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Cori's Anime Wallpapers

Too much time has passed by to

lament that we were deeply in love

The wind keeps blowing,

while my heart cannot heal all the tears in it

Watching tomorrow with one eye

while keeping the other on yesterday

If only I could peacefully sleep

in the cradle of your love, again

Someone, cry for me with parched eyes

The real folk blues

I only want to know what true sadness is

Sitting in muddy water

isn't such a bad life

if it ends after the first time

Despair filled with hope

and this chance with a trap set

What's right or wrong?

It's like two sides of a coin

How long must I live till I'm healed

The real folk blues

I only want to know true happiness is

All that glitters is not gold

The real folk blues

I only want to know what true sadness is

Sitting in muddy water

isn't such a bad life

if it ends after the first time

"There once was a tiger-stripped cat. This cat died a million deaths, was revived, and lived a million lives and was owned by many different people he didn't really care for. This cat wasn't afraid to die. Then, one day this cat became a stray cat, which meant it was free and he met a white, female cat and the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years past and the white cat grew weak and died of old age. The tiger stripped cat cried a million times, then he died too, except this time, he didn't come back to life." - Spike

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