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Selamat Datang di Full Spectrum - Program Musik Indonesia
Welcome to Full Spectrum - the Indonesian Music Program

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Offering a Hand Up not a Hand Out

Hinterland FM has not been able to obtain a frequency and test licence for 2003 and so currently remains off the air.

Maleny Community Radio Association

Padi fields near Cirebon, West Java

Efiq(from the band Krakatau) & Emma Zulfiqar performing a Suling and kecapi piece @ Splash Festival, Maroochydore -20th October '02
Efiq & Emma performed Live to Air Friday 25th October.

Full Spectrum - The Indonesian Music Hour
presented by Duncan Coleman

This program aimed to introduce many Indonesian Artists and their diverse music to an Australian audience.
Having the forth largest population in the world, the archipelago of Indonesia is made up of over 350 Ethnic groups inhabiting some 13,600 islands. You could say its a musical maritime archipelago of diversity and the vast array of different music in Indonesia certainly indicates this to be true.
Indonesian Music takes on many forms;
Traditional Music, of which the more famous variety, Balinese and Javanese Gamelan is widely known;
Various categories of Folk and Contemporary music with a blend of traditional elements called Campur Sari;
Arabic and Indian influenced music known as Dangdut;
Keroncong, a Portuguese influenced folk and popular song style;
Western style Pop and Rock genres, e.g. MTV has a 24hr TV channel and radio broadcast;
Traditional Jazz, Contemporary Jazz and Jazz Fusion. Indonesians are great Jazz lovers. The Jazz Fusion genre presents some surprising blends of Traditional Ethnic Music with Western Jazz harmony, e.g. the band Krakatau 2000 who have toured Australia in recent years.

The program also featured interviews with various Australians who are involved with Indonesian music and the cultural exchange between Australia and Indonesia.

A Tragedy for both our Nations -
The Bali Bombing

Members of the Sunshine Coast Surfing community, resident Balinese, family and friends attended a memorial service on the Bluf at Alexandra Headland for the victims of the bombing and their families. Held on Australia's National Day of Mourning - 20th October '02, and organized by John Stokes from ABC Coast FM and members of the local Balinese community.

Rama Brierty, Jackie Setyawan, Wayan & Jason, Bodi & Tara Brierty with 'pulih' offerings.
Go to the Memorial Service page to read a transcript of Rama Brierty's speech and to view more pics from the gathering.

Nurani Senja Group - Jakarta street musicians

copies of the some series are available for schools and special interest from Duncan Coleman
Check the radio program contents for a list of Artists reviewed.