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Math Olympics: Proportional Reasoning MPM2P

Expectations Addressed:

From the Grade 10 curriculum for applied math, the following specific expectations will be addressed in math Olympics:

Solve problems involving percent, and rate;

Draw and interpret scale diagrams related to applications;

Determine some properties of similar triangles;

Calculate the length of a side of a right triangle, using the Pythagorean theorem;

Determine the measures of the sides and angels in right triangles, using the primary trigonometric ratios.


This math Olympics would be played after all of these expectations were already addressed in previous lessons. The students will be familiar with all of these concepts, and are used to working in groups to solve problems (from previous activities). This game is used to reinforce previous lessons, and to help students learn to work in a group to solve problems with a time constraint.

Math Olympics:

Rules (5 min):

Students should be reminded of the rules when working in groups. 1. No members should be made fun of, or ignored. 2. All members should contribute equally. 3. When time is up, all activities must be stopped immediately. 4. Other groups are to be treated with respect.

If a student behaves inappropriately they will write a review test instead of playing the game.

Groups (5 min):

The day before students wrote down one other student they would like to have in their group. These partners are then grouped with another set of partners by the teacher. The group is called out and told which grouped desks they are to sit in. Each team member has a specific job - one person will be the materials coordinator, one person will be the score keeper, one person will update the group on the time limit, and one person will check the solutions.

Team Name (5 min):

Each group must come up with a mathematical name, and design a logo that will be hung at the front of the room on the chalk board. Points will be recorded on the board below the name of the team.

Activities (48 min):

There are four activities, each activity is given a time limit, plus 1 minute for the materials coordinator to get the activity, and 3 minutes to return the activity, check the solutions, and add the points to the board. All activity sheets are included in this document:

Shopping List (5 min + 4 min):

Each group is given a currency exchange table and a shopping list from a trip to Europe. The team must convert the prices to Canadian dollars, and find the total amount spent in Canadian dollars. If there is extra time, the total price should be converted to US dollars. 10 points are awarded for every correct conversion, another 10 points for the correct total, and 10 bonus points for converting the total cost to US dollars.

Shopping List Activity

Design a Pre-School (10 min + 4 min):

Each group is given a worksheet that asks them to design a pre-school to meet a list of needs. The group is to use graph paper for their design. 100 points are given if the design meets all of the requirements (10 points for each requirement), and bonus 10 points are given for considerations such as traffic problems, access to the playground, etc.

Design a Pre-School Activity

Diagram Construction (5 min + 4min):

Each group is given two different diagrams. The group will partner off and one partner will look at the diagram and verbally tell the other partner how to draw it. The drawing should be proportional to the measurements indicated on the diagram. The angles of both triangles should be labeled, and for a bonus solve for the unknown. 50 points are awarded if the diagram looks like the original, another 50 points if it is proportional, 10 points for each correctly labeled pair of angles (similar triangles of the same angles), and a bonus 50 points if the unknown was solved for.

I’ll Talk, You Listen Activity

Matching (7 min activity + 4 min):

Each group is given two matching worksheets. They must cut the worksheet up, and match the diagram to the answers. There are 8 triangles in total, and 50 points are allotted to each correct match. A correct match consists of the diagram and three answers. 10 bonus marks are awarded if the matched answers are glued onto a new sheet of paper. Attached are the matching sheets and solutions.

Matching #1 Activity

Matching #2 Activity

Total Score (5 min):

Each group is given 5 minutes to calculate their total score, and write it on the board. The winners will then be announced.

Closure (12 min):

The students are to write a journal entry about the math Olympics. They should discuss what group dynamics there were, how they felt they contributed to the team, problems that were overcome, favourite and least favourite activities and why. If there is no time to do this at the end of class (if other activities took longer then expected) this will be assigned for homework.

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