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Me and George Lewis and other friens from New Orleans

This picture is taken febr 10 1965 in Linkoping Sweden. The gyou to the left is me talking with George while waiting for his appearance on the stage. We a bunch of collegestudents aged 20 had a club "Impromptu Jazz club". We had previously arranged a concert with Chris Barber 1964 with was a smash success. And now we decided to get George Lewis while on European tour with Papa Bues Vinking jazz band. The concert was an financial disaster but we managed to go even after having anither profitable concert with Chris Barber again. But IŽll newer forget the time while George and me sat togehther. Without me asking he told me about his childhood in New Orleans and how he got his first clarinet.Just a few weeks earlier one of his friends and members in his original band Joe Robichaux had passed away and he was very sad about that. He had a very melodious singing voice. On stage he spoke to the young audience and told them that they were the future world. Later after the concert we had a really hot party with Papa Bue and his gang. George could not attend because he was tired and put to bed of his manage mrs Worthy Sait.

More to come

I am for the time being uploading some pictures taken of other musicians from New Orleans incl Alton Purnell Parcy Humphrey and others. So there is more to come.

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