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My Dad 1917-2004

My dad Dag Wasén passed away may 17 2004 aged 87. He is the man with the bass to the far left on the picture of Gunnar Hoffstens orchestra about 1956. He played between 1939 and 1967. He met a.o Louis Armstrong, Stan Getz, Shaib Shihab and Delta Rythm Boys. He belonged tho the same swedish jazzgeneration as Putte Wickman, Simon Brehm, Ċke "the comet "Persson and Bengt Arne Wallin. He also gave me the love for jazz. On his funeral on the 1 of june members of the Hoffsten band played as well as my band Second Line jazzband. According to a rewiev in the swedish jazz paper Orkesterjournalen 1949 my dad had a good and steady beat and rythm. He will be missed by many.