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Live from MGM Grand Garden Arena - Las Vegas, NV
February, 19, 2006

"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC begins to play loudly over the PA system as WWICW Unleashed goes on air. The sold out MGM Grand Garden is hot on their feet cheering loudly.

Eric Jackson- Hello everybody, and welcome to WWICW Unleashed!

Shane Stone- It's been a helluva long wait but the WWICW has returned to Pay-Per-View...and I gotta say, the turn out for this event is incredible.

Eric Jackson- Do you have that right Shane. These WWICW fans are as hardcore as they come, and faithful...oh my god!

Shane Stone- Tonight we have a HUGE line up for the fans here in Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as all of you watching from home, including the one match we have all been waiting on the edge of our seats to see...Lance Fiennes Vs "The Real F'n Deal" Viper for the coveted, WWICW Super-X title.

Eric Jackson- What makes this match so special is what these two men had to go through to get to Unleashed in the main event, not to mention the history that they have already established with one another since the WWICW's return to broadcast. Tonight the first person to EVER hold that title will be decided and Shane, I can't wait.

Shane Stone- Me either Eric but unfortunately, we can't fastforward through live television so we are going to have to wait, but in the mean time we have several other great matches to watch including this one!

Narmon Greene Vs. Zortalk

Come and Get It begins to play as Zortalk walks out from under the titantron. He jumps into the ring and dances around in the center of the ring. He then goes to the center of the ring. He then goes to the corner of the ring and sits on the top turnbuckle.

Eric Jackson : Well as usual, we get a little show form Zortalk to entertain us.

Shane Stone: Ha, ha, ha I love that guy. As for his opponent, he freaks me out. Those sessions… just plain creepy.

EJ: I agree.

Climbing Up Your Walls begins to play. Narmon walks out along with Larnis. Narmon grabs Larnis and points at the commentator’s table.

EJ: Oh boy. I hope he is not sitting over here.

SS: You and me both brother.

Larnis walks over to the commentator’s table and sits on the floor next to the commentator’s table.

SS: Great, one lunatic in the ring and another next to us.

EJ: Hey, don’t say anything that will get us killed. Let’s get back to the ring.

Narmon is in the ring with Zortalk. They both circle the ring and tie up. Zortalk punches Narmon in the face. Narmon has no reaction. Zortalk punches him in his face again. This time Narmon smiles.

EJ: Well it’s obvious he likes pain.

SS: Either that or he likes Zortalk.

Zortalk irish whips Narmon. Narmon bounces off the ropes and does a flying shoulder block, knocking Zortalk down on the mat. Narmon immediately starts choking Zortalk while the referee begins the five count. Larnis is cheering on.

EJ: Well looks like Larnis is enjoying himself.

SS: Hey if he’s happy, I’m happy.

Narmon releases the hold and gets up. He looks up and is talking. Zortalk gets up and clotheslines Narmon from behind. He then gets Narmon in a rear chinlock. Narmon tries to break Zortalk’s grip, but Zortalk holds on tight. Larnes begins crying and rocking back and forth on the floor.

EJ: Narmon can’t seem to break the hold and Larnis isn’t too happy about seeing his father being punished.

SS: I hope Narmon does something soon, who knows what Larnis would do if something happened to Narmon.

Narmon finally breaks Zortalk’s hold and gives Zortalk a thrust to the throat. Zortalk falls backward. Larnis stands up and begins clapping. Narmon points to the ground and Larnis sits back down.

EJ: That’s a good thing.

SS: What a relief.

Narmon grabs Zortalk by his hair and tosses him into the corner. He begins forearming Zortalk in his face. He then head butts Zortalk, opening a cut on his head. Narmon grabs Zortalk’s head and continuously knees him in the face. Narmon then turns to the other side of the ring and quickly turns around. He runs toward Zortalk and goes for a dropkick. Zortalk catches Narmon’s legs and swings him into a corner. Narmon’s back hits the pole with a strong impact.

EJ: My God! Did you see that? What a counter.

SS: I felt that one to. Uh…I think Larnis felt it to.

Larnis is puling at his hair and ears. He is rocking back and forth faster and is beginning to cry again. Zortalk picks Narmon up and set him up for a piledriver. Zortalk drives Narmon down to the mat hard, making Narmon bounce off his head hard and landing on his back. Larnis gets up and begins to scream. He walks over to the ring apron and begins to climb into the ring. The referee walks in front of Larnis and yells at him to back to the commentator’s table. Zortalk walks over to Larnis and kicks him in the face.

EJ: Oh no, I think he just made a huge mistake.

SS: I think we are all doomed.

Larnis hits the floor and covers his face just a s Narmon is coming to his senses. Narmon looks over at Zortalk who is taunting Larnis. Narmon’s face turns red and he jumps up. He immediately jumps on Zortalk’s back and puts him in a sleeper hold. Zortalk begins to run backwards into the four corners of the ring, trying to get Narmon off his back, but to no avail.

EJ: It doesn’t look like Narmon is going to let go anytime soon. He has really got a hold of Zortalk.

SS: Look as long as Larnis is on the floor, I don’t care. Hopefully this match will end soon.

Zortalk is becoming weak and groggy. He begins to stumble. Narmon releases the hold and turns Zortalk around. He grabs Zortalk and executes Chainsaw Massacre. Zortalk lies on the floor and Narmon pins him. 1…2…3! The referee signals for the bell. Narmon rolls out of the ring and grabs Larnis. Larnis smiles and happily follows Narmon to the back area.

EJ: Thank goodness that’s over. I need a vacation.

SS: If Greene is going to keep bringing his son out with him, I’m going to look for another place to commentate.


Krass is in his office talking with Alex Awesome, Kevin Masters, Rogue Wolf, and Lance Fiennes when Jason Williams bust through his office door. Krass stands up on his side of the desk as Kevin gets up beside him as Jason storms over to the desk and slams his fist down on it.

Jason- What the F*CK do you think your doing KRASS!?! I made you and I sure the HELL can break you, you annoying little bastard!!! This is MY company and I'll FIRE each and every one of your asses before I let you take it over!!!!

Masters moves in a bit closer to Jason and Krass pulls him back. Krass looks at Jason and pulls out another cigar and lights it. He takes a couple of puffs on it, thinks about it for a second, and then smiles as he begins to talk to Jason.

Krass- Relax boss. You seem really stressed out here. Listen to yourself. No one is trying to take over your company. That's just a backstage rumor. You know, someone just took something someone said and twisted it all around to make me look bad. Happened in the other organization all the time. You knew that before you hired me.

Jason- Even so, if I think for one minute that you are trying to take over my company, I will have your head as a hood ornament. Do you understand me?!?!

Krass puts his hands in front of him and shrugs his shoulders.

Krass- Not a problem boss. Was that all you needed?

Jason- No, there is one more thing. Tonight, when Lance Fiennes faces off against Viper, if I so much see Kevin Masters, Alex Awesome, Rogue Wolf, or even you Krass at ringside, then I will fire the five of you right on the spot!!! Do I make myself clear?!?

Krass- Clear as crystal.

Jason- Good!

Jason then storms back out of the office while slamming the door behind him. Krass slumps back in his seat as Lance looks concerned. Lance gets up and leans over Krass' desk.

Lance- What are we going to do?!? I can't have Masters join me out there now!!!

Krass- The day a man like Jason Williams can beat me is the day I retire. Don't worry about your match tonight. I have a plan that will help us take care of the "Real F'n Deal".


Whisper Vs "Too Tuff" Steve Austin
I Quit, Career Match
Loser's Contract with the WWICW is Terminated

A country song plays as “Too Tuff” Steve Austin walks out from under from the titantron. He walks down to the ring and jumps up on the apron. He goes through the ropes and begins stomping around the ring. He looks around at all the fans and raises his middle fingers in the air. He looks over towards the titantron and awaits Whisper.

The lights go out and a durch begins playing. A single light shines on Whisper. He slowly walkls down to the ring and crawls into the ring. Austin wastes no time and begins immediately to stomp on Whisper. The referee signals for the bell.

Eric Jackson: Well, it looks like Austin means business

Austin picks Whisper off the mat and throws him into a corner. He begins punching and stomping Whisper rapidly. Austin then takes Whisper and puts him on his shoulder. He executes a reverse flapjack. Whisper lays on the mat trying to recover. Austin immediately puts Whisper’s arms over his knees and puts him a camel clutch. Whisper screams out in pain as the referee goes beside him to see if he quits. Whisper continues to scream.

Shane Stone: I don’t care who wins this one, I hope both their asses get fired. I’m tired of looking at them.

Whisper somehow manages to get on his knees and fall backward, Austin hitting the back of his head on the map. Whisper gets up and drops an elbow on Austin. Whisper jumps to his feet and runs to a corner of the ring. Whisper jumps on the top turnbuckle and turns around.

EJ: Well the weight has been shifted to the other side. Looks like Whisper has got his second wind and he is ready to impress.

SS: Yeah whatever, I still think they both should be thrown out by WWICW owner, the beloved Mr. Williams.

EJ: Will you stop it already and just do your job.

Whisper does a moonsault and lands right on top of Austin. Whisper gets up and walks towards Austin’s feet. He grabs Austin’s legs and puts him in the Scorpion Deathlock. Austin yells out and reaches for the ropes as the referee asks him if he quits.

SS: I think he’s going to give, c’mon already give up you prick.

EJ: Watch your mouth!

Austin is getting closer to the ropes, but Whisper pulls him to the middle of the ring and continues to apply pressure. Austin still reaches out to the ropes until finally he grabs the referee and says something in his ear. The referee signals for the bell.

EJ: What the hell happened?

SS: I think we have our winner.

Announcer: The winner of this match is Whisper.

Whisper still has the hold applied and Austin is passed out on the mat. The referee finally gets Whisper to let go. Whisper slides out of the ring and walks toward the back.

EJ: Well looks like Whisper gets to keep his contract and Austin goes home with nothing.

SS: Ha, ha, ha, look at Austin. He’s crying like a little baby.

Austin leaves the ring crying as he starts running as the crowd laughs at him. Show cuts to some video footage of Viper and Tiger Knight battling it out at past WWICW events.


The scene shifts to the back to Carol standing outside Commissioner Krass' door. She smiles sweetly at the camera and proceeds to address the audience.

Carol- I am standing outside of Commissioner Krass' office because I am told by the staff here at WWICW that Alex Awesome is inside. I am hoping to get a word with him tonight on his match in the slaughterhouse. Let’s see if he’s available.

Carol timidly knocks on the door and Rogue Wolf answers. He looks down at her and gives her a dirty look. She looks back and him and swallows hard before trying to speak.

Rogue Wolf- What the HELL do you want?!?

Carol- I was hoping to maybe get an interview with Awesome before his match tonight?

Rogue Wolf- You were, were you? Let me explain something to you. Tonight he is in the biggest match of his career and needs all the time before the match to prepare himself for it. You’ve seen the slaughterhouse. You know what is going to happen in there tonight. Get lost. He has more important things to do than deal with you.

With that, Wolf slams the door in her face and she looks at the door disappointed. The camera then pans back and, all of a sudden, we see Blade with his Tag team Title belt over his shoulder standing right behind her!!! She goes to turn around an almost falls backwards as his sudden appearance scared the life out of her. Blade flashes a twisted smile that is almost shark like and takes the microphone out of her hands.

Blade- You want to know what is going to happen in the slaughterhouse tonight?!? I’ll tell you. Tonight, when Alex Awesome gets into that cage, there will be NO help from his KWO buddies, NO hope of him leaving that cage in one piece, and NO mercy from me.

Carol’s voice is trembling as she tries to speak.

Carol- W..w..what about Demion Pride?

Blade smiles back sadistically enjoying watching her squirm under his gaze. He looks her body up and down before licking his lips and continuing.

Blade- Pride? You want to know about Pride? After the beating I gave him at the last Massacre, Pride wouldn’t be stupid enough to even THINK about stepping into the ring again with me. But if he happens to show….it could be the last time we see Demion Pride in a WWICW ring again.

With that he shoves the mic back at Carol and turns and leaves her against the door breathing a sigh of relief.


Viper Vs Tiger Knight
For the Rights to Call Themselves "The Real F'n Deal"

As the show goes back to ringside, "Welcome to the Jungle" blasts over the PA system and the fans go bonkers as Tiger Knight makes his way down to ringside still sporting a bandage over his ribs from the attack he suffered on Friday Night Fights. The music can barely be heard as he rolls into the ring and poses on the turnbuckles for the camera.

EJ- A great show of respect from the crowd here for the "Innovator of Entertainment".

SS- Yeah, right. Too bad it isn't for his wrestling talent. The guy has only had two matches here in the WWICW and he lost one of them. It's amazing what a good PR agent can do for you.

EJ- Your rather critical of the guy, aren't you?

SS- Hey, just calling it as I see it.

The party continues in the ring until Viper's Music blasts through the audience as even more camera flashes go off as the "Real F'n Deal" Viper makes his way down to the ring. Viper slides in and poses on the turnbuckles as Tiger Knight, like a real tiger in a cage awaiting it's meal, paces back and forth on the other side of the ring. Viper turns and upon seeing this, flips TK off. TK stops pacing and stares intensely at Viper.

EJ- WWICW's resident bad ass not showing any respect to the newcomer.

SS- Like he deserves it.

EJ- Deserve it? Shane look at him and look at Viper?!? Viper is over half a foot taller than Tiger Knight and 50 pounds heavier but TK is the one that called HIM out!!! Just so that he could prove that he had what it takes to compete here in the big leagues. That's determination right there.

SS- Or stupidity. Come on, the guy's a cruiserweight looking to make his way through the heavyweight division. The guy's got a death wish.

The bell rings and both men make their way to the center of the ring. Viper looks down at TK who continues to remain unmoved by the overall size disadvantage of his situation. Finally after a tense few seconds, Viper takes a swing at TK, TK dodges underneath the blow and ducks behind Viper. Viper turns around and swings again, TK ducks down and rolls backwards into the corner and lays back against it and flips Viper off!!!

SS- What the Hell was that about?!?

EJ- I think we just saw why TK isn't concerned about the size disadvantage!!! While Viper is bigger and probably stronger than TK, all that won't mean anything if he can't touch him!!!

SS- But how does Tiger Knight expect to beat Viper that way?!?

Shane's answer is almost forth coming as Viper charges forward at Tiger Knight hoping to grab a hold of him. Just as he gets close, Tiger Knight takes a few step towards Viper and catches him in a drop toe hold that sends Viper face first into the turnbuckle!!! The crowd gasps as Viper's face bounces off the padded middle buckle hard. Viper staggers backwards dazed by the shock and TK rolls him backwards in a school boy. The ref starts to count 1...2...Kick OUT!!! TK is pushed back and Viper gets up on his knees. TK smiles and holds up three fingers and then pinches his fingers together to show how close he was to winning the match right there.

EJ- A little cockiness on the part of the challenger.

Viper stands up and so does Tiger Knight. They circle each other in the ring and Viper yells, "Stand and fight!!!" and points to the center of the ring. Tiger Knight answers back by putting one hand in the air, calling for a test of strength, and the crowd goes wild!!! Viper reaches out and grabs his hand and then they lock their other hands and push with all their might. Very soon, however, Tiger Knight begins to buckle under Viper's strength. Viper locks his gaze on Tiger Knight as TK's face goes red. Suddenly, instead of TK dropping to his knees, he falls backwards on his back and monkey flips Viper back behind him and, still keeping his grip on Viper's hands, rolls on top of him!!! The ref goes down for the count!!! 1... 2... Thr… Kick OUT. Suddenly Viper manages to get a shoulder up!!!

EJ- Whoa. He almost got ANOTHER pin on Viper!!!

SS- Almost is the key word there!!!

Viper is pissed off as he struggles to get to his feet. TK releases one of Viper's hands and twists Vipers arm behind his back as he stands up. Viper uses his free arm and throws his elbow back as hard as he can, turning himself around to face TK in the process, but again, Tiger Knight is just a bit faster as he ducks it and nails Viper with a butterfly suplex. Viper lands hard and get scrambles back to his feet to be greeted by a hard spear by Tiger Knight knocking him back into the corner. Then TK grabs and twists Viper's arm and pulls him slightly out of the corner as he runs up the turnbuckle, walks the ropes while holding Viper's arm, and flies off it with a tremendous drop kick to Viper's face!!!

SS- What the Hell was that?!?

EJ- Something he said that he picked up in Japan called the Balancing Act!!!

Tiger Knight then runs back up the same turnbuckle and comes off it with a huge moonsault but Viper has enough wherewithal to bring up his knees as TK becomes impaled in the gut by them. The air is knocked out of TK as he crumples to the mat and Viper gets to his feet. TK struggles to get up using the ropes for leverage but Viper is out for blood. Viper locks his arms around TK as he barely gets to his feet and lifts him up for a HUGE dangerous back drop straight on TK's neck. TK clutches his head as Viper receives tons of boos by the audience.

SS- See!!! This is what I mean. That Tiger guy was all fizzle and no pop!

EJ- Don't let him hear you say that otherwise he might just "pop" you one. It might improve your looks though. In fact, your wife might even thank him afterward.

SS- Just like yours thanked me last night.

Viper grabs TK by the hair and lift him up and sends his head crashing back down with an impaler DDT. TK looks out of it as Viper rolls him over and the ref makes the cover. 1... 2... Thr…Kick OUT. Viper smiles and turn to TK and pinches HIS fingers together to show that he almost got a three count there as well. Viper then picks up Tiger Knight by the hair again and scoop slams him back onto the mat. Then Viper bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow onto TK. Viper then repeats this twice more before picking TK up and short arm lariats him back down again. The fans start a "Let's go TK!! Let's go!!"

EJ- The fans getting once again behind the challenger.

SS- Well, tell them to shut up!!! Can't they see this is Viper's show now!!!

Viper mocks the crowd a bit as TK isn't moving on the mat. Then Viper slowly drops to his knees and lay backs on the challenger pinning him. 1... 2... Suddenly TK grabs Vipers arm's with his arms and legs and rolls backwards into a crucifix pin!! 1...2... Thre…Kick OUT!! Viper barely escapes and charges towards TK who is beginning to stand up. TK drops down and hoists Viper into a fireman's carry but instead of just dropping him, he uses all his strength to shove the "Real F'N Deal" in the air and drop him on his knee in a vicious gut buster!!! The crowd goes NUTS!!!!! Viper struggles to his feet gasping for air as TK bounces off the ropes and nails him with a running swinging neck breaker!! TK kip ups and roars for the fans and circles Viper as he goes to stand up.

EJ- This is it!!! He's going for the Tigereye!!!

SS- NO!!! VIPER LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Viper slowly turns around and TK spins around and hits him with the Tigereye (RKO type maneuver). Viper crumples to the mat when suddenly the KWO storm the match!!! Alex Awesome clotheslines Tiger Knight over the top rope as Masters and Rogue Wolf stomps the hell out of Viper!!! Wolf then picks Viper up and throws him into Masters who lifts him up and skewers Viper's back across his knee!!! The ref is calling for the bell as Viper withers in pain on the mat!!

EJ- What the hell are these guys doing out here?!?!

SS- Well, beating the Hell out of Viper for one.

EJ- You know what I meant!!! These guys were told specifically not to interfere!!!

SS- In the VIPER VS. LANCE MATCH!!! This isn't that match!!!!

Wolf then picks Viper up again and slaps him in the face before he shoves him back into Masters. Masters ready Viper for his trademarked STOMPED but before he can do anything, Tiger Knight slides back into the ring and levels him with a chair shot!!!! Alex charges at TK and is leveled with another chair shot!! TK swings at Wolf but misses as Wolf ducks out of the ring but nails Masters with a third chair shot as he tries to get up!! Rogue Wolf scurries up the ramp as TK looks around at the carnage. The timekeeper continues to ring the bell. Tiger Knight looks at the ref for the official decision and the ring announcer picks up the mic.

Announcer- Ladies and gentlemen. The referee has decided to disqualify BOTH Viper and Tiger Knight!!!

EJ- Unfortunately, it's a good call by the ref.

Tiger Knight screams "F*ck!" as he throws the chair down. Slowly Masters and Alex slide out of the ring and head up the ramp to recover before their matches tonight. Tiger Knight hangs his head in the corner obviously pissed at the recent turn of events. After a few seconds, Viper gets up and braces himself against the ropes. Slowly Viper staggers to the center of the ring as Tiger Knight turns around holding his stomach to look at him. Viper then surprises everybody by…. offering Tiger Knight a handshake?!? Tiger Knight walks over to him, accepts the handshake, but also pulls him in close and tells him, "Next time."

SS- It looks like this isn't over between them.

TK goes to leave but Viper doesn't let go of the handshake and pulls him back telling him, "I'm looking forward to it." Then Viper let's go and walks up the ramp as TK watches him leave.

EJ- Not by a long shot…………..


The scene goes backstage where Carol Davers is standing alongside Demion Pride just outside his locker room.

Carol Davers- Demion, you are just a few minutes away from your triple threat match with Alex Awesome and Blade. What are you feeling going into this match.

Demion Pride- I’m feeling damn confident Carol. I’ve let others get the best of me long enough here in the WWICW and it’s time for me to shine. Last Massacre Blade tried making an example out of me by driving my face into a garbage can…well tonight I make an example out of Blade…and I guarantee it ain’t gonna be pretty.

Carol Davers- What about Alex?

Demion Pride- What about him? Alex Awesome doesn’t have the talent that I do. Not to mention the fact that this match is slaughterhouse rules, and it’s way out of Mr. Awesome’s league. I’ve been in that ring with Alex before, in a match more his speed, and well, we all know how that turned out don’t we?

Carol Davers- You came out victorious.

Demion Pride- Yes Carol, yes I did!

As Demion finishes his sentence the camera gets bumped from behind. As it cuts away from the interview to the open hallway behind it we see Viper being rushed past them to the medical center at the end of the hall. Slowly the scene fades to darkness.


"The Sharpshooter" Jack Cage Vs Kevin Masters
Metal Ring Match

EJ- And here we go!!! This is going to be a match for the record books!!!

SS- Yeah, ever since this Masters guy got here to the WWICW, he’s done nothing but beat the hell out of Cage and I for one am glad to see that pompous jackass get what he deserves.

EJ- Speaking of which, here they come out now.

“The sharpshooter” is the first to come out. Due to the fact that this match takes place in a circle of parked cars, the audience can only watch it through the WWICW’s Jumbo tron. Jack Cage climbs over one of the parked cars and paces around the ring of cars waiting for his opponent. Then the door flies open again as Kevin Masters and Commissioner Krass make their way out into the parking lot. Masters climbs over the cars and faces Cage with a huge smile on his face.

Cage- What the hell are you so happy about asshole?!?

Masters- Tell ‘em Boss.

Cage looks over at Commissioner Krass as he holds up a microphone.

Krass- Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that this match will be slightly less than spectacular as it appears that I only have three members of the WWICW who signed the volunteer sheet to be “Lumberjacks” for this match. So without further a do, here they are.

EJ- Volunteer sheet?!? I didn’t see one of those posted!!!

SS- Sure there was. It was in Krass’s office.

EJ- But that office has been locked all day. No one could sign it then!!!

Krass makes a grand gesture with his arms and we see Alex Awesome, Lance Fiennes, and Rogue Wolf make their way out and around the ring. Cage’s eyes widen as he realizes this whole match was just a set up!!! Cage lunges at Masters and wails on him with punches and kicks trying to get some damage in before….

Krass- Ding! And there’s the bell. Start the match.

EJ- What an asshole!!!

SS- I know!! I like him already!!!

Cage continues to hammer Masters back. Cage knees Masters in the gut and clotheslines him down. Then he grabs his head and slams it into the window of one of the cars. Masters is bleeding profusely as Cage punches him in the head. Cage pulls masters back up and hits his Silencer while Master’s head is still reeling from the impact. Cage covers Masers…..BUT THERE’S NO REFEREE!!!!!

Krass- Oooops. I knew that I forgot something. I guess the match will have to continue until one of you is knocked out.

EJ- Yeah right! Forgot my ASS!! Someone get down there and stop this match!!!

SS- Why? It’s beginning to get good. That'll teach Cage who's in charge!!!

Cage gets up and scream obscenities at Krass over the parked cars until Masters gets up behind him. Masters reaches for Cage but Cage duck behind him and starts to hit him with thunderous right blows as hard as possible. Cage backs Masters against another car and grabs him by the head to run him into another window but Masters blocks it by sticking his foot up. Masters goes to elbow Cage in the ribs but Cage jumps onto his back hoping to choke Masters out like he did before!!! But instead of fighting it however, Masters backs up over the hood of one of the cars and that’s when the numbers game takes effect. Alex Awesome is the first to react as he grabs a tire iron and uses it to choke Cage back in return over the hood and pulls him out of the ring.

EJ- This is ridiculous!!! Cage is fighting a four on one here!!!

SS- I don't know about that "Fighting" part. Looks more like he's getting massacred to me.

Kevin Masters falls to the ground to rest a bit and regain his breath as Shane Stone's words prove to be true when Lance Fiennes charges over and starts to hit Cage in the stomach while Alex continues to choke him. Lance reaches back to punch Cage in the face but Cage kicks him in the groin!!! As Lance drops to his knees, Cage pulls on the bar and flips Alex to the ground in front of him!!! The crowd is ballistic as Cage suplexes Alex as he gets up and then, as Lance is trying to get to his feet using the cars as leverage, grabs him from behind and German suplexes him!!! Cage is up on his feet and inside the arena the fans go nuts!!!

SS- I can't believe this!!!

EJ- Believe it!!!

Krass starts yelling at Cage. Cage looks up at Krass and picks up the tire iron Alex dropped and starts to stalk Krass. Krass's face turns white as he backs up trying to stay away from Cage. Cage taps the iron against his hand and points it at Krass.

SS- He can't do this!!! Someone stop the match!! Krass isn't a part of it!!!

EJ- Stop the match? Why stop it? You said so yourself, this is starting to get good.

Cage continues to stalk Krass back into the parking lot and finally Krass drops to his knees and begs Cage to spare him. Cage smiles as he grabs Krass by his coat and glares at him unmercifully when suddenly Rogue Wolf shows up behind him and cold cocks him with a heavy monkey wrench!!! Cage falls to all fours as Wolf hits him again, and again, and again, and again. Finally, Cage is lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood as Rogue Wolf looks on with a wild, feral look on his face. Krass looks down at Cage and then up at Wolf as a smile crossed his face.

EJ- Oh my god!!! Is he still alive??? Someone get the paramedics down there.

Krass smiles as he begins to tell Alex and Lance to throw Cage back into the pit. Joyfully, the two carry out their bosses order and dump Cage into a heap in front of Masters. Despite the fact that Cage is completely unconscious, Masters pulls him over by a car, Hoists him up and running power bombs him into the hood of a car across from them. Krass leans over the limp body of Cage and lifts his arm three times to show that he's out. The rest of the KWO applaud as Krass lifts Masters hand in victory while the audience looking on boo their approval.

EJ- Well, that's it then. Krass screwed Cage again.

SS- Cage should learn to keep his big mouth shut. This never would have happened had he not challenged Masters.

EJ- Oh, shut up will you.

The ring technicians begin to set up the ring for the next match as the slaughterhouse is lowered and they pour glass into the ring. While this is happening, they camera shifts backstage to Carol Davers.


The KWO is seen in the back laughing and celebrating over what they just did to both Viper and Cage. They are all laughing and imitating the look on Jack’s face when he saw them until Jason barges back into the office.

Jason- What the hell do you three think you’re doing?!? I specifically told you NOT to interfere in the matches tonight!!!

Krass- Hold on there. You told the guys that they couldn’t be at ringside when it was Lance Vs. Viper. That match hasn’t happened yet.

Jason looks both pissed and annoyed by Krass’ answer.

Jason- You know damn well what I meant!!! What the hell were your boys doing down there interfering in Viper’s match with Tiger Knight???

Krass- Saving the WWICW’s image should Viper win the title tonight. You don’t want our new World Champion getting beaten by a rookie now did you?

Jason- You didn’t know if that was going to happen or not!!! What about Lance, Rogue Wolf, and Alex being there for Master’s match with Cage?!?

Krass- The WWICW Official Metal Ring Match Rules clearly state that there are to be WWICW members surrounding the ring. I put out a volunteer flier for it, but the KWO were the only ones to sign. Everything that happened during that match up was 100% up to code.

Jason- Including Rogue Wolf hitting Cage in the Head with that wrench?!?

Krass- (Shrugs his shoulders) Up to code. You made the rules, I just follow them.

Jason- That’s right. I make the rules. And I think that on the Next Massacre, it will be Rogue Wolf Vs. Jack Cage!! And make no mistake about this Krass, what I said about the KWO’s interference during Lance’s match tonight goes DOUBLE for Cage’s Match with Rogue Wolf.

Krass- Not a Problem.

Jason- And if I see any of you get involved in any more matches tonight…

Jason makes a cut throat motion across his neck before storming out to leave Krass to fume over the recent turn of events.


Alex Awesome Vs. Demion Pride Vs. Blade
Slaughter House Rules

EJ- Here it comes guys!!! What has been booked to be the most VIOLENT match of the night!!!

SS- Forget the "Booked to be" part!!! Just look at the thing!!!!

"Binge and Purge" by The Ladykillers hits as Blade makes his way out to the arena. He raises his arms for the fans who BOO the hell out of him as he makes his way down to ringside. Blade smiles enjoying every second of the fans hatred of him. He steps inside the cage and looks around. An evil glint appears in his eyes and he can't help but feel like he's home.

EJ- What a shame, he doesn't have a shopping cart to dump on his opponent's head this week.

SS- Your not going to let that go, are you?

EJ- And neither will the fans and rightfully so…..

"Big Pimpin" by Jay Z Hit’s the PA system and Demion Pride makes his way out to the ring. He puts his Cigar out on the side of the ring and climbs inside. Blade steps up and gets into Pride's face and they argue back and forth in the ring.

EJ- This is insane. Both of these wrestlers don't even care that they are stepping on broken glass.

SS- Eric, look at them!!!! They don't care. Hell, they probably love this stuff!!!

EJ- Yeah, except what about Awesome?!?

In almost an answer to Eric's question, "Breaking Me Down" by Soil hits as Alex Awesome makes his way out to the roar of the crowd. Alex looks over the ring and walks around it. Inside Blade and Pride tell him to get his ass in the ring so they can start the match. Alex slowly ascends his way into the ring and stays back in the corner as the ref locks the door. Just as the bell sounds, both Blade and Pride tear into each other with vicious right hands. Soon Blade grabs Pride and throws him against the far ropes, Attempts a clothesline, Pride ducks, Blade turns around and attempts it again, and Pride has he same idea as both men crash to the floor!!! Screams and the crunch of glass fill the arena as both men land hard into the glass shards. Alex's face goes white as he sees this and he yells at the ref to open the cage!!

EJ- Oh my GOD!!!

SS- That's got to hurt!!

EJ- Well, I'm sure that glass doesn't tickle!

Blade and Pride both get to their knees and begin to punch the cr-p out of each other. The crowd watches as small pools of blood surround their knees as the glass cuts and scrapes their knees open. Finally they get back to their feet and Pride grabs Blade in a head lock. Blade responds by shoving as hard as he can knocking Pride into the barbed wire cage!!

SS- That certainly backfired on him!!

Pride screams as he hits the cage and falls backwards back into the glass. Alex, realizing that the only way out is to get the key, climbs back into the ring and up the turnbuckle to try to get the key. Slowly he ascends the cage until he realizes that Blade's watching him!!! Alex panics and tries to climb down but Blade climbs the turnbuckle and is on him in seconds. Alex screams and holds onto the cage for dear life but Blade is too strong and has too much leverage on the young wrestler. Using his legs to wrap around the ropes and hold him onto the turnbuckle, Blade pulls Alex back and off the cage and send him flying in a top rope Spider German suplex. Alex hits and skids across the glass leaving small blood trail marks behind him. Upon stopping, Alex screams and rolls onto his back, trying to remove as much glass as possible.

EJ- That guys going to be pulling glass out of his back all week!!

SS- If he even still HAS a back to pull glass from!!

Blade looks down at the carnage smiling until he sees Demion Pride, despite being covered in his own blood, is beginning to get up. Blade looks around the ceiling and, upon spotting a golf club, pulls it down and walks over to Pride. Blade raises the club above his head to slam it into Pride when Pride, realizing how much trouble he's in, bites the bullet, drops back onto his knees IN THE GLASS, and low blows Blade who drops the golf clubs and slowly drops to one knee. Pride grabs the golf club and, while still on his knees, begins to whack Blade across the back with it. Blade barely holds onto the ropes during this entire beating.

EJ- Blade doesn't look like he's about to give up here!

SS- Well, would you want someone to beat you face into broken glass?!?

EJ- Point taken.

Finally the bloodied and battered Pride is back on his feet and looks at the bent club in his hands. He tosses the club aside and goes to another one of the turnbuckles and begins to climb it just enough to reach the chain hanging off the ceiling. Walking back over to Blade, he lifts Blade up and BAM! He smacks Blade HARD with the steel chain. Blade falls backwards onto the mat. Pride reaches down again and does it a second time a little harder than the first. BAM! Down goes Blade again. Alex watches all this and begins to climb the turnbuckle again in hopes of reaching the key. Pride picks Blade up a third time and spins around with a vicious chain covered discus punch….BOOM! Down goes Blade like a ton of bricks. Pride is breathing heavily and grabs the rope to keep his balance. Alex is hanging from the ceiling and reaches for the key!!!

EJ- He's almost got it!!!

SS- Go ALEX!!! Grab it!!!

Suddenly Pride turns towards him and rushes over to him. Alex makes one final Lunge for the key and grabs it as Pride gets under him and jumps up to use his weight to pull him onto his shoulders. Alex screams in sheer pain as his arm catches the tip of the hook and Prides weight shifts him just right that it creates a huge laceration across him arm!!! Alex drops the key and grabs his arm on instinct as Pride shoves him off his shoulders face first in an electric chair maneuver right into the glass!!! Alex is clutching his face as blood trickles down his arm screaming in pain.

SS- That's it!!! Pride is going to win this!!!!!

EJ- Wait!! Blade's back on his feet!!!!!

Just as the realization hits Jackson, Pride turns back around to get nailed by a Singapore cane that Blade pulled off the ceiling to nail Pride right between the eyes!!! Pride falls backwards one more time with blood pouring from his forehead as an equally bloodied Blade picks up the key and heads for the door. He puts the key into the door and takes one final look behind him. Suddenly Alex, whose face is now glimmers in the spotlight because of all the glass in it FLIPS him off!!! Blade sees this and climbs back into the ring leaving the door open. Alex is lying against the ropes breathing heavy and Blade looks around.

EJ- Uh oh, I don't think he should have done that.

SS- You don't think?!? Are you brain dead!! If I was Alex Awesome, I'd start begging for my life right now and would just be glad is Blade only left me wheelchair bound for the rest of my life!!!

Blade finally spots a weapon on the ceiling that he likes and climbs the barbed wire mesh a bit to reach it. The barbs bite into his hands but Blade doesn't even care anymore. His whole body is wracked with pain and is seconds, he is going to make that Alex's is too!!! Pulling down a two by four with a nail imbedded through it, he swings the pointy nail side down into the mat and is satisfied when it leaves a small whole in it!! Blade looks at the board then at Alex who has suddenly realized his mistake!!! Blade makes his way over to Alex and Alex shifts onto his knees begging for mercy. Blade stands a distance away listening to Alex's pitiful cries and lifts the Board like a samurai lifting his sword for the final stroke!!!

EJ- I can't watch this!!!

Suddenly Alex grabs a handful of glass and throws it into Blade's FACE!!! Blade screams in pain as he drops the board to clutch his eyes. Blade tries to make it back to the cage door but Alex Awesome picks up the discarded two by four and, using all the strength he has left, swings it point first into Blades back!!! Blade drops to his knees as the nail has become stuck in between his shoulder blades. While he tries in vain to reach the board, Alex dives past him and out of the Slaughterhouse!!!! Your winner….ALEX AWESOME!!!

EJ- I think I'm going to be sick.

SS- I think I am too. Somebody go to the Unleashed video game commercial or something!!!

The scene shift to and advertisement for WWICW's newest soundtrack "COMING SOON," as paramedics and referees get Blade and Pride out of the ring and onto stretchers. Alex Awesome is helped to the back by Rogue Wolf while a pickup truck slowly backs down the ramp while the cage is lifted up. A second set of referee's pull up the mat tarp gently and put it into the back of the truck as they set up the ring for the final matches of the night.


The show fades back in on Carol Davers who is standing outside a room with a door labeled "Medical Center". She looks stunning in her business like suit with her brown hair cascading down her shoulders. She begins to talk to the cameras.

Carol- Folks, I'm here outside MGM Grand Garden Arena's medical center where The "Real F'n Deal" Viper is being treated for the injuries he sustained earlier in that attack by the KWO. While the exact nature of the injuries is unclear, we do know that he is currently inside and I'm going to try to find out more.

Slowly Carol opens the door and the camera catches a glimpse of Viper handing the doctor some money and taking a box from him?!? Suddenly another hand pushes the door shut and locks it in Carol's face. Flustered that she is unable to get in, he turns back towards the camera.

Carol- Um...Apparently he wasn't as injured as we thought. I'll let you guys know if I get a chance to talk to him. Back to you Eric and Shane.

The Camera shifts back to the ring as they begin to announce the next match. It's Tony Hurricane Vs. Nightmare for the chance to become the # 1 contender for the WWICW Contender Title at the next PPV.


Tony Hurricane Vs. Nightmare
Winner gets a shot at the WWICW Contender title at the following PPV

"Sweet Dreams" begins to play over the PA system. The arena begins to boo loudly as one half of the tag team champions, Nightmare steps out onto the entrance ramp. Step by step he walks towards the ring. His face never changing, never showing an ounce of emotion. As he reaches the ring stairs he pauses and looks down at the massive steel object. Cracking a smile he looks up and climbs the stairs getting into the ring. Once inside the ring announcer takes his tag team title and Nightmare goes to his corner and kneels down, awaiting his opponent.

Eric Jackson: This is another Krass hand picked match up. To me it seems just a little two fishy. He told Hurricane that he thought he had potential in the WWICW and that he was going to go a long he puts him in a match against Nightmare for a number one contender shot at the WWICW Contender title.

Shane Stone: Do you have a point here Eric?

Eric Jackson: Yeah smart ass, where have you been. Nightmare and Blade have been kissing Krass's ass since day one. I say this is a trap, and Tony Hurricane is going to suffer the worst end of it.

Shane Stone: You're paranoid! Krass is a fair player. He wouldn't screw anybody. It's bad for business.

Eric Jackson: {Quietly} Why don't you pucker up some more?

Shane Stone: Huh?

Eric Jackson: AND here comes his opponent!

"Storm of the Century" begins to play over the PA system as Tony Hurricane charges down the ramp and slides into the ring. Nightmare jumps to his feet and the two collide chests and begin shouting in one another's faces. The referee tries to get in the middle of the two, but both men shove him away, knocking him out of the ring. With the referee out of the way, the two begin, the match still not yet officially started.

Shane Stone: Did you see what your precious Tony Hurricane just did to the WWICW official? He should be suspended without pay for that move.

Eric Jackson: You have got to be kidding me.

The two men begin nailing one another with punches. Tony attempts a forearm to the face but Nightmare blocks the shot and he quickly takes advantage of this. Swiftly Nightmare connects with a face buster on his knee. Hurricane staggers back and Nightmare wrenches him back into a bent over position. Lifting Hurricane up Nightmare hits a pump handle slam and goes for a cover.

Eric Jackson: Well lets see, the referee is out, and this match isn't even official yet. Looks like that pin isn't going to do shit Nightmare.

Nightmare jumps to his feet when he realizes that he isn't getting a count. Frantically he looks around the ring for the referee who has rolled outside the ring and is still out of it. Seeing this Nightmare exits the ring at the opposite side and knocks the bell ringer out of his chair. Taking the chair and folding it up Nightmare returns to the ring. Hurricane is just starting to get back to his feet and has no clue what Nightmare is up to. Some fans in the crowd try to warn Tony of what is going on but he doesn't put two and two together and falls victim to a chair shot that almost beheads him.

Shane Stone: Tony Hurricane clearly drew the short straw here tonight. But like I said Eric, Krass hasn't gotten involved.

Eric Jackson: The match hasn't even begun Shane...but you do have a point. If Krass had any intention of getting involved, there is really no point now.

Nightmare tosses the chair to the mat and begins taunting the crowd shouting "I'm your worst nightmare in the flesh!" Turning back to face Tony, he bends over and picks the rather limp star up. The referee still out. Lifting him to his feet, Nightmare begins to slap Tony begging him to retaliate. Finally Tony starts to get a little fight back in him and shoves Nightmare off him. Nightmare laughs sadistically and pounces on Tony again, but Hurricane drops to his knees and low blows his attacker. Tony jumps to his feet and connects with a textbook sit down piledriver. The referee is now coming to and standing outside the ring.

Shane Stone: Oh how convenient! Nightmare dominates Tony and the referee is "OUT!" Tony takes control and the ref is up. That to me is fishy Jackson...the referee is clearly croocked.

Eric Jackson: How do you live with yourself? You're so god damn ignorant.

As the referee climbs back into the ring he calls for the bell making the match official finally. Tony covers Nightmare and the ref makes the count.



Nightmare kicks out and the fans boo. Tony looks furious with the referee and begins accusing him of counting slow. The ref warns Tony to back off and Hurricane complies. Turning back to Nightmare Tony kicks him in the face. Connecting with a couple more stomps Tony finishes up with a big elbow. Turning away from Nightmare Tony goes high and climbs the turnbuckles to the top. With one leap he lands on Nightmare with a five star frog splash. Nightmare is hurt and Tony knows it.

Eric Jackson: This match is over. There is no way in hell Nightmare is going to recover from that...COVER him damn it.

Shane Stone: Looks like your boy is letting his ego get in the way here. He had this match won...but he just HAS to prove a point.

Tony pulls Nightmare to his feet and as quickly as he came up he goes down courtesy of the "Perfect Storm." Tony rolls Nightmare up and the referee makes the count.




Eric Jackson: Well I guess his cockiness paid off today! Tony Hurricane has won it and will get a Contender shot at the next PPV.

Shane Stone: Whoopy!

The referee grabs Tony's arm and raises it in the air. The fans who generally boo the dislike Tony Hurricane cheer him on. Climbing out of the ring he starts to make his way to the backstage area but turns to face the ring one last time. This proves to be a mistake because when Hurricane turns back he is met with a huge boot to the face by the one and only Lance Fiennes. Standing behind him is Commissioner Krass with a microphone in his hand and Alex Awesome. Hurricane tumbles to the steel ramp and rolls of the ramp to the concrete. Lance throws his arms in the air before Krass hands him the microphone.

Lance Fiennes: The PPV may be in the distant future, but I thought it best to teach you the most important lesson of your career TONIGHT. My brother may have failed to end your career Tony, but I'm not my brother, and I'M TOO GOOD FOR YOU! Enjoy your win, because number one contender is the closest you'll get to MY BELT!

The Krass World Order theme begins to blare over the PA system as the three men standing on the ramp turn and exit the arena. As they disappear behind the curtain, we go to an advertisement for "WWICW Massacre 2006 - Become a Legend" for PS2 and X-BOX 360.


The scene opens to find Lance Fiennes standing by the curtains, waiting for the match to start as his Contender Title lies draped across his right shoulder. The gold glistens while his eyes remain undetermined, masked by the darkness of his Raybans. He leans against a wall, impatient.

Suddenly, one Carol Davers walks onto the set, and Lance groans to himself. He stands up straight and forces a smile as Carol sticks the microphone in his face. Receiving nothing, she talks into it herself.

Carol- Lance! Now I know you're just dying to give some words on the match... but I've been meaning to ask you... about your latest meditation scene... what was in that envelope addressed to your brother?

Lance snorts slightly as his expression turns cold.

Lance- To put it subtly... that's none of your damn business.

Carol- Umm... okay... anyway... about the match...

Lance- About the match? Okay, here's what you want to hear. Viper, turning up tonight was the biggest mistake you've made yet, and it's going to be out-stupified by the next biggest mistake you'll ever make... and that is going to the ring in a few moments to meet me in a match to determine the first ever Super-X Champion. I will be the first Super-X Champion and, because I'm so damn deserving, Mr. Williams will hand me that Title... that will be his last formal addressing before Krass beats his ass to hell and the kWo takes over. It's all said and done right here tonight, there will be no third match, I have seen it in my meditations, and my brother will not make a rude appearance... one that has given you such an excuse that you may still be this... Real Fucking Deal...

Lance whips his sunglasses off and stares into the camera.

Lance- I AM the WWICW Contender Champion, and I did beat you to win it. And by God I'll beat you tonight... because unlike then, when the stipulation was to merely throw one off... this... this is a true display of beating down the coward. And you sir... you're going to be pinned and down for not ten seconds... but the rest of your fucking life, you waste of breath! If you dare to stunt the honor of my family... I WILL destroy you... even if I have to put my family's credibility on the line to prove it. Enough has been said...

Lance storms off, worked up, as Carol merely looks down the hall at him...


Viper Vs. Lance Fiennes
WWICW Super-X Championship
Endurance Match

Eric Jackson- And up next, yes, it is without a doubt the most anticipated match since WWICW's rebirth, the biggest and most colossal battle between the two biggest icons in the business today, the "Real F'n Deal" and the "Epitomy Of Superiority", Lance Fiennes!

Shane Stone- And what a match it will be!

Announcer- The following match is an Endurance Match! The match will be complete when one man is beaten down to the point where he cannot stand for a ten count! The winner of the match will be the first WWICW Super-X Champion!

Eric Jackson- The WWICW equivilent of the Last Man Standing Match... changed name for copyright purposes.

Shane Stone- You're going to pay for even mentioning the original name, man. Literally.

Eric Jackson- Ah hell, I'm paid well enough.

Shane Stone- You live in an overgrown bungalow.

Eric Jackson- ...

Announcer- And first...

"Breathe" by Disturbed rocks the silent arena, and the moment the chords ring in the ears of each individual, they all stand in uproar while Lance walks out with a confident smile over his face. He adorns no shirt, but remains with his usual in-ring attire of black leather pants. He's tied his hair back and wearing his trademark Rayban sunglasses as his Contender Championship rests comfortably over his right shoulder.

Announcer- From Buffalo, New York, weighing in at two hundred and fifty six pounds, he is the WWICW Contender Champion... Lance Fiennes!

Claps and heightened cheers emanate from the crowd as Lance reaches the steps and climbs them, ducking under the top rope and then onto the corner's second ropes. He raises his arms high, triggering a larger show of appreciation. He absorbs the energy of the cheering fans, but his moment of glory is shunned by Viper's music, which rips into the fans like a charging bull.

Every man, woman, and child in the crowd leers at Viper as he walks out with a look of hatred, hinted with a touch of restrained focus. He moves down without looking at the audience, who fails to see the human in the underdog of the match-up.

Announcer- And the challenger... from Boston, Massachusetts and weighing in at two hundred and fifty seven pounds... Viper!

The audience boos at the announcer's words, and their gazes attack Viper as he steps into the ring. If glares were knives, Viper would've suffered countless deaths.

Shane Stone- It's been disputed by some, but Viper has gone into the match as the proverbial underdog. The bookie hasn't sided with him this time, after Lance went into Massacre with five to one odds of not being successful and ended up actually winning, causing the bookies to lose a hell of a lot of money... well, they've decided to take it safe and book Viper under the level of Lance.

Eric Jackson- Which pissed Viper off to an extended level, as we saw in his recent break-down involving the stacked Fiennes merchandise.

Viper and Lance go nose-to-nose in the ring, staring directly into each others' eyes and exchanging low-pitched insults at one another.

Viper- The Super-X Title is mine, wrinkles.

Lance- I'm going to beat some respect into you for my family's sake, boy.

They shut their mouths and back off as the referee separates them, he takes the Contender Championship from Lance and hands it to the Announcer, who sits down at ringside, holding onto it carefully.

Lance gazes out at his championship one last time, then returns his eyes to Viper, now smirking, he points at the Championship with his left hand, then points a single thumb at himself.

Lance- That's mine, and I went through you to get it. By God I'll do it again to get this one...

The referee steps forth with the brand new and attractively polished WWICW Super-X Championship, he holds it high above the competitors, but gets too close to Viper, who seizes his moment and snatches the title, rushing to the corner with it as the referee scuttles after him. He holds it high above his head, grinning with evil intentions as he makes himself out to be the champion. But he was foolish in making that taunt, as Lance quickly rushes up from behind, picks a schoolboy hook and powerbombs Viper off the top rope.

Viper groans in pain as the belt is quickly snatched by the referee and passed to the announcer. The bell rings and Lance is on Viper without remorse. He stomps a mudhole in Viper, who latches onto the ropes and pulls himself out, regaining his composure outside. But Lance rushes to the turnbuckle and lunges out quickly at Viper, who moves aside quickly and allows Lance to strike the security railing while Viper returns to the ring.

He stands in the centre, laughing as the referee begins to count Lance.

Eric Jackson- Could the match be over quickly!?

But Lance pulls himself up at three and rushes back into the ring to be received by some returning stomps. Lance takes some hits to the head, then lunges at Viper with a spear, sitting on top of him and punching at his skull. Viper holds up his hands in defense, but still finds himself victimized by Lance's bare fists.

Lance stands up and steps back, ushering Viper to stand as the audience gets right behind Fiennes. He rushes forth, collecting Viper with a clothesline. But the Real F'n Deal bounces back from it with ease and dropkicks Lance into the corner. Viper rushes at Lance and spears him, then monkey flips him from the corner, gets onto the top and lunges for his trademark frog splash. Lance moves aside and Viper hits canvas. He groans in agony for a while as Lance takes advantage of the situation and takes a good hold of Viper's head, locking him in a sleeper hold.

Shane Stone- Nice! Didn't see a successful one unfortunately...

Viper begins to lose consciousness after half a minute, and holds out his hands to get out, he does, and reverses it into a back suplex with a boo from the audience. He grins at them, holding his heads out to the side as he leg drop Lance on the floor. Lance grimaces from the attack on his head, then pulls himself up. He receives a kick to the gut, then a suplex that leads directly into an armbar. Lance grits his teeth in pain as Viper adds pressure to his arm and directs the pain just where he wants it. Lance reaches back to grab Viper's head and snapmare him, but Viper adds intense pressure to his already strong hold every time he resists him.

Shane Stone- This isn't good for Fiennes... his arm could snap out of its socket at any moment!

Lance is in a bad situation, but tilts his head forward as though grimacing, then bringing it back suddenly, headbutting Viper in the centre of his face. Viper lets go and painfully pushes his nose back into place as Lance recuperates on the ropes. Viper regains his composure again, then rushes at Lance, who ducks down suddenly and throws Viper over the ropes, headfirst on the railing. The audience pops and Lance follows with an over-rope body splash. Viper takes the full end of it and groans in agony as he feels his insides flatten.

Eric Jackson- Nice follow up!

Fiennes is hurt a little, but not as much as Viper, and soon is up, pulling Viper to his feet also and whipping him into the steps hard. Viper doubles over it upon impact. Lance approaches to follow up, but Viper lifts his right heel up hard, hitting Lance in the groin dead on. Lance screams out as he goes one step closer to sterility. He staggers backwards and falls over, bent in shape as he attempts to "check" if any damage is done.

Shane Stone- Ouch...

Viper, fuming, moves to the apron and feels around for a weapon, he picks out a two by four and gets a negative pop from the crowd as he breaks it over Lance's back. He picks up the largest broken piece he can find and lifts Lance into the ring. Lance staggers to his feet and turns around to find his face slashed by the sharpness of the broken piece of wood. Lance groans as blood pours across his forehead. He staggers into the corner, checking his forehead regularly. Viper lifts him up and goes for a Super Back Suplex, but Lance jumps out of it and lands on his feet as Viper hits the canvas hard.

Eric Jackson- Nice reversal!

Shane Stone- Some balance displayed by The Epitomy Of Superiority there...

The audience is in uproar as Lance finds some newly stored energy to use up. He nods to Viper to get up, then lifts him onto his shoulders, hitting a Samoan Drop with a loud thud. Lance approaches Viper's legs and starts stomping on them at uncomfortable angles, targetting the knees especially to allow Viper to feel the most pain. He picks up one leg and goes for a Single Leg Crab, but Viper reverses it into his own, only for Lance to reverse it into a roll up Full Boston Crab. Viper and Lance go on a reversal roll, however, as Viper reverses that into a face plant, then stands up with Lance to clothesline him, Lance ducks it, the audience builds in anticipation as he rushes for the Fiennes-O-Matic, but Viper slides in the position, slaps Lance's hands away and tries for a T-Bone Suplex, Lance jumps out of it midair, tries a neckbreaker but receives an elbow to the back of the head, Viper twists around and tries a back suplex over the ropes, but Lance flips out of it, landing on the apron, dragging Viper over the top to the ringside below.

Eric Jackson- Wow! Such technical prowess from both men!

The audience cannot help but clap the amazing back and forthness displayed by the two as they now sprawl to get back up. Viper is closest to the Announcer, and he snatches the Contender Championship away, spitting on the name engraving and turning to use it on Fiennes, only to find that Lance is already well prepared, and plants Viper with a powerful chairshot, he quickly, afterwards, throws the chair into the centre of the ring.

Viper goes down and Lance raises his arm for the audience, who all cheer as the referee begins counting. Lance pulls out two tables and sets them up just north of the ring, then intercepts Viper as he gets up at seven, whipping him into the ring and following him in.

Lance lifts Viper up, but he slaps Fiennes' hands away as he does so, now planting elbows to Fiennes' crimson face. Lance is whipped to the other side of the ring, and Viper sets up to put Lance through the tables outside, but instead, Lance comes back, stops abruptly, kicks Viper in the gut and DDTs him headfirst onto the conveniently placed chair in the centre. Viper sells to it brilliantly as he touches his face and looks at his fingers, only to realize that blood is oozing from his head quite profusely.

Shane Stone- Lance doesn't need to worry about losing his own supply now... they're both at that disadvantage.

The two competitors, with their crimson masks, are both in the ring now, Lance still standing, as he looks down at Viper with his back straight, Viper struggles up, and Lance is ready, he immediately locks Viper in a full nelson, but Viper twists under Lance's right arm and Reverse DDTs him to the floor. Viper picks him up and tries for another over-the-top-rope attempt. Lance comes back to kick him in the gut again, but when he tries a second DDT onto the chair, Viper knees Lance in the groin and back body drops him over the ropes.

Eric Jackson- Oh! Oh... look at that!

The audience cheers, however, and Viper can't understand, he turns around and finds Lance hanging onto the apron, he goes to knock him off, but Lance knuckles him in the face, then suplexes him over the ropes and through the tables, a huge cheer emanating from the crowd. Lance struggles to his feet, not done with Viper, who lies in the table-wreck with a bloody mask. He reaches underneath the ring further, and halts at one point, expressing interest in something beyond the apron. When he surfaces from the belly of the canvas, he holds a ladder in each hand. The audience is beside themselves, aware that the real fun is going to start now.

Eric Jackson- Oh... oh ho ho ho... no-no-no-no-no... Lance... don't even think about it.

Shane Stone- Oh fuck yeah! This is what I signed on to announcing for!

Lance drags the two Ladders in and sets one up. He goes to set the second up, but Viper rushes in, having recovered sooner than Lance expected, and running dropkicks Lance in the face, who staggers into the corner. Viper plants some elbows in Lance's face, then snatches the chair off the floor and smacks it hard against Lance's face as he tries to rush out. Lance slumps in the corner, his arms hooked over the top ropes as he goes limp. Viper's eyes go red with fire, and he snatches the second ladder from the floor, he leans it against Lance's body and moves to the already set up ladder. He climbs it, and then stands at the top, balancing himself there as he looks down at Lance in the far corner.

Shane Stone- No... he's not going to...

Eric Jackson- He is! He's going to do it!

The audience is screaming for Viper to rethink his tactics, but Lance has quite visibly gotten under his skin. He lunges out and successfully dropkicks the ladder, completely sandwiching Lance in the corner and knocking any form of breath out of him.

Eric Jackson- HOLY SHIT!

Shane Stone- Couldn't have said it any better.

Lance crumples to the floor in agony as the Ladder bounces away. Viper, on the other hand, rears from the impact after his jump, but is the first to rise. He rolls out and sets up some tables. But he doesn't stop there, as the audience boos him every step of the way, he drags out some barbed wire mesh and covers the tables with it. He then snatches from the Announcer a box of matches, and a tank of gasoline from the underside of the ring. He pours the gasoline over the tables and drops a lit match over it. It bursts into a tower of flames, and the intense heat can be felt all the way across the arena.

Viper rolls in, but when he looks up, he finds Lance's foot in his mouth. Viper rears back against the ropes, his hands over his mouth as Lance stomps away at him, still battered from the sandwiching earlier. Lance is done, he drags the ladder to the edge of the ring, setting it up with the side facing outwards. He begins climbing up one side as Viper pulls himself up the other.

Eric Jackson- Come on, guys! Don't kill yourselves! This isn't right!

At the top, they exchange punches. Lance punches Viper once before receiving two back. But Lance hits back with three, and Viper goes limp, Lance tries to push him off the side, and he does to an extent... but in an amazing display of athleticism, Viper gets hooked on the ropes and hooks the ladder with both his legs. Then, showcasing the strength of his legs, he pushes the ladder sideways. But Lance hangs onto the ladder as it leans over the top rope. Lance's legs are flailing as he tries to hang onto the top, his feet dancing over the flames that await him below. He swings to the side as Viper allows his legs to let go. Lance jumps out just far enough to avoid the table while the ladder clutters over the ropes to the outside.

Lance, however, cannot avoid safety-rolling directly into the stairs, cracking his shoulder hard and screaming in pain. It seems almost like his collar bone is broken. Viper falls from the ropes in the centre of the ring, puffing as Lance pulls himself up, supporting his possibly broken shoulder. He slides into the ring, grabbing a hold of a chair laid down in one corner. He lifts it up with his strong arm, and then, through the intense pain, grabs the other chair leg with his withered arm.

He swings it at Viper, who ducks the shot as he stands up, moves around Lance and meets him at the front again, then kicks him in the stomach, allows the chair to fall to the floor between them and plants a brilliant V-Factor onto the steel chair.

Shane Stone- Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Viper has won it! He's won it!

Lance is out, Viper pins him...




... and the referee begins to count...






Through the encouragement of the crowds' stomping noises, Lance slowly comes to, reaching out with his strong arm to the ropes near him...



He drags himself to his knees...



Eric Jackson- Lance is UP!?

With a giant pull, he's on his feet, and Viper is enraged, he rushes at Lance with a clothesline. Lance bounces back up from it, takes another, then bounces back. Viper bounces off the ropes and lunges for an enziguri. But Lance ducks it, Viper falls, but is quickly back on his feet, ducking a clothesline and German Suplexing Lance, followed by a second, then a third, then he slides under Lance's arm as he prepares for a fourth, and instead charges Lance into the corner closest to the flaming tables.

He lifts Lance onto the top, then stands with his foot slightly balanced on the ropes, preparing for an arm drag off, with Lance going onto the tables. But Lance punches Viper in the gut, then again, then a third time. Viper goes groggy, then Lance elbows Viper thunderously to the face, Viper spits out blood as Lance does so a second time, then a third. It's five elbows and then a headbutt. Viper dangles by his one hand and one leg to stay on top of the corner. But Lance is done with his opponent, he puts his head under Viper's left arm and lifts him for a spinebuster.

Shane Stone- No! No!

Lance spinebusters Viper off the top rope not onto the canvas, but into the tables below. A giant fireworks display of sparks and the like rush into the air above the two competitors as Lance pulls himself out of the wreck as Viper is knocked out while his body begins to burn. Multiple officials rush out, from the announcers table and the like, with fire extinguishers, and spray Viper in the wreck, putting out the fire but ensuring Viper's loss. He lunges on top of Viper...


Eric Jackson- Lance is the new Super-X Champion! He has won it! He needs no rematch for the World Title! He needs none!


Shane Stone- Wait...

Suddenly the lights dim, and the audience gasps, Lance stops before the three, and the audience all looks up the ramp with Lance, whose jaw is open wide. He expects his brother, and the familiar figure moves from the curtains in a black robe. He moves down the ramp...

Eric Jackson- He's here! Seikan is here!

Lance- Brother, no!

Lance raises his right arm at the man, who nods and opens up his arms. Lance cannot be strict to who he believes is his brother, for he is offering a sign of family love. Lance embraces him in return. He realizes that a microphone is attached to the upper side of the robe, and cannot understand why his dead brother would need one.

?- I knew you would be so stupid... just like your pathetic brother.

Shane Stone- Huh?

Before Lance can respond, he feels a syringe breach his skin, and before he can say anything, he is paralyzed from whatever the man injected him with.

?- Don't worry, it's only temporary...

Eric Jackson- No! No! What's going on here! This is sick!

The audience is in a hysterical booing stage, not able to comprehend this. But the man answers it, he tears the robe off and reveals himself not to be Seikan... but the newly signed WWICW wrestler, Matthew Spade.

Shane Stone- Matthew Spade! What a sadistic animal!

The audience cannot believe the travesty before them, and the referee is screaming at Matthew to leave. Matthew effortlessly lifts the limp Lance, who can only watch as he is destroyed. And shoves him into the ring. Lance is laid out flat, and he picks up Fiennes. He grins at the audience, then lifts him up and executes his finisher, the Spade Bomb. Lance is lucky not to feel it, but the audience is showcased the power of the move. Matthew rushes to the outside, he lifts up the stone cold unconscious Viper from the table wreck and lifts him into the ring, throwing him on top of Lance. The referee yells at Matthew that he refuses to count, but the announcer speaks from the table.

Announcer- There are no Disqualifications or even rules to the match... you must continue your job, sir.

Eric Jackson- As much as I hate to admit it, he's right...

Shane Stone- This can't be happening...

The referee shakes his head and starts the count for Lance, who is screaming for help inside, but nothing is coming out. The audience is booming louder than ever, yelling out such things as "Spade sucks!" or "Viper sold out!"




Then, with emotions running wild, the referee begins to count slowly to allow Lance a chance... but whatever he was injected with must last hours...











Announcer- Here is your winner, and the new WWICW Super-X Champion... Viper!

Matthew snatches the Super-X title and hangs it on Viper's shoulder. Viper has not yet awoken, but Matthew, with his superhuman strength, lifts him onto his shoulder, lifting Viper's right arm as well, which flops down again when he lets go. Matthew carries Viper up the ramp, screaming out at Lance who is being checked by EMTs as Spade carries Viper out back...

Eric Jackson- OH MY GOD SHANE! Amazing! These two men desecrated...I mean absolutely destroyed one another. I'm speechless. This match is going to go down in the WWICW record books as one of the most shocking.

Shane Stone- I'm still shocked about Matthew Spade. I mean...who is he, really?

Eric Jackson- The man who played Lance Fiennes like piano. As a result, "The Real F'n Deal" is the winner and the first ever WWICW Super-X champion. Unfortuantely however we are out of time. Tune into Massacre to see the aftermath of this historic event unfold.

Shane Stone- Goodnight everybody!


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