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Live from the United Spirit Arena in Lubbock, TX
Attendance: 16,247

The show opens from the normal fireworks intro to two ecstatic announcers: Shane Stone and Eric Jackson.

Shane Stone- I'm so excited about tonight, Eric! Lance finally loses the damn title he's done nothing but hide behind!

Eric Jackson- Oh shut it, Shane. We've been through this a thousand times, Lance asks for defenses, but he doesn't get them.

Shane Stone- No you shush—

Eric Jackson- We're on the air— Welcome everybody as WWICW presents Break Out! And we're here LIVE from the United Spirit arena in Lubbock, Texas! It's been quite a turn-out here, tonight, with over sixteen thousand, different from our usual crowd of a couple thousand... and we're both excited about the Main Event tonight... a Best Of Three Falls match as Lance goes up against his former pupil Alex Awesome to defend the World Heavyweight Championship in a quest for honor while Alex seeks to get out of his former master's shadow!

Shane Stone- And we also have the Elimination Six Man Tag match tonight between the kWo and Franchise. I used to think the kWo were a bunch of pussies, but I've come to realize that both factions are as sneaky as each other. Ridding themself of Lance was the best thing the kWo could do!

Eric Jackson- I could say the same about Franchise letting go of that bastard Viper. And speaking of Viper, he'll be defending his Super-X Division Title against the sadistic Narmon Greene, after Mr. Greene managed to one-up Lance Fiennes in the Super-X Finals and win the second Tournament.

Shane Stone- Oh BOO HOO! Lance lost the first and he lost the second, if Lance is lucky to make it to the finals the third time... in which the third tournament is a round longer than before... then I foresee his Finals loss AGAIN!

Eric Jackson- You foresee many things, Shane, now enough about Lance, we've rambled on about him enough.

Shane Stone- Oh! The Doom Patrol will defend their Tag Team Titles against Pocket Change and Bigg Money, a team who've shown promise... but in this dear Announcer's opinion, don't have what it takes to up the Tag Team Godliness of TDP!

Eric Jackson- The Dick Patrol is more like it.

Shane Stone- Eric! That's rude!

Eric Jackson- Hang on... what's this?

As the announcers' bickering dies down, "Anorexorcist" by Nirvana hits and sixteen-thousand-strong begin to boo the living hell out of the man who strides grinning from the curtains. Walking down the ramp, Saul Weisz appears to be happy about something... something has gone his way.

He climbs the steps, wipes his feet on the ring-apron, and then surpasses the ropes to stand upon the centre of the canvas, a microphone at his lips as he begins to speak.

Saul Weisz- Oh shut up and let me speak already!

The audience begins to die down, allowing Saul ample room to speak.

Saul Weisz- Tonight is a special night... you'll witness not only the World Heavyweight and Super-X Championships defended... but the WWICW debut of the greatest superstar to have ever graced the industry... Saul Weisz!

Boos begin again, as Saul entangles himself in the hatred let off by the audience around him.

Saul Weisz- Ah-hahahah! Yes... it's a great premise... but I've decided to let you all know that it won't be happening! Yes! I'm doing Tiger Knight a damn favor because of my last minute decision. Instead, you'll get to see a triple-consecutive loop for about fifteen minutes of Maria's escapades with Tiger Knight!

Laughing, Saul merely shrugs off the new high of hatred for the Super-X Division Chairman.

Suddenly, a voice booms over the P.A. and we see Tiger Knight over the Titantron, smiling sheepishly with a suitcase in front of him, sitting at an office table.

Tiger Knight- Surely you didn't forget this...

He opens the suitcase and twists it around, inside the case is a contract, aged slightly after being left there for weeks upon weeks. Saul growls at remembering the contract he had signed for the match.

Tiger Knight- You turn down the match and I get full ownership of the Super-X Division instead of yourself... just do the match. Lie down if you must. A loss rather than a loss of Super-X custody is a far more comfortable prospect.

Saul Weisz- Alright, you ****er, have it your way. Prepare to get your ass kicked, I'll be seeing you soon...

"Anorexorcist" hits one more time, and as Tiger Knight's grin allows the camera to fade away and the tron to return to a blank screen, Saul climbs from the ring and heads back up the ramp, backstage as the lack of appreciation from the fans follows him.

Eric Jackson- Well that was interesting... now to the first match of the night!

WWICW Tag Team Championship
The Doom Patrol (Blackjack Sullivan & "The Northstar" Tim Northern) Vs. Pocket Change & Bigg Money

Eric Jackson- I still can't believe what the Greenes did to Sister Star.You know that has to be in the back of The Doom Patrol's minds tonight.

Shane Stone- Well, they had that coming after trying to take out Larnis.

Eric Jackson- That big freak overturned their limo and threw scorpions in with them!

Shane Stone- So?

Eric Jackson- Here we are, the competitors are already in the ring, ready to go!

Northern & Change lockup in the middle of the ring, and Northern slides around in a go behind and takes Change to the mat. He slides up and locks in a headlock, keeping Change on the mat. Change fights for all he's worth and makes it back to his feet. Pocket Change shoves Northern off and toward the ropes. Bigg Money gets his foot proped on the top rope just in time for Northern to run face first into a big boot, staggering him backward.

Eric Jackson- Oh... no!

Pocket Change slides in and rolls Northern up in a schoolboy, but only gets two before Northern kicks out. Change plows into Northern with clubbing forearms to the back of the head as Northern tries to get to his feet. Blackjack Sullivan yells at the ref about closed fists, and as the ref turns to Sullivan to tell him to stay out of it, Northern uppercuts Change in the balls, stealing the momentum of the match. He uses that leverage and position to powerslam Change to the mat and tags in Sullivan.

Shane Stone- That wasn't legal!

Eric Jackson- Sullivan's in!

Blackjack comes in to take over on Change by dropping a knee to the skull. Bigg Money tries to enter the ring, but the ref begins to force him back into his corner. This allows Sullivan to whip Change into the corner, where Northern begins to choke him with the tag rope. Northern releases the choke and shoves change to the mat as the ref begins to turn around. The fans scream about the cheating, but when the ref asks Northern just denies it. Blackjack lifts change up for a huge powerbomb, but in a serge of energy, Pocket Change turns it into a DDT to Blackjack.

Both men lay on the mat, not moving for a moment, until both men begin to stir. Pocket change begins to slowly crawl to his corner, reaching out and nearly tagging Bigg Money, until Sullivan grabs his ankle and drags him back. Sullivan falls back and tags in Northern, which enrages Money, who tries to come into the ring. The ref once again forces Money back to his corner, allowing the Doom Patrol to hit a double DDT before Sullivan takes the corner and Northern takes over on Change. Northern executes a stalling suplex, which he snaps into a gourdbuster, taking Change back to the mat. he spits at some fans at ringside before picking Pocket Change up and whipping him into the ropes. As Change comes back, Northern executes a flapjack, but does it too close to the corner with bigg money, who extends his hand and blind tags into the match. Northern turns around and is met by a devastating big boot from Money.

Eric Jackson- Another big boot from Bigg Money! Northern must be getting pissed off here tonight!

Shane Stone- Yeah, between the times he's too preoccupied with snapping his nose back in place.

Sullivan comes into the ring, but is taken down by a huge clothesline. He staggers back to his feet and is clotheslined over the top rope to the floor. Bigg Money picks Northern up in a suplex, then slams him violently back to the mat stomach first screaming "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?!!" He kicks Northern in the ribs and spits on him.

Eric Jackson- The Patrol got cocky and it cost them. Bigg Money is angry, and he's looking to hurt someone.

Shane Stone- What the?! What the hell are Blade & Nightmare doing here?!!

Blade & Nightmare make their way to ringside, brandishing steel chairs. Bigg Money is distracted, and The Doom Patrol take advantage, whipping him into his partner and knocking both down and to the floor. The ref declares it a legal tag and begins to count Pocket Change out when his attention turns to Blade and Nightmare, who have gotten onto the apron with their chairs, banging them on the top rope and screaming at the tag champs. The DP stare at Blade & Nightmare, not getting too close. Northern inches closer and closer until Nightmare thinks he can connect, and swings his chair hard. Northern ducks back and Nightmare realizes that it's too late and that he misjudged, as the chair smashes into Blade, who drops to the floor in a heap. Sullivan runs in and lays a big boot to the jaw of Nightmare, sending him to the floor as well.

Eric Jackson- Some brilliant tactics from the Tag champs there! What a way to dispose of them without getting a No Contest or Disqualification!

The Doom Patrol go to the floor, with the ref following them out, trying to regain control. Northern & Sullivan pick Blade up, bending him over and placing the chair on his back. They pick him up and execute a mecha double powerbomb onto Nightmare. The ref checks on the two to see if they're seriously injured. With the distraction, Sullivan rolls Pocket Change into the ring as Northern climbs to the top rope with the other steel chair. Blackjack executes a flapjack as Northern comes off the top with a chair assisted legdrop to the back of Change's head. Northern rolls Change over as Sullivan gets rid of the chair and yells for the ref. Bigg money tries to climb back in the ring, but a boot from Sullivan sends him back to the floor as the ref's hand comes down for three.

Shane Stone- They won?! Those damn crooks cheated!

Eric Jackson- Yeah, but they won! They took advantage of the interference by Blade & Nightmare and retained their titles. I'm beginning to think they just might be the smartest tag team ever.


No Holds Barred
Tiger Knight Vs. Saul Weisz

Winner: Tiger Knight
(Results will be posted at a later date.)

Contender Championship
Blade Vs. Jack Cage

As The Lady Killers play an apparently still busted up Blade to the ring, the commentators are still mulling over the previous match.

Shane Stone- I still can't believe what we just saw with Tiger Knight & Saul Wiesz.

Eric Jackson- All I can say is... Wow.

The referee asks Blade if he's sure he can wrestle, and Blade nods yes, raising his arms to cheers from the fans as Jack Cage makes his way to the ring.
The two men square off in the middle of the ring, starring one another down before Cage snaps off a lightning fast kick to the gut of Blade, which topples the big man to one knee.

Shane Stone- Blade is hurt. he should not even be out here after that cowardly attack earlier.

Eric Jackson- cowardly?! They came out with chairs. The chairs got used on them. Boo hoo, their fault.

Cage lays elbows into the back of Blade's neck with lazer-like prescision. A quick neckbreaker and Cage makes his way toward the corner.
Ascending the middle rope, he flies off and connects a knee to the chest of the prone Blade. Cage makes a sloppy lateral press and Blade gets a shoulder up.
Cage picks Blade up and launches him with all his might toward the turnbuckles, but Blade reverses it, sending Cage slamming chest first into the corner so hard he bounces. Blade runs in and connects a forearm to the lower back of cage, proving he still has some fight. Blade locks on a sleeper and Cage flails around like a rag doll trying to free himself. Cage finally decided to put a foot on the bottom rope, then climbs them, pushing himself off from the top rope and knocking he & Blade back. The weight of Cage landing on him gets Blade to release the hold as the wind is driven from his body.

Shane Stone- Blade is hurt.

Eric Jackson- Ya think? Of course he's hurt. I'm predicting a new champ tonight.

Cage sends Blade into the ropes and ducks a clothesline from the returning Blade. Blade returns from the other side to a flying shoulder block by cage. The Sharpshooter jumps on the fallen Blade and starts rabbit punching him in the face. He dismounts and lifts Blade up, dropping him with a viscious backbreaker.
Blade instinctively rolls out of the ring. Cage starts to follow, but catches sight of Nightmare coming down the aisle and decides its best to stay in the ring for the moment.

Shane Stone- Thank god, I'm glad someone's here to stop this carnage.

Eric Jackson- I might have to back on my prediction if Nightmare's getting involved.

Nightmare takes a microphone from the ring announcer.

Nightmare- Blade....Blade my brother....You've let me down. I'm so sick of you failing me! We should be the tag team champions right now, but you failed me there, just like you'll fail as Contender champion. ...I'm so fucking sick of you, you failure, and I won't stand for it anymore!!

Nightmare whips Blade hard shoulder first into the ring steps. He follows him in and whips him into the guard rail. Nightmare picks Blade up and snake eyes him on the guard rail, then lays into his slumped body with boots. Nightmare picks Blade up and whips him back first into the ring post, grabbing the ropes for leverage as he places his boot on blade's throat and chokes him.


Eric Jackson- Teaching Blade a lesson it looks like! Holy Shit!!


Jack cage jumps from the apron, bringing the chair down hard into the knee and shin of nightmare, sending him to the floor in a heap of pain. Cage lays a few more shots into the leg of nightmare before EMT's pull him off and begin to look at nightmare's leg. The cameraman picks up the voice of an EMT who looks at Nightmare's leg after cutting his clothes away from the already swelling area. "Thats broken. I'm sorry Nightmare, but your leg is broken."

Shane Stone- Jack Cage just broke Nightmare's leg!!!

Eric Jackson- He sure as hell did!!

Cage picks up Blade and rolls him back in the ring as the referee slowly counts to ten, because he knows how important this match is;he doesn't want the fans to riot. Cage follows Blade into the ring and puts a pair of stiff boots to the back and shoulder area, which sends blade writhing in agony. Cage decides to end the match in the best way he can, so he whips blade into the corner and sets him on the top rope facing the crowd. Cage climbs to the outside and ascends to the top rope, carefully picking Blade up in body slam position, before hitting a sick Shoulder Breaker from the top. Blade lets out a bloodcurrdling scream of pain as he lands on the mat, and a slight limp and loud moan of pain come from Cage as well as he staggers over to the fallen Blade to make the cover for the three and the title.


Eric Jackson- HOLY SHIT!! Jack Cage may have just put VOD out of this business! They're taking Blade from the ring while Jack celebrates with the title. Lets see if we can get word on that shortly. ...I agree with you now

Winner: "The Sharpshooter" Jack Cage

Elimination "kWo Vs. Franchise" Six-Man Tag Team Match
If kWo wins Krass takes 50% of WWICW. If Franchise wins Lance Fiennes becomes a mid-carder for life

David Krass, Larnis, and Adam Superstar Vs. Jason Williams, Rogue Wolf, and Matthew Spade.

Eric Jackson: Well, here's one of the more anticipated matches of the night. Possibly the climax of a heated faction-feud between the Chairman Williams' alliance and the Commissioner Krass' cohorts.

Shane Stone: It's gonna be a Franchise victory and the only barn that is going to burn is the kWo farm and all the little piggies who are in it.

A huge explosion of lights hits the arena and out walks the Franchise as a whole unit.

Shane Stone: Yes just I predicted the Franchise is walking out as a team, a unit that is well like the New England Patriots when they one the superbowl. They wanted to come out as a unit, the best unit on television.

Eric Jackson: Well need I remind you that they better be a team or Krass will get fifty percent of the WWICW if his team wins.

Shane Stone: That is IF, and a big IF. This is no marvel what if comic Eric, so be prepared to be disapointed. Look at the members of the Franchise; Rouge Wolf, Matthew Spade, and my man Jason Williams. They have swagger and look ready to go.

The Franchise makes there way to the ring as the crowd has mixed feeling for some boo harshly, and some cheer savagely. Lose yourself from Eminem vibrates loudly through the arena.

Rouge Wolf and Matthew Spade hold open the ropes for Jason Williams as he enters the ring.

Shane Stone: Look at that show of respect. Those guys know there place and the boss knows that he is worthy of more then just ropes held. Why isn't there a red carpet for this man.

Eric Jackson: Oh please, can you kiss his whole ass or do you stick to just one cheek?

The music fades and the lights dim with a green mist which appears to float around the ring. Children appear around all corners of the ring chanting "kWo kWo"! "Feel the Burn" hits the speakers with sheer intensity.

Shane Stone: Oh crap here comes the giant retard Larnis. I am outta here if he flips and decides to start using those new friends of his. Those bugs and man chills me to the bone.

Eric Jackson: Well he was explained the rules earlier by Narmon and the officials that the bugs stay under the rugs, whatever that means.

Shane Stone: Means no bugs, I guess..

The kWo all walk out under the mist.

Shane Stone: Well he better just behave or get his ass beat by Jason Williams personally.

Eric Jackson: Not likely. Look at the size of this man, and although he has a slight limp from a Doom Patrol attack he seems ready as does the whole kWo. OH and look at this! Larnis is lifting Krass into the ring. Krass looks kinda lost at the moment. I don't think he has ever been lifted and placed in the ring like he was a child.

Shane Stone: Well he's a king, and what an awesome king he is. Shame I like both sides so much, but Franchise will just end up winning this one, I guess...

Eric Jackson: All three men staring each other down and the war is going to start. The first two in the ring are...woah wait here comes Lance Fiennes down to ringside. The ref is telling Lance to stay back and Lance hands in the air is backing up and watching. Larnis leaves the Apron and walks over to Lance and is staring him down.

Shane Stone: Get your mind on the match retard. He is going to cost the KWO this match if he can't focus.

Eric Jackson: Well Adam Superstar is down there pointing to Larnis to go back to the match and Larnis obliges with a head pat to Adam. Well the match is finally underway and Krass and Williams are in a collar and elbow tie up. Krass with a headlock now and jason Williams sends Krass against the ropes. Shoulder block by Krass sends Williams to the floor, and williams quickly back to his feet.

Shane Stone: Oh and now here comes the taunts by Krass who flexes for the crowd.

Eric Jackson: You mean, flexing his flab? Oh and wait Jason Williams hammers Krass in the backof the head with a forearm as Krass's back was turned. Williams now kicking away at Krass's head and back. He steps on his throat and holds the ropes, ref giving the five count and Williams almost didn't break. Williams arguing with the ref over the count being to fast.

Shane Stone: It was too fast. Look at Lance watching the match just like he is formulating a plan.

Eric Jackson: He is just watching....not interfering. Williams now grabbing Krass up and both men begin trading blows Krass getting the upperhand now firing away at Williams, the ref warning of closed fists. Wow Krass with Jason Williams now in the corner chopping away. He sends throws Williams across the ring now and charges with a spear, but Williams moves away sending Krass hard into the ring post. OH wait Williams with a roll up and a hand full of tights. The ref counts.


Shane Stone: Yes my God YES he pinned Krass!

Eric Jackson: He had his tights and the ref was unaware. He cheated! Krass is up trying to plead his case but the ref didn't see it and Krass is eliminated. Krass steps from the ring and stares at Lance who just laughs. Krass is making his way up the....oh no Lance with a boot to the back of Krass's skull. Adam Superstar is in the ring now with Jason Williams who immeadiately tags Rouge Wolf. Lance is up the ramp and kicking the crap out of Krass. The Fiennes O Matic has just been applied and Krass is laid out flat. Lance Fiennes what the hell? I guess he's just returning the favour.

Shane Stone: Oh yeah! Lance is a mid-carder for LIFE now!

Eric Jackson: Nope. Only if he physically interferes, which he hasn't.

Shane Stone: Umm... did you, or did you not just see Lance Fiennes destroy David Krass?

Eric Jackson: It's not interference.

Shane Stone: Yeah, actually, it is, you fuckwit.

Eric Jackson: Nope. Krass was already eliminated, the contract that has been signed, everything, works against Krass here. Lance hasn't lost out to the stipulations at all, and I doubt he will, he's too smart.

Shane Stone: Nah. Rogue Wolf is in the ring and has Adam Superstar in a rear naked choke hold, Adam Superstar trying to get to his feet, but can't. He is trying to rally the crowd, and stand up but being a weak idiot probaly won't. Tap you moron....TAP!

Eric Jackson: Adam Superstar finally to his feet elbowing Wolf in the sternum. Superstar now against the ropes but is met with a sharp clothesline. Wolf now tagging in Williams who applies a blatent choke to the Superstar. The ref counts to four and Williams breaks the choke tagging in the Tyrant Matthew Spade who continues the onslaught keeping the Superstar in the corner. Lifting him up now Spade sends the Superstar into the ropes with and irish whip, a hard irish whip....oh wait Larnis tags the back of the Superstar. Oh wow.

Shane Stone: Great, just great, the retard is in and dammit if I see bugs I am out of here.

Eric Jackson: Really? Wuss. Matthew Spade looks horrifed and tags in Rogue Wolf who wants no part of Larnis either. Jason Williams shouts at Wolf to get in there and fight, and Wolf enters but tags Williams! Williams with a look of shock and horror enters the ring and ha ha ha he tags Spade back in. Spade is now looking disgusted charges the big man who throws him backinto the corner smiling largely and laughing wickidly.

Shane Stone: Laughing like a de de de is more like it. Spade is going to think of something. Look he is using his quickness to dance around the ring and figure out a way to bring the giant down. Wait Wait Spade is now argueing with the ref. Wow Rogue Wolf sneaks in the ring and spears that bum leg of Larnis dropping him to the floor. See I told you Spade had a plan.

Eric Jackson: What a cheating plan. That was a cheap shot in my book. Spade walking over now to Larnis who is on one knee clearly in pain. Spade with a headbutt. Wow that headbutt just sent Spade backwards and in pain. Larnis climbs to his feet, but Spade hits that knee with a dropkick.

Shane Stone: Yes Spade, Kick his ass! Spade going for a sleeper hold but seems to have trouble getting his arm around the throat...oh wait he has a sleeper applied now. It is lights out, retard.

Eric Jackson: Spade looking impressive against the giant. Larnis struggles but gets to his feet and Larnis and falls backward like a tree landing on Spade. Both men are down and Williams is yelling for Spade to get up. Larnis is on his knees shaking off that sleeper hold and holding his knee. Larnis to his feet grabs Spade up and delivers an Alabama Slam his finisher.

Shane Stone: NO! DAMMIT NO!

Eric Jackson: Larnis stands above Spade and falls again like a tree on Spade and the Ref begins his count.


Shane Stone: Yes Rogue Wolf with the save. An elbow to Larnis. What a brilliant save.

Eric Jackson: Uh oh Larnis is up and pissed off now, but Rogue Wolf quickly leaves the ring back to his corner. Larnis slowly limps over to Spade and lifts him by the throat in that submission two handed choke lift.

Shane Stone:That should be illegal!

Eric Jackson: Why? It's a submission. Wolf again tries to interfere, but the Superstar flies into Wolf with a forearm and both men fall into the corner. The ref looks at Spade and Larnis and Spade taps out! Spade wisely taps out. The Superstar and Wolf are beating on each other, but the ref breaks up the two sending the Superstar into his corner....wait what now!? Williams throws in a chair to wolf who smashes a distratced Larnis in the back of the head. Rogue Wolf throws the chair back out of the ring. Wolf grabs the ref and quickly applies a cover.


Eric Jackson: Larnis kicks out throwing Wolf into the air.

Shane Stone: Damn retard has one hell of a hard melon. Rogue Wolf and Williams both look frustrated. Come on Wolf hit him, hit him.

Eric Jackson: Wolf, now kicking at Larnis in his head where there appears to be blood. Williams distracts the ref again, and Wolf reaches in his trunks. Wait a second he has brass knuckles! Hammering away on the skull of Larnis now with those knuckles Larnis falls to the mat. ref now back to the match. Wolf with another cover!


Shane Stone: dammit another kick out! What does it take?

Eric Jackson: Larnis trying to get to his feet wolf having put away those brass beaters runs against the ropes flying into Larnis with a body block, but the big man grabs him and immeadiately delivers a fall away slam. Wolf down now holding his back. Larnis gets to his feet and grabs Wolf by the throat delivering a monsterous chokeslam. Larnis tags in the Superstar who immeadiately goes to work on Wolf. Sending Wolf into the corner the superstar tags Larnis back in. Larnis goes to the opposite corner and runs full speed with a bone shattering avalanche.

Shane Stone: NO NO NO! Come on wolf baby!

Eric Jackson: Larnis picks wolf up and delivers another Alabama slam. Yes he follows with that tree falling splash. The ref counts.


Shane Stone: NO! Dammit now Jason Williams is all alone. Larnis is staring in glee. Look at him. He is a bully. A big retarded bully! Now poor Wolf is slowly getting up and having to leave the ring. He looks real soar and angry cursing Larnis as he leaves.

Eric Jackson: Wait folks Lance has come back to ringside. Larnis is distracted again by Lance and so is the ref. The superstar gets into Lances face. What... wait! Jason Williams is on the other side of the ring with another chair and cracks an again distracted Larnis in the head. Wow the chair had no affect! Larnis with a hammering blow now sending that chair into the skull of Williams who falls outside the ring. He is down in front of us now.

Shane Stone: Oh great! I am getting out of here before Larnis gets over here.

Eric Jackson: Good idea lets stand behind the security barrier. Larnis climbs over the rope and grabs Williams by this throat and lays him on the announce table.

Shane Stone: What is he thinking? No wait he is going back in the ring and climbing the top turnbuckle! Christ that can't hold him!

Eric Jackson: Well it is! Oh my god Larnis just jumped off outside the ring onto the table with Williams crushed underneath! Both men are down! The Ref begins his ten count. Lance and the superstar are trading blows on the otherside. The ref stops his count and walks over to Lance yelling at him to leave the ring but both men are still fighting. Larnis is slow to rise but does and grabs Williams and throws him back into the ring. Williams is out cold Shane.

Shane Stone: Well wouldn't you be?! he just jumped off that top turnbuckle onto our announce table. Wait a minute Eric! The Tyrant Matthew Spade and Rouge Wolf are back sneaking in from the crowd and they have those tasers that are used on inmates. Yes YES they just lit up Larnis like a Christmas tree, and the ref is unaware baby. Thank you Lance for the dritraction. Both men are rolling Larnis into the ring and wolf is laying Williams on top. Nice move guys. The ref sends Lance away with Lance smiling, enters the ring. The ref looks confused Eric but here he goes with a three count.


Eric Jackson: See more cheating Shane. Good lord man how much can you cheat?! Look Rouge Wolf and Spade are hiding behind the barrier as not to be seen. They both are laughing.

Shane Stone: Cheat to win!

Eric Jackson: The superstar is quickly enters the ring and rolls Larnis out and jumps on top of an out cold Williams.


Shane Stone: NO! NO!

Eric Jackson: Adam Superstar with the cover and the win! Rouge Wolf and Spade rise up from the barrier in shock and anger charge the ring attacking the superstar who fights off both men. Superstar delivers a dropkick to Wolf sending him to the mat, Spade now delivers a crushing blow to the superstar's head as he was getting up from that dropkick to Wolf. The Tyrant Matthew is beating on the Superstar with a series of kicks and punches.

Shane Stone: Yea beat his ass Spade. What the hell!? Larnis has sat up outside the ring! He looks pissed off as all get up! Dammit that mongloid just won't stay down! The ref has been knocked out cold from Spade's fist to the jaw.

Eric Jackson: Larnis climbs into the ring to attack Spade. Spade looks in horror. Larnis now charging Spade....

Shane Stone: Wolf...YES wolf with a sneaky chair to the back of Larnis's legs. Spade now with a shot to Larnis's throat. Wolf and Spade are beating the hell out of Larnis. The superstar is getting a chair shot also from my man Rogue Wolf. I love it! The KWO may have won the battle but the Franchise looks to win the war. It ain't over Little Johnson!

Eric Jackson: Well all that matters now is Krass has fifty percent of the company so take that Franchise. This match was a brawl, but The superstar takes the win for the KWO.

Shane Stone: Yea but look in the ring at who is left standing at the end of it all.

Eric Jackson: Spade and Wolf holding up the once full owner of the WWICW escort him out of the ring, but not before Williams... barely conscious... spits on both men.


Suddenly, we return backstage where Lance stands, his chest puffed out, with a microphone in his face as Carol is on standby.

Carol Davers- We're on? Good. Lance, why did you do... all of that?

Lance Fiennes- Because I've issues with both sides. Their war started because of me, there is no denying it. I left kWo because Krass tried to own me, but he couldn't. In all fairness I can admit that he gave me the opportunity I needed to break out of my late brother's shadow, but tonight has become a night of redemption. I will cleanse myself of any ugliness that is holding me down, and I'm not done yet... before I face Alex, I will destroy my greatest demon in this company.

Carol- But Lance... there's only one more match before yours... and it's...

Before she can finish, Lance smirks, leaving the watching audience in awe as they contemplate his next plan of action. He immediately strides off frame as Carol is left to finish her sentence.

Carol- It's the Super-X Championship.

Eric Jackson- What? Oh no, trouble is coming. Remember that it was meant to be Lance's title, but Viper took advantage of his allegiance with Spade to win that title. Sorry, steal that title.

Shane Stone- Lance is going to...

Eric Jackson- Let's just watch and see...

WWICW Super-X Championship
Pain Game
Viper Vs. Narmon Greene.

Winner: Narmon Greene

In a classic hard fought battle between both Viper and Narmon Greene, these two stars showcased every ounce of their talent. Blood was spilled and on numerous occasions the match could have gone either way. In the end however, just before Viper was about to make Narmon Greene tap out. Lance Fiennes came out to even the score with the "Real F'n Deal." Armed with a sledgehammer, Fiennes drove the heavy weapon into the back of the champions head, immediately knocking him unconcious. As Narmon Greene slowly climbed to his feet, the referee checked on Viper and awarded the match to Narmon via KO.
(Results will be posted at a later date.)

WWICW World Heavyweight Championship
Best Of Three Falls:
Lance Fiennes Vs. Alex Awesome

Eric Jackson- Well, we've finally arrived at the Main Event of the night... Lance Fiennes showed us just how serious he was about Viper not deserving that championship when he interfered in the last match... the Super-X Division Championship... and secured Narmon the win.

Shane Stone- The World Heavyweight Champion shows no class! Well, he won't be Champion for much longer...

Eric Jackson- I wouldn't usually condone interference like that, but Viper doesn't deserve the Super-X Title, so that was two months in the making.

Announcer- Now for the Main Event! The following is a Best Of Three Falls Match! The first man to win two of the three matches participated in will win the entire bout!

Suddenly, the chords to "Ugly" by The Exies starts to play, and the audience looks around, confused.

Shane Stone- I think we're in for something here...

Eric Jackson- Why isn't "Breaki—"

An imploding sphere of pyro shatters any remaining boredom the audience may hold, and with an astounding spray of colours, the challenger for the World Heavyweight Title, Alex Awesome, moves out onto the stage, sparks coating him from behind. The audience immediately goes into a booing frenzy as Alex's frenetic movement is accentuated by his apparent amusement, laughing at the audience with his usual cockiness.

Shane Stone- A new theme song and an all energized entrance... this is what I call entertainment!

Announcer- On the way to the ring... weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds... he is the challenger for the World Heavyweight Title... from Long Beach in California... he is... Alex Awesome!

He slides into the ring and swings his long hair around in all of its rainbow coloured glory before he's suddenly cut off by "Still Running" by Chevelle. The audience stands up in uproar, cheering wildly as their hero and World Heavyweight Champ makes his way onto the stage. Not opting for any gimmicks, he moves directly down the ramp, a serious and focused look on his face.

Eric Jackson- The technical brilliance of Lance Fiennes will be put to the test here tonight. This whole bout consists of a Tables, Steel Cage, and Ladder Match respectively.

Announcer- And the defender... he is the World Heavyweight Champion. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty six pounds, from Buffalo in New York... he is... Lance Fiennes!

Lance ascends the steps, then surpasses the ropes and holds his hands high, gathering another huge pop before he nods in approval to the referee.

Eric Jackson- Remember that the belt is not with Lance right now because it's strapped up top for the third fall...

The competitors glare at one another for a few moments as the referee explains to each other the rules as Lance's music dies out. After that, the competitors look around at the scattered tables outside the ring. They smile simultaneously at the thought of pummeling one another, and immediately the bell rings.

FALL 1- Tables

Lance is off with a chop to Alex's chest as he rushes forth. Alex stumbles from that powerful shot and Lance moves back, bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Alex down. Without further ado, Lance impales Alex's chest with his elbow and starts hammering at his head before pushing him onto his gut and dragging his arms back for a camel clutch. All the while he shouts about Alex having not wisely betrayed him.

Eric Jackson- Lance is quick to prove a point here, tonight. He already reminded us that Viper didn't deserve the title when he interfered earlier on, now he's hell bent on proving why he could well be the best champion we've ever had!

Shane Stone- Alex is about to prove why he's the worst champion we've ever had! Come on, Alex!

Finally Lance lets go, pushing Alex's head rudely into the canvas before reaching back and stomping on his legs. Alex grimaces as Lance attempts to wear down his lower limbs for the Fiennes Maker's full effect. But instead Lance moves out of the ring and picks up a table. He turns around with it in his grasp only to watch, motionless, as Alex sentons over the top rope, sending Lance to the floor with a huge collision that breaks the table Lance had in his hands over his knees. Lance grimaces and screams in pain.

Eric Jackson- Oh God! He wasn't expecting that! Neither was I...

Shane Stone- That'll teach you, Lance, you pig!

Alex gets up after some time to recuperate, he takes Lance by the hair and pulls him to his feet, Lance is noticably limping after his accident to his right knee. Lance is pushed over the apron onto the canvas where he lies as Alex takes another table and slides it in. He stands up to set it up, and when he does, Lance is up to stop him from going further. He hammers Alex across the table, Alex returns the favour. Both men stagger back, then push forth to assault one another. They climb onto the table with one another and begin to try and set each other up for a fall.

Eric Jackson- That's not a smart move at all...

Then as both men become disbalanced, they jump off the table and simultaneously attempt a side shuffle kick to each other. They both hit, and they both fall forwards.

Shane Stone- Master and pupil both down for the count! That'll teach Lance to underestimate his age! Already Alex has caught up.

As the audience starts clapping to rhythm, in an attempt to get the competitors to their feet, they both reach out for the ropes to pull them up. They get to their feet, but Lance turns quicker and kicks Alex in the gut... with his right leg. Lance grimaces as much as Alex, but recuperates quicker, hammers Alex into the corner, and knees him twice for good measure. Lance then sits on the top rope, slowly pulls himself up, and finally stands atop the ring. He puts Alex's head between his thighs and sets up for a powerbomb. The audience cheers wildly as Lance ensures within moments the first fall...

Eric Jackson- He has this match in the bag!

Lance lifts Alex up for a powerbomb and tries to push him forward, but Alex takes hold of his hair and keeps him on his feet. Finally after some struggle, Alex reverses it into a hurracanrana.... through the table!!!!

The bell chimes as the cage slowly starts to lower and Lance lies amidst a ruin of table.


FALL 2- Steel Cage

Eric Jackson- This fall is a Cage match... there will be no pins or submissions in this one, just the first to escape.

Alex rushes out before the cage lowers to snatch some weapons, he throws in three chairs, two sledgehammers, and a table, then slides back in just as the cage comes down, he walks over to Lance to pick him up. Lance struggles out of the heap of table-remains and stands up straight as Awesome keeps his hand firmly in his hair to keep him upright. Alex starts to point his finger while yelling at Lance.

Alex- That was just a taste, you over-hyped cripple!

Lance snaps, without further warning, he backhands Alex across the face, making him let go of Lance and collapse to the floor.

Eric Jackson- OH! What a hard one! And Lance is rubbing it in!

Lance starts to step on Alex's face as he lies on his back. A tactic would usually be looked down on by the audience, but they can't help but cheer. Alex crawls away from Lance to the corner, where Lance follows and stands over him. He starts hammering Alex across the head before finally picking him up, taking hold of his hair with one hand, dragging him halfway across the ring and slamming him hard against the cage wall. He screams out as though giving a war cry. The audience pops as Lance, red-faced, begins to kick Alex in the ribs as he kneels on all fours, regaining his breath. The referee walks over to try and calm Lance down, but he shoves him so hard that he falls back.

Shane Stone- What a despicable human being!

Eric Jackson- Not so! He's rightfully pissed!

Finally a reaction is made as Lance whips Alex across the ring and attempts a clothesline, Alex ducks, bounces, but before he can retaliate, Lance spears him against the cage wall. Alex goes down and Lance slaps himself across the face to wake up. He moves over to the other end and starts to climb. Alex recuperates quickly, rushes over and running elbows Lance left leg as it stands atop the top rope. Lance collapses groin first onto the ropes.

Eric Jackson- OH... shit!

Lance's head sways to the left, and Alex quickly DDTs him off the ropes, straight down. Lance stays up like an arrow, then falls to the canvas, completely. Alex reveals "the guns", lines Lance up with the corner, puts a chair underneath him for maximum impact, and moves to the top rope. Just at the breaking point, as Alex's feet leave the turnbuckle and he gracefully flies into the air and flips forth for an Awesome Bomb, Lance rolls off, leaving the chair there as Alex hits the floor. Hard. Alex grimaces in agony and screams in pain as the audience pops.

Shane Stone- OH NO!!! Lance, you bastard!

As Alex writhes from the impact, Lance takes his chance and climbs up. But as he's climbing, Alex kicks the bottom of the cage wall, Lance staggers and slips, but hangs on, he stays still, trying to gain a proper hold before he continues. As this happens, Alex pulls himself up, one hand on his back to support it, the other one fidgeting with one of the in-ring tables, pulling it up with a huge heave, and leaving it near the centre of the ring for what he should assume would be a useful position.

Eric Jackson- I can see what's coming here.

Alex begins to climb up after Lance, his superior agility causes him to get to the top at the same time as Lance. The audience sits in anticipation... can Lance even the score or is his title going to change hands?

Then, as the two come face-to-face at the tops, legs over either side, they begin to hammer away at one another. Three hammers from Lance causes Alex to resort to something cheap, he throws a fist headed for Lance's groin. An almighty roar of pain is emitted, and Lance doubles over at the top, Alex's killer instinct gets the better of him, and he sets up for the Extreme Neckbreaker, with some deep breaths, he lunges out with Lance's neck in grip, but in a split second that takes forever, Lance fights the pain and hangs on. He falls, but hangs onto the top as Alex plummets through the table below.

Eric Jackson- HOLY SHIT!!!

Exactly right, the audience begins to yell that popular phrase, just as Lance gets footing, retains his composure, and pulls himself over the top, letting go to fall to his feet, hitting the ground so hard that he collapses anyway. The outside official lifts Lance to his feet and holds his hand up high.

Eric Jackson- What a relief...

Shane Stone- Carelessness takes Alex back to phase one. Come on, Awesome! Get this one right and it's yours!


Final Fall- Ladder

Alex pulls himself out of the wreck and looks up as the cage starts to rise. A number of assistants start lining up the barricades and ramp-fences with ladders, and when they finish, Lance is back in the ring, limping from a botched fall from the cage top, but still in good shape. Alex pulls himself to his feet before Lance can take advantage of Alex, and both men face each other.

Lance- Now it gets interesting.

Alex- I'll show you how to wrestle, old-timer.

Lance- We'll see.

Eric Jackson- Alex's cockiness is once again getting away with him. Lance is handling it perfectly.

Shane Stone- Lance is avoiding a mental confrontation, Alex would wipe the floor with him.

Lance nods as Alex moves out of the ring and grabs a ladder. Lance picks up a chair as Alex slides in after his weapon and tries to hit him, but Alex lifts up the ladder before Lance even gets close and impales him in the gut. Lance keeps his hold on the chair with at least his right hand. He stumbles back a bit, then Alex impales Lance's gut again, another time, finally the chair falls from Lance's hand. A fourth impalement causes Lance to fall on his behind and grimace. As he leans his head on the ropes, Alex lines the ladder up and holds it horizontally, he bounces off the ropes and rushes Lance, he throws the ladder towards Lance's face and lower-dropkicks it into his face.

Eric Jackson- It did just get interesting!

Shane Stone- Hah! Lance should've known what he was in for when he signed this match.

Eric Jackson- I never like to agree with you... but perhaps you're right!

Alex gets onto his feet and raises his arms to the audience, who reply with a hard boo. Awesome laughs and starts stepping on Lance chest. He picks up the ladder and sets it up with his back turned, as he starts to straighten it and lock it in place, Lance lifts his foot and hits Alex's groin. The audience pops huge as Lance returns the favour and pulls himself to his feet. Gathering his breath, Lance slides out and grabs another ladder, as he turns around, Alex is up to baseball slide the ladder back in his face.

Eric Jackson- Another! Alex is full of surprises here tonight!

Lance hits the ringside mat hard as the ladder clutters on top of him. Alex swings himself over the top rope and body splashes Lance for another "Holy Shit!" moment, which the audience happily capitalizes on. Lance takes the initiative then and there to pull himself up... BEFORE Alex. Proving endurance, he clutches his injured chest and stands up straight, puffing loudly as Alex pulls himself up. Lance slides in and Alex soon after. The two start hammering away at one another until Alex gets the upper hand and Lance falls back. Alex snatches the ladder just outside and pushes it in. Lance knees Alex just as he gets back in and he staggers as Lance picks up the ladder given to him and attempts to set it up next to the already standing ladder.

Alex returns to his feet and storms towards Lance, forcing Fiennes to let go and let the ladder lean against the already-standing one. It lines up like a staircase to the second-to-top step. Lance is distracted as Alex punches him in the gut, he raises his arm for a clothesline, Lance ducks it and in a last ditch effort...


Lance staggers over to the other side of the standing ladder and begins to climb, even as he's half way, Alex starts to show signs of movement. He finally pulls himself up as Lance starts to reach out for the belt, Lance can't quite reach it, so he takes another step, and another, his chest is above the ladder completely now as his fingers wrap around the belt strap. He begins unclipping the belt buttons one by one, then looks down, wide eyed, as Alex runs gracefully along the leaned ladder and executes a Poetry-In-Motion onto Lance, knocking him to the unforgiving canvas below.

Shane Stone- WOW! Absolutely PERFECT exploitation of circumstances, did you ever see anything like that?

Eric Jackson- What, like the time Jef—

Shane Stone- In the WWICW, you moron!

Eric Jackson- Oh right... silly old lawsuit-Eric...

The audience thumps the floor as an invader makes his appearance.

Eric Jackson- What's newcomer Matt Awesome doing here?

Matt Awesome rushes in to take a ladder in each hand and set them up five metres beside one another outside of the ring. Alex turns his head towards his brother as he lies there and winks as Matt backs up, the audience confused. Matt rushes in and helps Alex to his feet. The rules don't stop this invasion from being legal, and Matt immediately kicks Lance as he tries to rise. Both Awesomes take a handful of Lance's pants and drag him along, slide him out to the ringside floor below, and follow after him. Alex flips Lance onto his back and put him between the ladders. Both climb either ladder.

Eric Jackson- We've seen this somewhere before...

Shane Stone- The Event... the Event... The Event Awesome!

Alex lunges with a body splash at the same time that Matt lunges for a leg drop. They hit with dangerous precision, and Lance goes completely out-cold.

Matt stands by Lance as Alex rushes in to climb the ladder. As Alex is regaining his composure, Matt sets up a table, in case worst comes to worst with Lance, but alas, it doesn't look like it will.

Eric Jackson- FUCK! Lance! Get up!

Suddenly, Narmon Greene rushes in to a mixed reaction, he impales a bewildered Matt Awesome with his Super-X Title and slaps Lance awake, Lance is helped to his feet and pushed into the ring. He can't get onto his feet, so Narmon obliges by helping him. Narmon rushes out of the ring and drags a bleeding Matt up the ramp and through the curtains.

Eric Jackson- Well. I didn't expect that. The score is settled then, Narmon returns the favour Lance afforded him with the Super-X Title match.

Lance screams out and rushes the ladder, he hits the side with such force that not only does Lance grimace, but Alex, along with the ladder, falls so that his right leg becomes entangled in the top two ropes. Alex hangs with his hair practically scraping the ringside mat. He flutters frantically, trying to untangle his leg as Lance re-straightens the ladder and begins to climb. Alex reaches up and finally untangles his leg, but he falls back and hits the ringside floor on the back of his neck. He grimaces for a minute, then rushes over the apron and climbs the opposite side to Lance. They reach the top at the same time, and Lance retaliates with a hammer to Alex's crown.

Eric Jackson- Time for a top-ladder duel!

Shane Stone- Lance is going to have a fall from grace!

Then, Lance receives a clumsy blow that hits him across the side of the jaw, but he still reels from it. Lance retaliates with a headbutt that opens up Alex's nose. Blood dribbles profusely down Alex's face as he painfully shifts his nose back into place with a huge crack. Lance puts his hands over the back of Alex's head and lets his feet come off the steps, pulling Alex's head against the top step with such a precise and heavy face plant that he flips back and hits the canvas, knocked completely out. Lance retains his footing, and climbs to the top as the audience begins to clap with anticipation, cheering wildly.

Eric Jackson- It's over... I knew it, Alex didn't even have a chance.


Eric Jackson- It's Lance's, and it'll stay Lance's!

Suddenly the lights go off and the audience goes dead silent. Some echoing hard steps can be heard, and when the lights return, Lance looks around, still standing at the top. He looks around and sees nothing until he looks down to see a red-faced Viper.

Shane Stone- What a smart bastard! Viper used the first two falls and most of this to recuperate from the unfair beating he took in the last match!

Viper- This will teach you to fuck with the Real F'n Deal!

The audience boos before anything happens, Lance flails slightly as Viper shoves the ladder, it bends over, and finally collapses. Lance falls right over the top rope and through the conveniently placed table outside. His completely battered ruins compliment Viper's achievement as he straightens the ladder once again and lifts the unconscious Alex to his feet. Without even being woken up, Viper pushes the limp Alex up the ladder and supports him at the top, then slaps Alex's arm over the World Heavyweight Title belt. Viper undoes button and then carelessly lets go of Alex, who hits the canvas hard with the belt in his arms.

Eric Jackson- I'm... speechless.

The bell chimes and the champion is obvious.

Announcer- Here is your winner...

"Ugly" hits to a thoroughly booing audience.

Announcer- ... and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion... Alex Awesome!

Viper spits in Lance's direction and points the thumbs towards himself, chanting RFD to the audience, who stands filled with hate for the Real F'n Deal.


Eric Jackson- I hope you're happy, Viper, you son of a bitch. You didn't care about Alex Awesome, you just wanted revenge for losing the title you didn't deserve in the first place, you damn coward!

Shane Stone- And what a SPECTACULAR note to leave off from! Good night, everyone, and God bless you all!

The show fades with the haunting image of Viper staring at the battered body of Lance, who lies amidst the wreck of a table...