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Jessica :: 17 :: Australia :: Brunette :: Whacky :: Friendly :: Odd :: Comedy ::

:: Content ::
site // girl

:: Right Here, Right Now ::
Time: 11:50 am
Wearing: Denim skirt, white singlet
Listening: Surfing show on TV
Eating/Drinking: Nothing
Chatting: No One
Wanting: Orlando Bloom
Thinking: Yawn
Feeling:The current mood of at
Updating: Nothing at the Moment, because I am Lazy

:: Calendar ::
1 March Wisdom Teeth out
2 March Josh's 21st
7 March Harry - Vet
9th March18 March Start at Alexander College


:: Groovable ::
Shakira - Whenever, Wherever
Alex Lloyd - Green
Kylie Minouge - Confide in me
Radiohead - Exit music (for a film)
Alex Lloyd - Amazing
Kylie Minogue - It's in your eyes

:: Lyric of the Week ::
"Wake from your dreams,
the drying of your tears,
today we escape...
we escape..."
- Radiohead 'Exit Music (for a film)'

:: Coolio ::

:: Stalk Me ::








Ugh. I'm hungover. I went to Jakes house for a party last night, it was pretty fun. Mum drove me and Erin there, and Erin made us call Joel from the front because she was scared the little blonde reject girls would be inside.. But they didnt show up, which was good :) We sat around for a while and chatted away, then the guys started playing Video games *yawn* and Erin and I were like, lets go into Northbridge, but No one could be bothered because it was stinking hot :/ So Erin and I went and sat on the grass out the front, and gradually people started following us out. Then Sean said he was hungry, so Jake, Sean Erin and I walked down to Macdonalds, and had a race = Erin and I took the stairs and the guys took the ramp = (we won!) Then we went inside, and Jess wasnt working, so we didn't get any free food :( Erin and I had a McSlurry each, and Sean got a Meal. We were halfway walking home when this white car stopped on the side of the road and we were like.. "what the?" but Sean ran up to the car and it was Adam! :D He drove us the rest of the way, and then invited us to a party in Carine, but we had no Petrol, so that was a No No :( We didn't do much else all night, when Erin and i got home we played with the Cat for a while and then ate some Cheds.. Yayness.. Now I have a hangover and the typing is hurting my head, so I think I'm gonna go hide from the sun for a while... :/

Is it just me, or is Orlando Bloom THE sexiest thing ever? No, I don't think it's just me.. Ive seen the Zillions of fan sites out there, I wish I had enough patience to make one :P *sigh* Until the day I gather the patience and skill, I will just browse through all the other sites, and look at this picture.

Yes Orlando, You are sexy, and very tasty looking..
:: she acts like summer and walks like rain ::

I just got home from the vets, that place was a MAD HOUSE! I remember doing work experience there, and I can say right now. I don't miss it. :/ - I am becoming a Clique-a-holic... it's rather scary!! More! More i say!!
Im sweating.. it's gross! I can't get the friggin air conditioner to work! *kills evil air conditioner* In happier news though, lovely lovely Charlotte helped me with Pop Ups, So I will get around to fixing those soon enough :) I have to take Harry t the Vet later on this afternoon, Jeez I can't wait to be surrounded by sweaty animals and people! Yayness... :/
:: follow me ::

Ugh, it's friggin hot :/ I'm trying to figure out Pop-ups, but my brain is too fried to do it! (wanna help?) Plus, I had Piper as one of my Dailies, and now she's gone and quit on me! *shakes fist at Piper* Nah, I'm just playing - I love ya Pip!
I got an Email from Phil! He is settling back into America-life .. but he wants to come home soon - all because of his girfriend Angela I'm sure ;) .. Ok, Nothing I'm writing probably makes sense, so I will write later..
:: Do you wanna play button button whos got the button? ::

I swear, I did absolutely nothing today! I watched a bit of Tv - they were replaying footage of the Channel V music bus. I'm kicking myself that I missed it when it came to Perth, it looked like fun! Then my Nan came down and we played with Harry (my kitten) for a little while.. All up a boring day really!

My face is less swollen! Yayness! Now when my friends ask me to do things they can't add on the extra 'Like horde some nuts?' - I am no longer chipmunk looking ;) I added a few things here and there, Like info about me, and some crap about the site, I'm still trying to get my dad to buy me a Domain name though! *fingers crossed* .. More later
:: seeing is believing ::

Arrgh, my teeth are still sore! Damn Wisdom teeth, thought they would STOP hurting once they took em out of my gums? bah. Anyhoo, this is the first day on 'age of eden' so I am quite happy :) I am annoyed that my parents wouldnt let me buy a Domain though, my dad seems to think people will pilfer his goods through it.. but Oh well, he will come around soon enough :) Ooh, Malcolm in the middle is on soon, I'll add more tommorrow...
:: into the garden ::