki Memorial" - Anime
The Saotome siblings, Yumi and Yoshio, having a discussion.

Title - "Tokimeki Memorial"
Alternative title(s) - "Exciting Romance Memorial" (if you want a rough translation)
Genre(s) - Ren'ai and drama

"Tokimeki Memorial" or "Tokimemo" as many of us fans call it, is based on the most popular ren'ai game series ever. Konami introduced us the first game of "Tokimemo" in 1994. The games have been on various systems like the Sega Saturn, the Super Famicom and both Play Station consoles. There was even an arcade simulation of the first game in Japan. You had sensors to work with. For example, as you wore the sensors, if you were acting nervous, the girl would be asking you if you are blushing. Talk about realism there.

Now, because of "Tokimemo", you see many ren'ai spinoffs in Japan right now like "Kanon", "Sakura Taisen", "Air", "To Heart" and so forth. If I don't count extra ports of various games, there are around 20 games total. The most recent one came out in June of the year before last year and it is called "Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side". (Originally, the game was supposed to come out in May of the year before last year, but Konami delayed it for a month due to some reason I don't know about.) This game is different from the rest of the series because you don't try to have a happy ending with a girl of your dreams, but rather you try to make a girl find a guy of her dreams. (Yes, you girls finally get what you want.)

Ren'ai games as a whole don't get much attention outside of Japan, but then there are some of us who want Konami to translate the "Tokimemo" games. That would be wonderful. Well, one can dream, ne? (Did you know that there were thoughts about fan translations of the first game itself? Too bad those thoughts have died out now because it will be a hassle. Of course, if one should do the task, then thanking that person wouldn't be enough.) If you're not familiar with ren'ai games, you try to end up with a lovely girl at the end of the game by building up stats and making the right choices. I think I talked too much about the games. I better talk about the anime now. Hee hee. ^-^'

The "Tokimemo" anime is based on the first game and it focuses on Shiori. I have only seen the first of two OVA's. Only the first one has been fan subbed. If I remember correctly, the OVA series came out in 1999 (though I could have sworn it was 1998). Oh. Good luck finding the pair because they're rare.

Fun - 7

Well, I had fun watching this and I still do. The spirit is still there. Shiori is still Shiori. I like the Saotome arguements from time to time.

Although it was and still is enjoyable, some characters do not get enough time to shine. I want to see more of characters like Yukari. Also, it's too short. I guess it couldn't be helped.

Life - 6

You will enjoy the OVA's, but for how many rounds?

Story - 10

It's a lot like the games. So, nothing fresh here. Just carry on.

Audio - 10

Keep in mind that I have never played the PS port. I say this because unlike the SF port, the PS port for example has voice acting. True, there's Shiori's "Ohay!" sample in the SF port, but that's it.

The seiy are straight from the game. At least, that's what the Seiyuu Database said. Yoshio is played by Ueda Yji-san. If there's a reason why I wanted to deduct a point here, it's that I thought I would expect Yumi to have kind of a high voice, not a slighty low one. It's no biggie though.

The music is nice. It feels really poppy, though I don't have the songs in my head now. Oh well.

Art - 8

Although it still is the nice art we've seen over the years and loved, people will say that it is very, very old indeed. I know that I have seen anime series with better art during this time period, but still. I don't think a new style would have been better. It's better off having that nostalgic feeling, though at times, it got me wondering why this wasn't released three years ago or so.

The characters are still there. Shiori is still her kawaii self. Rei still looks like a long lost Bogard. *lol*

Overall - 8

Fans of the first game will like this to some extent. Had the number of OVA's doubled, this would have gotten a perfect score from me easily, but I guess this will do. As for those new to the craze, see if someone can give the anime to you. It's a good first step in my opinion.


The same spirit is still there.


Some characters do not get enough time to shine and its life expectancy is a big concern.

Date of creation - 3/27/04

Last update - 8/10/04
