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General (For All Carriers) J


Dear Archie,


For low payment, after you give the info to the claims specialist, if they can’t handle it, always ask for a SENIOR REP for low payment. Senior reps can able to pull out the claim which was submitted electronically & they can be able to adjust & reprocess a claim as well. DON’T tell them that you’re APPEALING it because they will ask you to send a written request why we are appealing it. Just verify why this was paid low & how many units do they have in their system. Electronic submission sometimes is not accurate. The info that we sent is not that complete anymore. So by asking how many units they’ve processed the claim, we will know that they processed this with incorrect units. Just give them the base, time & the anes. time & they will reprocess the claim for additional payment. Please double check the base & time unit. Usually they were a lot more than the original units.


Please also check if you will call for primary and secondary insurance.


I tried to go over with the A/R but I ran out of time. Page 1 to 5, I crossed out the patient who don’t need follow-up of claim status. For the next pages, please follow-up all NO PAYMENT accounts ONLY.



