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Name: Jacqueline (Jackie, or Xantha if you will) Jordan Age: 13 Email: How long have you role played: 3 1/2 years How long have you wolf role played: 3 years Wolf name: Shivanah Nickname: Shiv Age: 3 Gender: Female Species: V'iyren Other: The V'iyren species is a diminishing one. These creatures are usually fairly lean with slant-like eyes. They are usually dedicated to the protection of wolves in a certain area. Description: Shivanah's pelt is adorned with rings of gray and white hue that resemble raccoons' bands. Her actually fur is dense, but the individual hairs are fine and lustrous. She is very petite with equally small ears that are heavily festooned with dangling earrings of untarnished silver. Her eyes are a brilliant flaxen that are easily illuminated and shine like stars in a clear night sky. Though she isn't too strong, she is quite lithe and agile. Her endurance, though, is not very good. She speaks with a tone that cascades over words with difficulty. It is in a soprano tone that rings out like bells, but it also contains a chilling edge to it. Her paws are matched equally with her body, but her talons are duller than most. Her tail is also thin and minute, almost whip-like. It is a characteristic of her species, as well as her delicate, though unexpressive, facial features. Personality: This female, although once bitchy and controlling, has decided to step down and take life as it comes. She can be a bit officious at times, but usually she tries to keep it in. When meeting strangers Shivanah is withdrawn and even gloomy, especially with males. She tends to trust females more than those of the opposite gender. This fact has been true for her throughout her life. If she does become friends with another, though, she will place her absolute reliance upon that wolf. If the bond between a wolf she's friends with suddenly breaks Shivanah will probably shun that wolf for the rest of her life. Other: Shivanah would never think of harming a bird because it was the custom in her birth-pack not to. She doesn't eat birds, and she will go through a lot of trouble to make sure no harm comes to one. Vultures are considered a bad omen to her, so she doesn't like to get near them. She hates the meat from possum, but she loves caribou. The female also likes to explore the lands, a pastime that she often took part in. Family: Sire- T'kkarn: Shivanah has a father, as all living things do (at least I think), although they were never close. In the small though legendary cadre that T'kkarn was born in, he was a distinguished elder who taught hunting to the older whelps and preteens in the pack. When she left on a mission he wasn't concerned; it was a custom in the pack to be emotionally separated from family. He had a scruffy pelt of ivory and ebony like Shivanah does. Dam-Shire: A young yet swift warrior with a lush pelt of gold, Shiira had entered the pack as an orphan. Her parents were killed by a pack when at war, and she had been taken in. From there she was trained to fight and became so good that she was sent on many missions, some very important. She felt, though continuing her bloodline, having pups was clashing with her active life. Right after Shiv and her brother were old enough to be left by themselves she immediately resumed her vocation. Brother-M'naerion: M'naerion was Shivanah's only sibling. From a young age he had been a natural eavesdropper, so it seemed fit that he become a spy once he approached adulthood. He went with Shivanah and some others upon a mission, but he was presumed dead during a skirmish with an enemy pack. Opal: Opal is one of Shivanah's pups. After Shivanah left for another pack she ventured off. She has a pelt of muddled ebony and fawn, and her eyes are a bewitching silver. T'kkarn(ii): T'kkarn(ii) was a quite large pup. He was often alone, keeping away from others as much as he could. He succumbed to an illness during his first winter. Arcana: Arcana is much like his brother T'kkarn(ii), but he doesn't avoid others. He is staid and sullen and often put a damper upon his siblings' plans. Flail: Flail is impish, with a biting sense of humor. She often plays practical jokes upon others. She doesn’t think before she acts, which can later get her into a dilemma. History: Shivanah was born in a small pack entrusted with keeping a rare, powerful jewel and guarding it with their lives. The precious stone, a golden opal, was a balance of chaos and order. If in the wrong paws it could cause obliteration to anything within its range. In this pack that safeguarded this treasure there was no such thing as love or friendship. At a very young age Shivanah was taught fighting and became advanced because she was lithe and agile. Her wit was almost unmatched by the other wolves in her age group. One day, in this small and conservative pack, another pack managed to creep in and pilfer the gem. This was a potential disaster in the making. Without finding that jewel the whole land that the pack was entrusted to care for by ensuring the stone's safety along with the pack itself could be led to pandemonium. The hierarchies and order in the region would collapse, creating a total anarchy. Shivanah, joined by a few of the most skilled wolves, were sent to find and destroy the thieves that made off with the opal and return the stone. The team endured many hardships while on their quest, but, despite herself, Shivanah fell in love with another, named T'oran. He was a skilled defender and well-built. Just as they fell for each other despite the treacherous mission they were on, he was captured by a band of renegades during combat. One by one each wolf trying to acquire the opal was off by a hardship, and in the end only Shivanah remained. Embarrassed that she had failed the land she'd suffered to protect she quickly fled in attempt to find a remote pack that she could join, leaving her outlandish past behind. Before long she stumbled across a land containing three individual packs. She quickly found the one with dogbane of Haunted Storm to be suitable for her, although at the time she came upon it was in shambles. Ambition drove her to take control of the pack, and she became its alpha female. As she became alpha she acquired wings and powers, a custom to the land. Her wings were feathered and jet black, and her powers were the element of fire. Quickly she built up her once fallen cadre. Many lone wolves seeking a place to reside took interest in it and joined. Her community became the most populated in the area. While this happened she found herself in love with a wolf named Kinok. They became mates, but soon he left without warning. Heartbroken, Shivanah turned to a wolf by the name of Moonshades. He comforted her and helped her get over the loss she suffered. Time went by, and Shivanah's pack grew and grew, but a terrible chain of natural disasters struck the land that Haunted Storm and the other two packs were settled upon. The wolves that dwelled there fled to an island that was uninhabited by any known wolves. The packs settled down once again, and two new packs formed. The only wolf that rejoined Shivanah's cadre, though, was Moonshades. This started slowly to tick the wolf that had worked so hard to first build her pack. Quickly the female found herself mates with Moonshades, and she got pregnant and had pups in a near-death experience. With a litter of annoying little hellions to take care of Shivanah had little time for other wolves, but as they grew more independent of her she found herself idle. She, Moonshades, and her cubs were still the only members of her pack. On top of that she had to deal with the four other packs that lived on the island. At the time they were at conflict, and she was being dragged into it. She decided then that life was too stressful for her, and she wanted to escape. For the last time she spread her wings of chrome hue to fly and land upon the island of Exodus, where her wings and powers immediately dissolved. As a regular, subordinate wolf she is hoping to just settle back for once. Example of roleplay: A petite yet lithe female strolled lazily through the packland, sparkling eyes of a golden tone gazing about languidly. She was bored, as she was often. It had been hard for her stepping out of control, but now she was to take life as it came. Her past had been quite hard upon her soul, which was rugged and worn with what her eyes had seen. Her life had been rough so far. She was seeking a sanctuary, a hideaway where she could relax. The female was an interesting creature if there ever was one. The prim expression set upon her delicate features as well as her high-set chest gave away a first impression, but like an orange she had a stingy outer layer before getting into the sour yet sweet inside. With an idle sigh she seated herself upon fitted haunches, ears heavily adorned with earrings of silver perked slightly as she observed her surroundings. Pelt of ivory and ashen-ringed tone ruffled a bit as she raised her skull, slender muzzle pointing towards the heavens to let out a howl for assistance. Upon awaiting an answer she curled her thin-covered, quite small tail to her haunches as she closed her eyes, almost dozing off as she sat.