Bill Bruford's Earthworks Catalina Bar and Grill Hollywood, California June 9th, 2001 Early Show (Another Lalo Nern Recording) ********************************************** ** Please, keep the bloodlines pure! Don't *** *** distribute this in anything other than *** ********* a LOSSLESS format. Thanks! ********* ********************************************** Sonic Studios DSM-6 mics ->Sony D7 DAT recorder->PC via Zefiro Acoustics ZA2 digital I/O card - coax input->48->44.1 kHz conversion via Cool Edit Pro->SHN via mkwACT 0.97 BETA 1 Steve Hamilton - Piano Patrick Clahar - Tenor and soprano saxophones Mark Hodgson - Bass Bill Bruford - Drums 01. Revel Without a Pause 02. Never The Same Way Once 03. The Shadow of a Doubt 04. The Wooden Man Sings and the Stone Woman Dances 05. ? 06. ? 07. ? 08. Bridge of Inhibition I taped this in a small jazz club in Hollywood. Consequently, due to the size of the place, you can hear yappers and the occasional drink glass clink, but it is not distracting. Bill's talking in between songs is way low in volume, but the music itself is at proper volume and sounds great. This is a jazz rock influences whatsoever, so if you are looking for King Crimson or Yes type stuff, it just isn't on this recording. If you appreciate good jazz, then check it out! Sorry, I don't know the titles of the songs he didn't announce. If anyone else does, let me know! Cheers! Lalo