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This is Miranda


Page of Boredom!
How Exciting!

"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears, Pop Singer

WOW! Is she stupid or what??? See, this is one of the reasons that i think music from today is so flat. By flat i mean it has no feeling or story what so ever. Bread is the best band ever formed, besides all those other really awesome bands. Ill say that The Beatles are good too or else Laura will have my head. So.....The Beatles are good too. And for you musically ignorant people. The Beatles and Bread actually are bands that arent refering to food products and insects. And if you thought so...then you have no place being in this website, so leave now!!!


"It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago"
- Dan Quayle, former U.S. Vice-President

Map of Illinois (state) and Chicago(city)

Hmm.... I wonder what kinds of people voted him into office, he doesnt even know what the difference between a state and a city is. How sad.Well, it shows clearly on this map that Chicago is most definately a city in Illinois, which is a state.Most of us know that, but if the Vice President cant fgure it out, it must be a very difficult concept to grap. That must mean that im smart! YAY!


"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."
- Charles De Gaulle, former French President

I definately can see why he is the "former president".Ok, saying that the United States is inhabited by many Americans, is not so strange a stement because there are a loy of immagrants and such people that live here, but to say that China has a lot of Chinese people is such an unessecary statement that its ridiculous. But, what can you say.....well, i know what i could say: VOTE IN A NEW FRENCH PRESIDENT!!!!!!

Why does caregiver and caretaker mean the same thing?

hmmmm.....that is a good question.


Ok, im done with the whole making fun of stupid people and their quotes thing for now, so.....moving onward.....


Excuse the picture that you are going to see below, just ignore it and move on with my way awesome website. Oh yes, this website is a project for my computer class in summer school, so...i have to put this ugly picture....Oh, and excuse what it is of...Bevlieve me, i love Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, so...excuse me.


Ok, im glad thats over with.



These are supposed to be thoughtful questions , but they're just really stupid.


Do the different "M&M's"® colors taste different?

That is just very stupid, i mean, come on, of course they all taste the same, whoeer wrote this is realy i dunno, i cant even explain. We have all had M&M's and we have all tasted the different colors and yes, suprise! they all taste the same!

If your born at exactly midnight is your birthday on both those days?

Another extremely unintelligent question. Your birthday is the day you were born. Lets say it is August 2 and 3, and if you were born at 11:59.99pm. then you are born on August 2, but a millisecond later, you are born on August 3, is it so difficult to comprehend that the day has to end somewhere> And philosophers, so whatvere they were, said that they ended at midnight which is 11:59.99. How is that hard to understand?


If you're caught "between a rock and a hard place", is the rock not hard?

Out of all of these quotes, this one is the best, still not failing to be exceptionalluy stupid though.



As you can see so far, this is a really awesome site. It is just me, critticizing stuff like quotes and people. Its really rather fun. So, to see more, click one of the fantabulous links to the web, or pick one of my site links to see more of my fantabulous work!

So go scroll back up to see more of this fantabulous work!



i wrote something earlier but i guess i deleted it, but ok, well, something that i hate. I hate when i liked an actor or a singer or something and have since the begining if their carreer and then someone will hear or see something for the first time just because its really popular now and they think that they too have loved that person forver! it is so annoying! god, and then they think they know everythin about that person, when really they used to criticiz that person and sya that they hated them. well, i only have one thing to say, i love Oprah Noodlemantra! If You dont know what or who that is, then you dont deserve to know! so there!





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