August 9, 2003
The Rumrunner Mod is back on track, but is now secondary to completion of the BOXING MOD. Expect a new release of this one soon.

And one more thing, folks: register at the forums! They're not exactly... active. Email me if you're using Netscape and can't see the sidebar. (

August 5, 2003
Bad news. My Runrunner Mod, which was coming along so well, has been lost to some sort of file error! I may have inadvertently overwritten its taxi_pas.dat file, losing everything! I have several taxi_pas files in My Documents and My Computer, but none seem to be the Rumrunner Mod! This means I'm starting from scratch. I'm open to any new suggestions for the mod. I'm waiting a week before I get started again, so get your entries in quick if you want your suggestions considered.

August 3, 2003
The RUMRUNNER MOD is officially underway. Its new HQ will be here. Look for its information on the sidebar, and email me ( is you're a good scripter and want to help.

August 1, 2003
The Cat's Tuxedo Mafia Page opens today. Hooray!