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There once was an old man who walked a lone highway and came at night to a chasm vast and deep and wide. The old man because of his vast experience, had little trouble in crossing it, but when he was safe on the other side he turned to build a bridge to span the tide. A fellow traveler asked the old man why he stops to build the bridge when his journey would end soon and he would not again pass that way again; the old man replied, “There followed after me today was a fir-haired youth. This chasm, which has been naught to me, might to him be a pitfall. He too must cross in the night; I am building this bridge for him. Past Masters are like that old man who built the bridge for the youth who followed along that lone road. We should build bridges for those that follow. We should not try to run the lodge, but neither should we permit ourselves to become useless has- beens. Ours is the duty to set the example, to welcome the opportunity to perform any task the Master may ask of us, to give good counsel to others who may request it. Those of us that have Passed the Chair should be like the old bridge builder, and provide safe highways through chasms vast, and deep, and wide