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What is a Past Master?

When a Brother comes to the point at which he lays aside responsibility of the Master of a Lodge, steps down from his term of office and is added to the roll of Past Masters,

he begins a period where he can leisurely view the position of Master from a new angle.

Previous to becoming an installed Master he was merely the aspirant for the office, but having occupied the position of Master and being now relieved of its anxieties,

he reflects on the position and surveys the range of its influence in a way he never could before.

He then discovers that it is invested with traditions and powers far in excess of what he had previously conceived,

and that the unqualified obedience, loyalty and unfailing respect shown him and the special privileges extended to him during his term of office were due to the position rather than to its occupant.

Thus having completed his term as Master, and passed the insignia of his exalted position on to his successor,

he is now numbered with the Past Master of the Lodge, a kind of unofficial bodyguard, with no specified duties assigned to him, and yet with the understanding that he must hold himself in readiness to answer any call for assistance that may reach his ears.

The extent to which Past Masters count depend very largely on their personality and character, and whether by counsel, good leadership and efficient administration, they have won confidence and esteem.

Having themselves occupied the Master's chair it is incumbent on them to uphold and support the present Master,

and to do all in their power to radiate a healthy influence and inspire the rank and file of the Lodge with the spirit of goodwill.

Their past experience as Masters and their accumulated Masonic knowledge, should make them invaluable to the Lodge.

Past Masters largely determine the character, spirit and success of a Lodge and its influence will depend much on their experience and considered judgment.Happy is the Lodge which has a united band of loyal and devoted

Past Masters.