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My Rugby Page

Here are some of my rugby stats and pics. If you want to find me in the pics look for the smallest guy on the field wearing gold (with red hair). I may only weigh 130 lbs, but if I hit you going the speed I can run, well, you do the math... kind of like that guy from Allegheny who outweighed me by over 50 lbs. and thought he was going to stop me. Next thing he knows he's on his back in the crowd. That just goes to show that you are never too small to play rugby, so if you think you might like it, try it. What's the worst that can happen? Broken bones?

Some of these pictures aren't the greatest quality because I had them taken with a disposable camera and then had to scan the photos. The other ones were taken by digital camera, and the files are huge. Either way, they are all now in thumbnail format! Enjoy! Go Geneva Rugby!

Jordan Morgan (a.k.a. "Beef" or "Rake")


Weight: 130 lbs.
Height: 5'7"
Major: Biology (Pre-med)
Positions: Scrum Half (#9)
Outside Center (#13)
Inside Wing (#11)

Here are a bunch of thumbnails to look at from various games. Yes, I know what you are thinking: "At last! I don't have to wait twenty years for the images to load!" The first few aren't very detailed, but the last ones are excellent.

Some Inspiring Rugby Quotes

"Forces equivalent to 1.5 tons are exerted on a prop's cervical spine during a scrum.
-The American Journal of Sports Medicine"

"Don't waste your time playing dirty. Sometimes you're on top of the pile of bodies, sometimes you're on the bottom. The game is 80 minutes long, and in the end, if someone raked you, either you or one of your team mates was able to hit them hard enough at least once by the game's end." ...... (Perhaps now you will know why one of my nicknames is "Rake")

"Rugby has it's own language, with positions such as scrumhalf and hooker, and plays like line outs and scrums. Imagine your mom's face when you proudly announce that you're a hooker."


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