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Hannery's Kingdom!

Hugs and Kisses to all who stumble across this page. Blatantly and unashamedly plagiarising the teaspoon faerie's flash of inspiration, I have decided to create my own jazzy webpage! On it, you shall eventually find my writing, my photos, my friends, my faeries...maybe even a blog if I am that way inclined. Enjoy! Oh! Would you like to know who I am? Very well. I shall tell you anyway. I am Hannah. No-one truly knows what lurks in the truly unfathomable depths of my soul, I believe they would be very scared if they did, considering the sweet mask of tangerine sheep’s I use as a disguise. However, as you had the intelligence to grace this website with your presence, I owe it to you to divulge some minor details. My name is Hannah. I have black hair. I like storms. I like diamonds. I like the unexplainable. I like secrets. I like mystery. I like people. I like drama. And one day, I shall rule the world (Yes I, Litani), and you should all be very, very scared...

This, My dears, is my website, and I demand that you:
