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Class Project
Mastering The Internet
By : Alicia Buford

Problem  #1 - Internet Timeline Quiz
1. Arpanet, NSFNET, InterNIC, Perl
2. When USSR launched Sputnik, the first artificial Earth Satellite.
3. E-mail.
4. Arpanet
5. Vinton G. Cerf.

Problem  #2 - My Hotmail address is
1. ID Name
2. Password : XXXXXX  {Do not record your password here}

Problem  #3 - My AOL IM name is
1. IM Name  :lajbuford
2. Password : XXXXXX  {Do not record your password here}

Problem  #4 - Learn to prune roses at

Problem  #5 - Today's horoscope is at

Problem  #6 - Today's history is at

Problem  #7 - WS_FTP can be downloaded from

Problem  #8 - Learn More About WS_FTP at

Problem  #9 - Acrobat can be downloaded from

Problem #10 - Acquire free Web space
1. ID Name  :jazz/alicia_buford
2. Password : XXXXXX  {Do not record your password here}

Problem #11 - My free Web site is at

Homework: 4 URLs and interesting facts
1a. URL =
1b. Fact =The backbone of the Internet is the long-haul communications links that provide the main connections between its connected networks. ...much like the Interstate highway system feeds a network of local roads. 
Backbone originally ran at 56 kilobits per second.
In the 1980s, upgraded to 1.544 megabits per second.
In the 1990s, upgraded to 45 megabites per second.
Coming: 2 gigabits per second.

2a. URL =
2b. Fact ="Extranet" is fundamentally an empty term. It is now the latest big thing -- and is very useful for its suggestive value -- but only as a transition in our views of networking. We have been thinking about networks in artificial boxes. The extranet takes us outside those boxes. Once we get comfortable there, we will stop seeing the boxes. The same is true for "intranets." Do not make the mistake of trying to find substantive meaning in these terms. 

3a. URL =
3b. Fact =Extensible Markup Language (XML), a data format standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium, is ideal for data transfer when speed, flexibility, and standardization are desired. Microsoft is making widespread use of XML in Office XP to free data from its formatting, create universal Web documents, and enable users to export their data from Microsoft Office to other critical business applications and processes.

4a. URL =
4b. Connection Speed =145.6 kbps

4c. URL =
4d. Connection Speed =1979297.12 bps
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