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A Post A Day, Keeps MS At Bay

Thank you so much for visiting my website. It means the world to me to know that you want to support the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. Speaking of the world, do you know how many people there are in the world? Odd question I know. I can tell you that there are approximately 25 more people in the world than there were when you started reading this paragraph. Projections have the world population hitting six billion sometime around the middle of next year. Billions of people filled with so much happiness.. and so much hardship. Did you know that every hour of the day, someone is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Crazy to think, right? The statistics for diseases in the world is unbelievable. Well, on May 10th at 2:45 pm, I became a statistic. I became one of the many faceless victims to have MS. So I've decided to create a website and an online blog to keep you informed on my battle with MS, as well as give you a chance to learn more about the disease. Knowledge is power. I do know that somehow I've got to turn this negative into a positive. I don't want to be another statistic in the world of disease. I want my voice to be heard and I want to encourage others to make a difference as well. Everyday I count my blessings... I hope you do too. Prayers, thoughts, and donations are truly appreciated. May peace and love be with all of you.

With strength and hope, Agnes.

You can also email at my mailbox

Places To Visit

My Blog Baby
MS Society
Chicago's MS Slugfest