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About Me

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I believe in the steady rationality of science, the beauty of all religions, and the healing powers of laughter and positive thinking. I believe that when you have ability you also have an obligation. I have been blessed with intuitive abilities and enjoy using it to help others. My name is Grace. I was born into a highly intuitive family with strong abilities to see spirits and read people. From the time I was 3, I can remember seeing and speaking to my spirit guides and those beings who I affectionately call angel guides. As I got older, my abilities magnified and extended into seeing auras, dream interpretations, past life readings, and fine-tuning my clairvoyant/audient/and sentience. I love learning about people and the world. My love for the metaphysical grew in my studies in Anthropology while attending University. Traveling to various parts of the world has also brought alot of depth and understanding in my psychic abilities recognizing that all cultures hae intuitive dimensions that one can learn with time, practice, and patience. Each person has their own special journey and use their special talents to help them walk their paths. Psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only. Yet, it may also be used as a tool to reflect on questions that burden your mind and heart. Always keep an open mind and positive thoughts when asking your questions. Imagine yourself surrounded by warm white light and release your emotions, hopes, and fears into what you ask. I will answer it as thoroughly as I can. I always utilize all of my abilities when reading people. I never limit myself to cards, spirit guides, or my clairvoyent/sentient/audient abilities. Whatever divinity is needed, I freely use at no extra charge.
