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Places of Interest:

¯     Friends

¯     School

¯     Livejournal

¯     Webpages

¯     Music

¯    Chinese

¯    Quotes


Julia¡¯s World


Welcome to the Site.

I made this site just for people to learn and read about me, and I also made it to help others learn how to make a site and get suggestions on things. I hope you all enjoy it. This website is just a temporary one until I get the time to design a full HTML website.


Have a look around and tell me what you think.


My Favorite Places:

¯     Livejournal

¯     Xanga

¯     Homestar Runner

¯     Brecca's Webpage

¯    Antishift

¯    Abercrombie

¯    AE


Contact Information:

Email: Email Me

AIM: JHStennisqt07