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Terry's Dreamscape


Hi everyone and welcome to my world. For those of you that don't know me...... I'm an average country girl that loves the outdoors and the wonderful smells of all the different seasons. Living in Pennsylvania is great. You have the big cities but my favorite has to be the great countryside. The Allegheny National Forest is BEAUTIFUL. You can't get a much better place to raise a kid than here in Pa. I have a wonderful son and I love him dearly. He's not a kid anymore and boy does life sure change once they are grown and out on their own. I guess I have to start enjoying life in a different way now. And enjoy I am.

Here are a couple other friends of mine. I don't get to talk to them much but they have helped me thru alot in my life and without these my friends I really don't know if i would have been able to survive a very rough time in my life. Thanks guys and I will never forget either of you.

This is my friend Jaz from London. He helped me with my very first webpage, after helping me thru the walk of life. Thanks my friend.

This is another friend, Raf from Australia. He knows how to make me smile and laugh. Sometimes all that takes from him is viewing his webcam. He's my boofhead and I am his cow. (private joke)

There are many more people that I care a lot about.. and as you work thru my webpages you'll probably get to see them too. Like Brian, Joe, Sherry and many more.