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Taste Of Downtown
Rate A Restaurant
Rate A Restaurant Results

    This website was created to give people the opportunity to research popular restaurants in the San Diego Area. Each restaurant has been reviewed by our staff to make your eating experience a good one. We spent the money on places so that you won't have to waste it on bad dining. You will find that all areas of the eating experience have been addressed to provide the best analysis possible. You can also rate any restaurant you would like by completing the form in the menu on the left.



All Restaurants have been reviewed by the following people:

Little about me:

I was born in Fitchburg MASS but lived in California for most of my life.  Being in college for the past few years I have adapted to eating better foods for a good deal.  From eating at Westgate which I paid $80 for Pasta to Five dollar Steak at Valley View Casino I have done my best to provide information on eating well and paying less.


Name: Peter Trinh

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Favorite Foods:




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Little about me:

I was born in Canada and moved to California when I was 4. Like most college students it can be troublesome to cook a good meal every night so I go to restaurants a lot. I have found a few good restaurants to get your belly full while keeping my wallet full as well.


Name: Michael Joyce

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Favorite restaurant:


Little about me:

I am a California Native, but I lived in Colorado for 5 years. I’ve traveled a lot and everywhere I go I always compare the food to other places I’ve been. There’s nothing like the food in Greece. And there’s nothing worse than paying for a bad meal. Like everyone I get tired of cooking and just want to enjoy having good food out, where I don’t have to cook or clean up afterwards!




Name: Jessica Williams

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Favorite restaurant:



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