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Youth Society for mass media and Education

Youth Society for mass media and Education

About YSME

Youth Society for Mass media and education is a yet to form organization, we are a small group of motivated people who believe in bringing small things to change as a foundation for major change. Despite the operations of Government policies, International funding agencies and several organizations India failed to show its progress in most important and fundamental issues like health care, population control, prevention of poverty and in building people friendly system of governance. Lack of mass awareness and motivation is the root cause of all these problems.We are the group of people strongly believe in acheiving mass awareness and motivation possible only by educating the people. We are eagerly looking for dedicated and motivated people to join us and support us both intellectually and financially.

Our first step to form a trusted group

We are forming a trusted group by exchanging ideas and projecting pragmatic approaches. We analytically discuss about the problems and appreciate each other for their compelling thoughts. The discussions are posted in this web page with the authors name and address. Reviews for those posted discussions are welcomed. Please be a potential member by writing about a problem and about the measures being taken to solve the problem, causes of failure and approaches to resolve them. Your ideas are valuables to us; you are valuable in our trusted group. We all will enjoy doing this.

Where to focus

On a broader perspective people need awareness in 4 major issues

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