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IIYM: Kansas 2003

Hello all...and welcome to the Kansas 2003 IIYM site This site should, like the Yahoo Group site, ins-till and provoke aesthetically pleasant thoughts about our 2 or 3 weeks together at KU. And, like the group site, if you stop visiting this one, George Fu will come and rip out your frickin testicles, even if your a girl. So....Have a nice day.

Site updates and news

8/08/03 dubya01: Aiite!!! This site is up!!! Wow...took a long time for me to make all this... Anyways....This site will be THE Kansas 2003 IIYM site! It will run along the groups site, and add stuff to it that it doesn't have....for example: Dr. Loves Advice column. Most of the links aren't set up yet...because this site is HEAVILY under construction. Oh well...enjoy the site.