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                                       Before going further It is necessory to introduce my self first that I am Aamir Ali Bajwa S/o Rasheed Ahmed Bajwa and I student of DIT in hi-Tech Hyderbad.

                                       When I was studing my subject of Computer I relized that I have ability to do some thing new in the field of computer and thin Web site is one of the completiton of any dream this is my first effort and i want to go more forword is the web technology.

                                       When was creating the website I did'nt have more ideas because it is only one mind of mire was working at that stage but i want to develop my this site more attrective there others. It would possible just because of your appropiate inerogment and advices you should give your Ideas and sugesstion about this website I will be waiting for your participations.

                                               I Tried to my best to make this website full of fun for your people.