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Welcome to Cadillac Kitty’s World!


Come with me as I go through many changes in my life, retiring at 26, dealing with a disability, raising a little boy alone, getting in touch with my creative side…I’ve had a long and interesting journey and want to share it with you.


Oh gosh that sounds so depressing, but it really isn’t that bad.  I’m having the time of my life having finally found peace!


Thanks for coming and hope to see ya around soon.  “Y’all come back now ya hear!”  Can you tell where I’m from?  LOL!


**Hey, I’ve got a surprise for you!  I’ve added something new, something cool, something yummy!  Just click the sweet cookie below and you’ll see!  Oh, and check out the new web ring I’ve joined giving tribute to my all time favorite web designer MizKitty, look down under!











Cadillac Kitty©2003P.A. Sessions - All Rights Reserved – Use of any image or text on a commercial site, i.e.; you make money off of your site or trade, is forbidden unless written authorization is obtained from this author  I will be offering my soon coming artwork for free; where stated; and my only request is that you provide a link back to my site from every page you choose to use my work.  I also ask that you not offer my graphics in any collection or separately.  As for my thoughts, words, and comments – all written material is not to be used or copied by anyone, they are pieces of my soul and I would like to keep it whole.

Thank you kindly!  May God bless a thousand times those who respect my wishes and curse those who don’t!

I would also give credit to those whose graphics I use while I’m learning to make my own:  Full Moon Graphics is where I got my background and the cute kitty graphic & Graphic Garden is where I got the cookie below.

~*Cadillac Kitty*~



Halo around the FullMoon
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