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Graham Tyler Martin

guitar in the park
Write Me

So to sum it up...

So to sum it up...

Sup guys, My name is Graham Martin and I am the jivest member of the fighting Texas Aggie class of 2008. I hail from Dallas, Texas which is the best city in Texas, no matter what people from Houston say. I am originally from Bridgeport, Connecticut and despite having lived in the south for the last 8 years, I am still called a "Yankee" by some.

I am Currently a Business Major at Wehner Business school and live in the Cambridge, a off-campus dorm with some friends from high school. Other than that, I'm a easy going guy just trying to have fun while doing well in school


  1. Music
    • Insturments played: guitar, bass, piano, drums, and a little saxaphone
    • Genres: Jazz, Classical, hip-hop, and math rock
    • Theres no such thing as bad music, only better music
  2. Reading
    • Reading is actually Fun!
    • Favorite Authors: David Sedaris, Josh Braff, Kurt Vonnegut, Jack Kerouac
  3. Photography
    • Cameras: Canon S70 digital, Vivitar V4000 35mm
    • Prefer shooting Film, but digital is so much cheaper


my journal
The Facebook
music reviews


Course Number Course Name
210 Info
202 Econ
142 Math
201 Film
301 Geog