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Ste. Gen Class of 1973 30-year reunion pictures. Note that some stuff changed. Popularity of this site has been so great that I had to do something to reduce the bandwidth being used. I think ya'll will like it better this way, anyway. Please read below...

Here they are: The few...the proud...the ones who didn't have anything better to do on a Friday night. (I used all maiden names, since I have no idea what married names would be.)

Here is how to get the pictures:

(THIS WORKS!) Click here and save a zip file to your hard drive, containing all the pictures I have of the festive event. (14 Mbytes)

(THIS DOESN'T WORK YET) Right click here and do a "Save As" to get a larger, executable zip file containing all the pictures. (Use this if you have no idea what to do with a zip file to get the pictures.) Once you download this file, simply double-click it and you will be presented with a window that has lots of files in it. Each file is a .jpg file picture. Double click each file and you should be able to see the picture.

(THIS WORKS) Click Here to See Thumbnails of all the pictures. You can no longer get to the full-sized pictures this way. You have to download the zip file by clicking on the first link, above.

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