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Session Preparation

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Necessary Materials for a smooth session

Getting an intuitive reading session lifts our energy to higher dimensions and opens up our lives to spirits and energies that we are not usually accustomed to. Often we may feel tired and weak after a reading and require rest. It is also important to note that we are world filled with duality. The good does not exist without bad. Light does not exist without Dark. Positive cannot be without Negative. I believe in respecting all aspects of life but honor the path of light as my road. Therefore, I always suggest that clients learn the basics of light energy work in order to open their hearts and mind only to energies that want to bring good and positive direction into their lives. I always suggest that clients use Energy Protection Techniques in order to keep their spirit within a healing light of protection. At the end of a reading it would be beneficial to do a brief Chakra Cleaning Exercise to cleanse their energies of negative feelings as well as relax and contemplate about their new information. Lastly, it is always a good idea to do Daily Breathing Exercises so that you maintain daily inner peace.

Energy Protection Techniques
Chakra Cleaning Exercises
Daily Breathing Exercises
