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$5 Bucks, That's All



Ok Everyone, here it is. This is that quick program that you do in 10 minutes then forget about it. But it's different .... this time, it incorporates PayPal. Do it, you have nothing to lose.

Think about it, if this didn't work why would I be doing it? I'm not expecting you to do anything more or less than I'm doing.

The first time I received an email like this, I procrastinated about sending a pathetic $5!!! - I've thrown away much more than that on the lottery.

Anyway, here's the idea:

This is that quick program that you do in 10 minutes then forget about it. But it's DIFFERENT .... this time, it incorporates PayPal (Instant Payout!). You do not need to send cash by mail (which has a very high risk). It is also COMPLETELY anonymous!

Don't stop any other programs you are doing because this will literally take about 10-15 minutes to send out your e-mails. Then you're done. Do it ALONGSIDE whatever else you might be doing.

Read on!! If you need to make a few thousand dollars REALLY FAST, then please take a moment to read this simple program I am sharing with you. You DO NOT have to send $5 to five people, buy their reports or recipes or anything like that. Nor will you have to invest more money later to get things going.


Complete it in less than one hour and you will never forget the day you first received it.


Read the following and you will agree this is a very exciting opportunity. Only invest a little bit of time, and your reward could mean thousands of dollars! IT'S OUTRAGEOUS!!! With under an hour of work I have made hundreds in the last three weeks...and my investment was just $5!!!


Don't laugh! Try this for a change while you wait for the others to start working. Less than one hour of work to get started and no mailing lists!

Esquire Marketing Newsletter Gift Club: This service is 100% legal (Refer to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and : 1341, or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service must be exchanged for money received.

~~~~Here's How It Works~~~~

Unlike many other programs, this seven-level PayPal program is more realistic and much, much faster. Because it is so easy, the response rate for this program is VERY HIGH AND VERY FAST, and you will see results in two weeks or less! Just in time for next month's bills! And because of the seven levels, instead of the usual 4 or 5, you'll be receiving money over a longer time period.

You only email out 20 copies (not 200 or more as in other programs). You should also send them to people who send you their programs because they know these programs work and they are already believers in the system! Besides, this program is MUCH, MUCH FASTER and has a HIGHER RESPONSE RATE! Even if you are already in a program, stay with it, but do yourself a favor and DO THIS ONE as well. START RIGHT NOW! It's simple and takes a very small investment. It will pay off long before other investments even begin to trickle in! Just give ONE person a $5 gift. That's all!

Follow the simple instructions and in two weeks you will have money rolling into your PayPal account! Because of the LOW INVESTMENT, SPEED, and HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL, this program has a VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE! Just $5. That's your investment!!!


1) Go to: and open an account, if you don't have one already.

2) Access your PayPal account and click on SEND. Send $5 to the PayPal account (email) in position #1 on the list that is at the end of this email, putting "Fastcash" in the SUBJECT field and "Please add me to your mailing list" in the NOTE field. (This is what keeps this program legal).

3) Retype only the list, removing the FIRST (#1) ACCOUNT FROM THE LIST. Move the other six numbers UP and ADD YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT to the list in the SEVENTH(#7) : position.

4) Send out as many copies of this letter as you can! (I also suggest making a free web site with and advertising your site with any of the many free sites available.)

NOTE: by sending this letter via EMAIL, the response time is much faster, and you save the expenses of envelopes, stamps, and copying services.

Consider this, MILLIONS of people surf the Internet everyday, all day, all over the world! Fifty thousand new people get on the Internet every month! An excellent source of names is the people who send you other programs and the names listed on the letter they send you. Your contact source is UNLIMITED! It boggles my mind to think of all the possibilities! Mail, or should I say Email, your letter TODAY! It's so easy. Less than one hour of your time. THAT'S IT!

To send your newsletter by Email:

(If you have printed these instructions make sure this window is open then follow the steps below.)

1) Go to "edit" and "select all"

2) Go to "edit" and "copy"

3) Start (compose) a new Email message

4) Address your Email and put "Quick-Hit Program" or a Title of your choice in the subject

5) Go to "edit" and "paste" After you have pasted this article to your new Email, delete the old header and footer (Subject, Date, To, From, Etc.)

Now you can edit the Paypal accounts with ease. I recommend writing down the first PayPal account so that you can go to your PayPal Account and "Send" $5.00 to that person, if you have not already done so. Then delete the top account and add your account to the bottom of the list, then simply re-number the remaining accounts.

THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO DO. When your account reaches the first position in a few days (maybe even a few hours!), it will be your turn to collect your gifts. The gifts will be sent to you by 1,500 to 2,000 people like yourself, who are willing to invest US$5 and less than one hour to receive cash gifts of their own. That's all and for less than one hours work!

I think it's WORTH IT, don't you? GO AHEAD -- TRY IT. IT'S ONLY $5! IF YOU TRY IT, IT WILL PAY!


Cindy Allen writes: I ran this gift summation four times last year. The first time I received over $7,000 in cash in less than two weeks and over $10,000 in cash in the next three times I ran it. I cannot begin to tell you how great it feels not to have to worry about money any more! I thank God for the day I received this letter! It has truly changed my life! Do not be afraid to make gifts to strangers -- they'll come back to you in ten-fold. So, let's keep it going and help each other out in these tough and uncertain times.


OF COURSE YOU CAN--this plan is structured for everyone to send only 20 letters each. However, you are certainly not limited to 20. Mail out as many as you can. Every 20 letters you send will yield a greater return for you. If you can mail forty, sixty, eighty, or whatever, GO FOR IT! THE MORE YOU PUT INTO IT, THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT.

Each time you run this program, just follow steps above and everyone on your gift list benefits! Simple enough? You bet it is! Besides, there are no mailing lists to buy (and wait for), and trips to the printer, copier, or post office, and you can do it again and again with your regular groups or gifters, or start up a new group. Why not? It beats working! Each time you receive an MLM offer, respond with this letter! Your account will climb to the number one position at dizzying rates. That's the key to this programs success. Your account must run the full gamut on the list to produce the end results. So please, play by the rules and the $$$ will come to you!


$$$ GOOD LUCK!!!


1.) Join PayPal if you're not a member yet (

2.) Send $5.00 to the account in position #1

3.) Drop the account in #1 position from the list

4.) Move the rest of the accounts on the list up and re-number

5.) Add your own information to position #7









Let's All Make A Ton of Money With This!!

Good luck! !