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the journal 






OK. So it finally happened. I hit the road.


Oct '02 - London


·        Emotional, but sombre farewell.

·        Missing the philosophy of Aikido, B'ball with the George's boys and just being there.


Nov '02 - Brighton


·        Just a slow goodbye to the folks and few friends.


Nov '02 – Dubai, UAE


·        First night away. Random buses to Hostel from airport (2 of them I think).

·        Not wise late at night in a strange country where English is not spoken widely.

·        Got away with it even though the bus driver told me he was going to make it a point

to forget to tell me where to get off (to my annoyance of course).

Thanks to a friendly local with broken English managed to arrive just before midnight.

Actually the whole bus was full of Indian labourers.

Dangerous traverse of busy highway with heavy backpack.

·        Think that 50% Dubai (or possibly UAE) is Indian. Presumably cheaper labour.

·        Probably 20% expats. That means not actually that many Arabs there.

·        Similar proportions of locals/foreigners to London I guess.

·        Hot, sandy and very dry.

·        Long, long, straight roads with the occasional roundabout. British/US influence no doubt.

·        No travellers here. Major disappointment.

·        Ramadan, Muslim period of fasting. Hence no food or drink (incl. H20) allowed

before sunset in public. Constantly hungry and thirsty (trips to loo to swig water).

Reason for caution (GBP 100 fine if caught).

·        Just 4 of us at the hostel.

·        A phD student here for a year, an Ozzie looking for work here, a German heading home from Oz

·        Nice beach at Jumeira (GBP 1) to enter. All expats. But so so clean and beautiful sand/sea.

·        Refused to pay GBP 20 to see that famous 7* hotel (El Burj something or other).

·        Otherwise not a tourist destination for sights.

·        The Souqs (covered markets). Gold Souqs etc. Lots of gold shops. Good if you like or can even

afford the stuff.

·        3 days was just about enough.

·        Delhi here I come.


Nov '02 – Delhi, India

·        Wow. This place is crazy. Picked up by Mrs Baburam’s driver.

·        Drove passed many ill-looking cows. So I am truely in India and not dreaming then.

·        Dirt roads. Lots of people and cars.

·        Reached cool suburbia of Lajpat Nagar III. Mrs B’s home.

·        Nice cosy place and greeted by the wonderful Mrs B.

·        Uma (the light and Bab’s sister) and little baby Ananya (the cute daughter) were there too.

·        I was bushed. Not slept for about 24 hours.

·        Apparently knocked about and bitten by the first taster of Indian mossies.

To be cont.