Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

The Realm Of Inner Light {A Dedication To A Poetic King}

He is my Aladdin
my king of dreams
the seer to my soul
my knight in shining armor
my love for eternity

He makes love to my heart
and entices my desires
he enlightens me to esctasy and beyond
with his thoughts and words

From his pen
flow the brightest visions
one could ever imagine

His verse is truly amazing
his depth and soul
take me to the realm
of inner light

He is a true poet
a master of destiny
for he holds the key to my universe
within the writings of his heart

When he puts his pen to paper
he transports me to another place in time
where enchantment awaits and dreams do exist

Where gallant knights ride their horses
and eternal love is free to blossom
creating a paradise on earth

A king in my eyes
yet he says, no just a man
his queen I shall be
in this faraway land

For as long as he scribes
eternity shall be
a destiny so brillant
eternal bliss for all to see

As I release the reigns
on this journey we shall ride
to the Land Of Enchanted Pleasures
letting him be our guide

Pour vous êtes un vrai roi
une entité magique
votre mots et vos pensées
peut déplacer beaucoup de montagnes

jamais l'arrêt sur votre quête
pour votre destinée est ici
vos espoirs et vos rêves
sont les deux très proche

garder des autres qui touchent
avec votre beau don
laisser le mots de votre flux de stylo
créer cette existence mystique

English Translation:

For you are a true king
a magical entity
your words and your thoughts
can move many mountains

Never stop on your quest
for your destiny is here
your hopes and your dreams
are both very near

Keep touching others
with your beautiful gift
let the words from your pen flow
creating that mystical existence

Written by Greeneyes

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