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Welcome to Cathy Winchester homepage

I was born in Charleston, SC, the sixth child out of nine children.  I guaduated from Burke High School and Rice Business College with a degree in Stenograph.  After, graduating from Rice Business College I moved to Canton, Ohio, where my brother lived.  About seven months later enlisted in the United States Active Army as a Supply Specialist for thirteen years.
 Met a wonderful man that became my husband within five months.  We were happly married for seven years (I thought), he retired from the military, and we begin experiencing life together outside the military.  My husband began staying out our home sometimes for three days at a time.  I waited up for him the second time that happen, told him I would not accept it and that day we (meaning my children also) were separated for five years.

 Today, I am currently presuming a Early Child Care Associate Degree at Central  Carolina Community College.  License Child Care Provider for seven years in Sanford, NC and three years in Hanau, Germany.  Mother of two teen-agers, a son 17 years old and a daughter 14 years old.  We share lots of time together reading the bible, praying, shopping, play ball, attending different theater acts, musical acts on the behalf of my daughter and band concerts, on behalf of my son.
Attend First Apostolic Church, 315 Weatherspoon Street, Sanford, NC.With a wonderful and loving family of God.  My pastor name is George Akers.  I teach home bible studies at the church, my home or at your home.  I believe that Jesus is Lord and the bible gives us step by step direction in our lives.

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