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the kebab krew welcome you to their page on teachers homes.

we hope you enjoy browsin as much as we did gettin the pictures.

if you can guess the exact locations well done.


Has Long Fingernails, Most Probably Used For His Hanging Baskets

Used To Own A Mullet

'Knock Knock,
Who Lives There?
"Twigg" Who?
"Twigg" Or Treat!!'

Was Found Down The Road After The "Twigg" Or Treating

'Listen Up Please,
Where Is My Porsche'

'Woof Woof'

Enthusiam: The Basics, Also Well Known For Choreographing Many Famous People

The Happy Couple Live Here - Ones Vegetarian, Ones Bacon

I Wonder Who's "Holme" This Could Be?

What A Dark Hole, Some May Even Call It A "Pitt"

Watch Out For Goats Around, Although They Are Mainly Only Seen Once In A "Balloon"



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