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Ok, so due to the fact that this site sucks, me and kiri have decided not to update. we shall leave everyhing here the way it is, but no more updates. i am sure this deeply saddens some people (haha yeah right) but so goes life. if it is a necessity that u know what is going on in our lives, we do have xangas:

kiri's xanga:
missa's xanga:

so there u go. feel free to leave us comments there. u can also feel free to sign our guestbook. but it doesnt really matter. hehe.

love always, missa ann and kiri britt

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If you ever wanna email us, for what reason i don't know, feel free! Our email address is

Cute dollies
Our buddy icons, bumper stickers and buttons
The Notebook
The Addictive Washed-Up Celebrity Dunking Booth Game
My Poems
Our Savage Garden Shrine
Attitude Dolls....Dolls with an attitude
Poll Of The Week~ Rate Our Site!
The Dollie Collection....Major Excitement!
Lizzys Comic Page
Pics Of Missa, Kira and friends!!
The Test Page! Yippee Skippee!
Kiris Test Page, Whoop De Doo!!
Quotes for your enjoyment