You gotta admit, it's a nice pic!

31/05/04 THE SITE'S UP AND RUNNING - A BIT! Hello all! First of all, thankyou to divadesigns for making this template (including a VERY hot picture of the charlie's angels girls ;D). Welcome to my site for sims objects which I have made. A lot of areas of the site aren't up and running yet, but I'll tell you when they are! In the meantime, have a look at the "Sirius Cybernetics Corp. objects area if you're a fan of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide books!

then // now

Sirius Objects old profile cast rings reviews fans guestbook notes email layout host

» ABOUT ME - I'm 14, live in England (not sayin' too much!), and I'm just starting out on the big task of learning how to make sims objects, so check back for more regularly, and wish me luck!

»Loves Alot of things lol errr... Cheese Sandwiches, Pizza ahhhh, n much much more!

»Hates Keith Chegwin, Marmalade, Janis Off Friends!

»Reads Fantasy - Hitchhiker's Guide etc., favourite books are the His Dark Materials trilogy there stupendous lol!