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Photography & ArtworkThank you for visiting my site! Please exuse the appearance (under construction)


  • New York
  • Rock Port/ Newport
  • Bermuda
  • Lake Sunapee, NH
  • Star and Mia
  • Fawn

  • Paintings (under construction)
  • Drawings (under construction)

  • About Buying
  • Danielle Haley: E-mail


    Webmaster: Danielle
    Founded: 11.04.01
    Last Updated: 11.04.01

    About The Site: Well, if you don't know what this site is about, then I'm assuming that this is your first time visiting. First let me start by introducing myself. My name is Danielle and I lve in Providence, RI. I am an art student who wishes to follow up a career in either fashion design or photography. This site is dedicated to the designs I have drawn and created over the years. The reasons I display them on the website are 1) So I can view them and keep track of them while at the same time keeping my protfolio very well organized and 2)So that I can get input from people all over the world. I will be entering college in 2003 and I need help picking the best let me know! My e-mail adress is on the bottom! And guess what? Some of the designs are actually for if you like something, and would like to purchase better do so, because I only make ONE item of every design I create! That's what makes it so unique! Enjoy!
    Chat: Every night at 8:00

    This page looks best with 800x600 screen resolution, and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    This page was created by Danielle. That means everthing displayed on the site was also created by Danielle. If you take my are STEALING. Not only will I be incredibly upset but I will be forced to press charges--->