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Random Confusion

Random Confusion: Tribute to Anime

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Take your time drink your tea and marvel at just how confusing I can get. ^_^

Welcome to my radom confusion. Its funny I was taking Psychology for one of my core classes in college and its amazing how much I found wrong with me. My Physic teacher in high school called me a catatonic Schizo due to my none movement in class and then he told me I had generalized Anxeity disorder. Once in college I found out how wrong he was. Seven out of ten voices in my head says that he is the nutty one.

Anyway this page will someday have mp3s, pics, and other random confusion. But yeah Randomness is awsome if it was normal then it would be dull right? Anyway since I don't know what the hell I"m doing I'll be doing this very slow. Plus I have to worry about finals which really sucks. i hate college especally the one I'm at it sucks. oh well I'll move back home next year and go to school in my hometown (living in the dorms of course).

I would like to add most of these pics i have scanned and are the copy rights of the original person. However if you see any pics that you think are yours please let me know and I'll take them off of the site. And if any of you have pictures of anime that they would like to donate that would be the sweetest thing I can think of. ^_^ Also if anyone has some wavs or mp3s that they would be willings to let me use I would gladly give you the credit.

To anyone who knows that they are doing a would really love some help on how to organize this stupid site I'm starting to think I was never made for the computer. My computer doesn't like me and i think my brain doesn't like me when I have to think oh well I think of this as a why to forget about finals and the fact that I know I should be studing but to the people who know me that won't happen any time soon. looks like I have to do many all nighters the next week. I don't like college i can't wait to get out of here. My plans will hopefully go acording to plan. and some of us know what I mean hehehe.