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The JFK's

************************************************************************************************************ _Background:_ The JFK's are collectively Josh Williams on Drums, Chris Long on Keyboards and Seth Miller on Bass. The band is strongly rooted in jazz and psychadelic rock. Influences being: Medeski Martin and Wood, Soulive, Three Apples High, Robert Randolph, Cream, Iron Butterfly, The Doors, and Pink Floyd. ************************************************************************************************************ _Gigs:_ Seth's Driveway- ask me for more info. ************************************************************************************************************ _Equipment:_ Josh Williams - Pearl Drums, Remo Roto-Toms,Ziljdan/Sabian Symbols, Axis Pedal. Chris Long - Roland Keyboards, Hammond Organs, Any Piano that we have at the time, Fender Amps, Assorted other instruments. Seth Miller - Johnson Basses, Behringer/Kuston Amps, Boss Pedals, Bhagharva Sitar, Huang/Hohner Harmonicas. ************************************************************************************************************ _Works:_Covering songs from the aforementioned influences. Working on some original songs so we can start recording our planned album: THE RESSURECTION ELECTION. ************************************************************************************************************

Afilliated Bands
