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Creation Research Society


Christian Answers.Net


Institute for Creation Research


Creation Science Movement


Creation Science Evangelism


Answers In Genesis


Creation Research, Science Education Foundation


The Revolution Against Evolution


Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia


The Young Earth Creation Club


The ARK Foundation


Creation-Science Research Center


Origins - Intelligent design and philosophical theism


Creation Research


Creation Resource Foundation


The Creation Resources Trust




Creation Science 


Creation Illustrated Magazine


Center for Scientific Creation


Creation Moments


Creationism & the Early Church


The Creation Science Association for Mid-America


Geoscience Research Institute


Creation Evidence                                


Associates for Biblical Research


Scientific Evidence for Creation


A Creation Perspective

Radio/Conferences lectures in Real Audio. 
bullet In the Beginning There Was...Information
Dr. Stephen Meyer joins Chuck Missler in reviewing some of the revealing insights from microbiology and the information sciences on the evidences of design in the origin of life.
bullet The Divine Watchmaker
Modern Microbiology has revealed that even the simplest organisms are complex machines beyond our imagining.
bullet Dr. Mark Eastman - Cosmos And Creator
How does the God described in the Bible fit with the nature of the God that is revealed in the physical universe?
bullet The Creator Beyond Time and Space
As scientists begin to understand the interactions of basic forces, they discover an unending series of incredible interdependencies, delicately balanced.
bullet The Grand Adventure
The precision found in our world has long been considered miraculous - as though the earth were purposely created to support life. Coincidence or Design?
bullet Stretching The Heavens
Was the universe really created in six days? How do we explain galaxies whose light has traveled toward us for over 100 million years?
bullet Dave Nutting - Evolutionary Dogma
Do scientists hold to evolutionary theory based on evidence or ideology?
bullet James Perloff - Evolution Crumbling
How many degreed scientists criticize evolutionary theory and argue evidence for intelligent design?
bullet Jim Perloff: The Scopes Money Trial
Was the movie/play 'Inherit the Wind' based on historical reality or on the imagination of those who wanted to promote evolution?
bullet Dr. Russell Humphreys - Age Of The Universe
Does the geological column represent slow change through gradualism or rapid change through catastrophe?


bullet Inherit the Wind: Reaping the Whirlwind
Inherit the Wind grossly distorted the Scopes trial to advance an agenda...
bullet Science and the Bible: Cosmos and Creator
Not only is the existence of God inexcusably evident, but the invisible attributes of God can also be discerned with an examination of creation.
bullet Divine Engineering: Unraveling DNA's Design
We've all been exposed to the basic concepts of DNA and its double-helix structure in our high school biology classes, but were most likely not taught the incredible design it evidences.
bullet The Code of Blood
The famed double-helix DNA typically includes three billion rungs of a digital, error-correcting code. An effective digital code demands careful, skillful design.
bullet Elegance by Accident? - Chance as the Master Architect?
The premise that we are all simply the accidental result of random chance underlies our entire culture, not just biology.
bullet Q & A with Chuck Missler: What is the 'Gap Theory' and is it valid?
The so-called 'Gap Theory' is a conjecture about a possible interval between the first two verses in Genesis 1...
bullet Darwinism vs Design: The Human Genome
Two different articles on 2-16-01featured scientists reacting to the genome-mapping project, and the reactions directly contradicted each other.
bullet Pow! Splat! Take That, You Darwin Disparagers!
Though the Supreme Court outlawed the teaching of creationism in public schools 15 years ago, that hasn't stopped school boards from finding creative ways to smuggle it into the classroom.



Reasons To Believe -the ministry of Hugh Ross

God and Science  - "Harmony between the Bible and Science." Founded by Richard Deem, one of RTB's Apologists.

Access Research Network - Origins site featuring the work of Phillip Johnson, Michael Behe and others promoting "Intelligent Design."

IDEA Center - Organization dedicated to promoting intelligent design theory and fostering good, spirited discussion and a better understanding over the creation-evolution issue.

Christian Apologetics - A site sponsored by Trinity College of Florida and the C. S. Lewis Fellowship with discussions from Michael Behe and other scientifically oriented apologists.

Lord, I Believe - Led by physicist Hill Roberts, "Lord, I Believe" challenges both philosophies of naturalism and religious faith to explore what rational basis exists for those systems of belief. Roberts contends that on balance there is far more basis for agreement than the typical frictions between science and faith.