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Del Cid and Wilkins American Lit. Homepage

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When and from where did the idea for bullfighting come? Who are its participants? Where does a bullfight take place?  What happens during a bullfight?  What rules do its participants follow?  What rewards are given to bullfighters?  What is it like to be a spectator?   How popular is bullfighting? Why is the matador held in high esteem?  Is he considered a hero? Explain. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the festival of San Fermin (Sanfermines) in Pamplona, Spain.     How long does it last? Who is involved?     What is the most publicized portion of the festival?     When does it occur?     What started it?     What is the encierrillo? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Create four questions regarding bullfighting in general or the festival of San Fermin.  Answer the questions, cite the website, and use appropriate MLA documentation(bibliography).  This is worth 25 points and due at the end of the period.  Your answers/questions/bibliography should be typed on a word document. Refer to your Big 6 Handout for documentation rules. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________