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Chunky Backup - Beta 2

Chunky Backup is a little utility I made to serve a specific purpose of mine...I feared the wrath of my wife if
some stupid disk error once again caused our mp3 collection to disappear. And being lazy about doing the
back up thing, as I really hate going through and making a cd-r sized lump of mp3s, then doing it over and over
until all files are safely on cds, I decided to learn a programming language and make something to do it for me.
Although it seems like much more work than just doing it by hand, coding actually turned out to be rather fun.


Chunky Backup was coded entirely in Python using the Bethon Be API bindings.
It is my first real, useful app, so I initially had simple focus. My original goal was to make an app that would:
I succeeded in all of those points, and added functionality beyond the original plan, including:
Now supports BFS cd burning

In discussing my project on beshare, many people offered suggestions, many of which I plan on implementing
Some future additions will/may include

Download - version .0.8.9a

Chunky Backup Full with all required libs
This version is most likely the one you'll grab. It has the required libs with it. Unless you have Python and Bethon installed already,
this is what you need.
Chunky Backup Binary only
If you already have Python and Bethon installed, grab this.


To run Chunky Backup, you will need to have cdrtools installed. Get it at BeBits.
Chunky Backup defaults to 650 meg chunk sizes. If you want 700, open the prefs BEFORE dropping a folder and make that change.
Then you can drop a folder on it. Chunk Backup will not follow links or accept folders on non-BFS partitions!
Depending on the number of files in the dropped folder, the process of chunking a folder will take from a few seconds, to quite a while.
From that point you go to the Burn Chunks tab, set you cd-r device and hit Burn.
While it is burning, the main inteface becomes, umm, locked looking...I am working on that too..If you want to see whats going
on, run Chunky Backup from the terminal and watch in there.

Bethon and Python

If you are interested in coding apps for BeOS, but think you can't, it's not as difficult as it at first seems. Python is a wonderfully
easy language to learn and doing beos GUI apps with bethon is a breeze. I HIGHLY recommend getting one of the Python
distributions on with bethon included...and seeing what you can do. I will post some example code on here inthe near
future, as well as some general tips for translating Be Book info into Python.

Feedback rules!!