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The Glitz and Shimmer

Lip stuff are my personal favorite cosmetics! It's like candy for the lips, without the calories. Of course, it also has its downsides. Many times, they are the hardest stuff to shop for!! Sometimes, the products look great in the bottle or tube, and horrible on you! No offense... But then sometimes, it could be the other way around... Here, we will give you our opinions and ratings on different sorts of lip stuff. Of course, if you have a rating, you are welcome to contact us here.

Bonne Bell Styles

Flip Gloss

Cost: around $3.39 Rated by: Jaz Flavor: Tangerine Dream- When I bought this, I was expecting something like oranges and cream, but it tastes more fruity than creamy. While it's orange, it goes on shimmery. The whole line of flip glosses are like this, so it's all about the smell.

Smell Factor: 3 (out of 5)

Taste: none


Cost: around $3.39 Rated by: Jaz Flavor: Vanilla Frost- This is a pretty good vanilla lip gloss, but it doesn't give the full vanilla taste or smell. (I'm actually still looking for the perfect vanilla gloss. If you have any ideas, tell me about them!)

Smell Factor:3

Taste:slight vanilla essance


Lip Shake

Cost: around $3.59-.79 Rated by: Jaz Flavor: X-treme Strawberries and cream- This is a pretty thick lipstick in the form of a gloss, and it's a pretty mauve/pink. I love the smell and look, the color matches my skin tone.

Smell Factor:5

Taste: strawberry/cake-y essanse in the mouth


Rated by: Jaz Flavor: Raspberry Orange Riot- Again, this is a really thick lipgloss. The color is very very light, and since I have sort of dark skin, it looks koooky on me, so I ended up trading it with one of my friends. The smell was also too little of raspberry and orange, and too much bubble gum for my taste.

Smell Factor:3

Taste: bubbly-gum/raspberry and orange hint

Look: yucky on me...


Cost: around $1.50 Rated by: Jaz Flavor: Berry Heavenly- I remember this as my very first lip gloss... //sigh// such wonderful memmories. Well, this is a pretty okay lip gloss, as they go. More for little kids and their first glosses.. I prefer the applicator-wand glosses.

Smell Factor:4

Taste: a berry cream/canola oil taste... :P


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