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Aye there, laddy. Welcome to my page o' pics. So glad you could make it. I'd like to thank the ever-lovely Andi for setting this up for me. Much thanks to ya, lass. Secondly, enjoy yourselves. Ok, that's it..
It's the one, the only, the onliest: JR.
Yet another me. The best part about being me is that there are so many me's. I love that line.
Yours truly watching the Sugar Bowl with friends. Oh, and that's Larissa's lap that my head is in.
Your truly back in the Senior Year of high school. Yes, I was drum major of the band..... King of Band Dorks. All Hail Your Majesty, King of the Band Dweebs.
It's me, Karl, and Adam. We are just yunking it up, aren't we? I'm telling you, if we mugged any more than this, we'd have to have handles on our heads.
Me and the guys hanging out at Krystal's house, watching the Sugar Bowl
(L-R) Josh, Nafe, Chas, and me stand out in the Wal-Mart parking lot after hanging out with the Jesup crew.
It's the gang, just chillin like villians after some killins.
Chas and I are all dressed up for Halloween of 2002.
Once again, I leave much to be desired by leaving two pins standing up at the bowling alley.
It's Krystal and me hanging out in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I pushed her in the buggy. I think she nearly hit a car.
Who's that sexy guy with the guitar?!?! I dunno... all I see is me... holding a guitar.... where's the sexy guy?
Why look. It's Jarred and me... and Jarred is all hyped on coke. And look. I have an earring. WEIRD!! Where did we go, you say? To a Christian conference. DOUBLE-WEIRD!!
Ahhh, memorable times in London. There is me. And there is the Thames. And there is Parliament. And there is Big Ben. WILL THE LIST NEVER END?!?! ok, it ended.
It's me in front of the statue outside of Buckingham Palace.
HOLY MOLLY! It's a picture of Loch Ness! And I think I see a monster too....
Ah, now this is what I call art.... lens flare, a river, rocks, trees. Some skinny dude kneeling beside the river. Hey.... wait a minute.....
HOLY S*%T!! It's the Eiffel Tower! I bet that if you spit a loogie off the top of that thing, it could kill someone!
Now, this is the epitome of photography: creating something that can't really happen. If you'll look closely, you'll notice that the two are walking on water. By the way, this was taken at the Louve.


Holy Cow, it's the Mecca of any College Student!
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