WTF Xtreme Consequences 2009

WTF and ESN proudly Present Xtreme Consequences 2009!
Live, June 14, 2009 From the McKenzie Arena in Chattanooga, Tennessee

(We fade in from the FBI Warning. “One Reason” by PennyWise is playing. The hallway is almost pitch black. A little light seeps under the steel double doors at the end of the hallway. A solitary light comes on above the camera, revealing now former WTF GM, Jordan Keyser. Jordan is dressed in a floor length black overcoat, black suit and shoes, and a black fedora with a white band on his head. The brim of the hat is pulled low over his eyes. A dull roar, nearly inaudible at first, flows across the speakers as Jordan speaks.)

Keyser: This is going to be big...

(With every line, Jordan takes a step towards the steel door.)

Keyser: It will be bigger than Chaos...

(In scenes that come as flashbacks, Chaotic Justice hits his finisher, the Sea of Chaos, on some hapless victim.)

Keyser: It's going to be worse than mayhem...

(Conner Lucas Tatum and Simply Simon hit Twice The Mayhem. Once back to Jordan, the dull roar has risen. Now it sounds like feet slamming on bleachers. Jordan takes a step closer.)

Keyser: It will be more demanding than any one man can handle...

(Alex McKenzie hits his Fate of Nations. Dust rattles from the ceiling, and the roar has grown to nearly deafening.)

Keyser: There will be no justice...

(Vance Bonesteel stands in the ring, his arms raised in victory. Viking leans over the ropes, and menacing look on his face.)

Keyser: this, there will only be...

(His voice lowers, becoming hard to hear over the roar.)

Keyser: Pandemonium...

(With a single, fluid motion, slowed down to slow motion, Jordan throws back the tail of his overcoat and puts both gloved hands on the steel doors. As he does, the roar is stilled, and Jordan's voice whispers over the speakers.)

Keyser: And the Consequences...will be Xtreme.

(With that, the steel doors fly open and Jordan steps out into an open arena. He is lost in the bright lights as the crowd explodes. The Xtreme Consequences 2009 Logo flies onto the screen “One Reason” starts over from the beginning..)

You take the best away
From me then give it all away
You can't control yourself
For anyone

(First we see the closing moments of March Massacre with Viking standing atop the Xtreme Cage holding the WTF World Title high in the air while the crowd is going crazy.)

Don't think that you could ever see
That things are not the same
You can't control yourself
For anything

(Then we see Shawn Anderson countering a “Perfect Execution” from Jordan Keyser and rolling the Executioner up for a three count to become the number one contender to the WTF World Title.)

Give me one reason to stop your fall (Yeah yeah yeah)
Give me one reason to Answer Your call (Yeah yeah yeah)
Give me one reason why I should care at all

(We see different scenes of Jordan and Vance facing each other starting with backstage at March Massacre through various episodes of Xtreme as the tension builds up between the two going into their Insane Asylum match.)

Don't think you could understand
But logic rips away
The mask that you put on
For everyone

(We see Andrew O’Reilly tear off a Police issue riot helmet and come to the rescue of Vance Bonesteel in a backstage utility room as Aramis and his security team attack Vance.)

You feel it slipping from your hands
Still you manipulate
You can't control yourself
For Anything

(We see Aramis set Vance on fire.)

Give me one reason to stop your fall (Yeah yeah yeah)
Give me one reason to Answer Your call (Yeah yeah yeah)
Give me one reason why I should care at all

(Next we see Aramis fired by both Ben Cash and Jordan Keyser, and then get arrested by police outside the arena. We also see Aramis getting stopped by customs in Chicago.)

Let someone look inside at what's
Behind the mask where you hide
A mixture of pain and pride the real
You that's been Denied

(We see clips from a one on one match between former World Champ Andrew O’Reilly and current World Champ Viking as the crowd seems to be on its feet for the whole match.)

Won't you give me one reason?

(Next we see Simply Simon standing in a suit in the center of the ring announcing that Mayhem Inc. have vacated the WTF Tag Team belts.)

Won't you give me one reason?

(We then see the crowd go nuts as “The Bastard Icon” returns to a WTF ring, announcing his entry into the Xtreme Rumble.)

Won't you give me one reason?

(Then we see “The All Star” Shawn Anderson hitting the High Heat on Viking after Jordan escapes from the Champ’s clutches. Viking’s eyes cross and he falls over backwards.)

Give me one reason to stop your fall (Yeah yeah yeah)
Give me one reason to Answer Your call (Yeah yeah yeah)
Give me one reason why I should care at all

(The WTF roster brawls at ring side, and we see “The Real Deal” Brad Bronson return interrupting the brawl and announcing his own entry into the Rumble before joining the melee at ringside. The music fades out and we fade to a live shot of the McKenzie Arena. The place is packed full of eager fans who are cheering now that the show is finally under way. We cut away to a shot of the Crow’s Nest where Adam Effler and Jesse Kingery stand there smiling.)

Effler: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Welcome to Xtreme Consequences 2009.

Kingery: you know watching those opening clips I just realized that this pay per view is going to suck.

Effler: How can you say that? This is a WTF staple, Xtreme Consequences with the Xtreme Rumble!

Kingery: Aramis is not here….I just might go home….

Effler: Quit it! You know good and well Aramis or no Aramis the Xtreme Rumble is always chock full of WTF action at its best.

Kingery: Well I guess that is true, and there’s always the chance that someone will finally shut up Shawn Anderson. Seven years later and I’m feeling my own version of the seven year itch….

(Effler shakes his head, amused by Jesse’s comments.)

Effler: We do have a night full of action for you folks.

Kingery: We do?

Effler: You know full well we do….first up….

(We cut to graphics showing “Majikal Mayhem” Vance Bonesteel and Jordan “The Executioner” Keyser.)

Effler: An Insane Asylum match between Jordan Keyser and Vance Bonesteel. With the ownership of the WTF already back in the hands of Vance Bonesteel this match is about bragging rights.

Kingery: You mean its about time Jordan was given the opportunity it put Vance out of my misery once and for all.

(The graphics change to show us WTF Champion Viking and WTF Canadian Champion “The All Star” Shawn Anderson.)

Effler: Then the match that was originally going to be our main event tonight. WTF World Champion Viking faces WTF Canadian Champion Shawn Anderson.

Kingery: Suckfest waiting to happen I say.

Effler: Viking approached Anderson a few weeks ago and asked Shawn to agree to move their match to before the Rumble. That way Shawn would be fresh for their match instead of having just competed in the Rumble defending that Canadian Title. Viking then upped his own ante by also asking Shawn to put the Canadian Title on the line.

Kingery: See. I’ve always said Viking was nothing but a greedy barbarian bent on pillaging the WTF.

(Adam ignored Jesse.)

Effler: Viking sweetened the offer by explaining that he had worked it out so that they would both be able to compete in the Rumble. The winner competing to defend the Canadian belt, and the loser competing along with the rest of the roster for any of the WTF gold or shot at the WTF World Title that the winner of the Rumble gets.

(Then the graphic changes to show the entire WTF roster along with Brad Bronson and Eric Dillinger.)

Kingery: Then the real fun begins.

Effler: The 2009 Xtreme Rumble. With the WTF United States, Canadian, and Tag Team titles all on the line as well as a shot at the WTF World Title at our next Pay Per View Desecration.

Kingery: I’m putting my money on Julian York walking out with it all.

Effler: That doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is the news that there are other men in the arena tonight.

Kingery: What?

Effler: Other wrestlers from around the country as well as a few former WTF stars. Could we be seeing more men in the WTF?

(We cut away from the graphics back to Effler and Kingery in the Crow’s Next.)

Kingery: I hope so. I’m pretty sick of pricks like O’Reilly and Anderson always getting all the attention.


Effler: Now, normally Xtreme Consequences means dire consequences for those involved in the Xtreme Rumble, but in this case it’s an accurate description of what lies in store for two men tonight.

Kingery: Jordan "the Executioner," Keyser and Majikal Mayhem will end their fight for supremacy once and for all in the most depraved match ever created. We have a twenty foot tall steel cage that engulfs the ringside area, the ropes replaced by barbed wire, and weapons strewn about for both combatants to use at their discretion. Oh, and did I forget to mention that the CAGE is covered in barbed wire, too!

Effler: I don't foresee either man walking out tonight. Not on their own power anyway. It’s time to go to David Rains for our first match.

WTF Insane Asylum
"Majikal Mayhem" Vance Bonesteel vs. Jordan "The Executioner" Keyser
Referee: Dennis "Buddy" Ripper

(The camera cuts to David Raines standing in the ring smiling as huge of a smile as he ever could. The crowd in attendance is going nuts.)

Raines: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the first match of the evening: The Insane Asylum!

(The crowd pops on cue and Raines points down the aisle way as “Critical Acclaim,” by Avenged Sevenfold cues up…)

Raines: First making his way to the ring… From Nueces County, Texas… weighing in tonight at 225 pounds… Jordan “The Executionerrrrrrrrrrrr,” Keyserrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

(The crowd boo’s on command as Jordan makes his way out to the ring wearing his trade mark attire. The hood is up and his head down as he by passes the jeers from the crowd and enters to the ring. He throws off the hood as he stands in the center, looking up at the cage above him.)

Effler: You’ve got to believe Keyser’s asking himself, “What did I sign up for?”

Kingery: Definitely. This match is almost a Bonesteel Family trademark.

Effler: Only a match this brutal could be concocted by a family with such a dark history as the Bonesteels.

Kingery: The whole family tree is infested with wrestlers. It’s no wonder that half of them have spent some time in the loony bin.

(“What I’ve Done,” by Linkin’ Park plays…)

Effler: Including this man!

Raines: His opponent from Paris, Illinois… weighing in tonight at 245 pounds… He is the one and only WTF Myth… Majikal Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayhem!!!

(The man known as Vance Bonesteel aka Majikal Mayhem aka Wrestling’s Toughest Freak aka the Gothic Cowboy aka the American Sentinel steps out into the arena wearing his trademark teal duster. Underneath isn’t the usual metallic Teal spandex but black denim jeans. He also wears the metallic silver mask with the teal Mayhem insignia on it. We notice that he wears no shirt, but that his arm and upper chest are still bandaged from the burns given to him by Aramis just weeks ago.)

Kingery: He’s dressed for a fight tonight, Adam. I know him better than most people and he only wears jeans when he’s ready to get his hands dirty.

Effler: And tonight they’ll be blood dirty. We’ve been in the wrestling business for years now, these fans have followed this sport for much longer, and these combatants have been around for even longer… we KNOW what barbed wire will do to a man.

(Vance stares up at the ceiling as the cage is being lowered in front of him.)

Kingery: There it is… comprised of barbed wire and steel, designed to rip flesh, end careers, and destroy lives: the Insane Asylum!

(The cage lowers and Vance steps through the open door. Behind him a WTF official closes it with a chain and lock. The WTF Myth removes his duster and slides into the ring.)

Effler: The cage is lowered and both men are in the ring and ready to go.

Kingery: Majikal Mayhem goes way back with this match when it was first introduced when he fought his brother, Brandon "Malice" Bonesteel, to end a heated rivalry only sick, twisted hateful brothers could bring you. Since the match has been brought to the WTF and used only on a few occasions.

Effler: It's definitely a way to put an exclamation point at the end of a feud because, after this, there might not be much left of either man to carry on. I'll tell you what; I don't envy Dennis right now with having to officiate this match.

Kingery: I do! He's got the best seat in the house! This is going to be great!

(Majikal Mayhem and Jordan Keyser stand across the ring from each other as Ripper gets a signal from both men that they are ready to start. The bell sounds and Mayhem looks down at the ring ropes one last time before sighing and shaking his head with a smile. He looks back up and sees Keyser moving toward him. Vance meets him halfway with a collar-elbow tie up. They push for control, but Keyser gets the advantage and begins inching Vance backward.)

Effler: Both men have decided to kick things off with a little test of strength.

Kingery: A little useless in this given match, I say.

(Vance is backed into a corner and Jordan holds him there. Suddenly, Vance turns and uses Jordan's own momentum against him as he sends him into the barbed wire. Jordan lets go of Vance, but the WTF Myth refused to relent as he keeps him shoved up against the barbed wire!)

Effler: You were saying, Jesse?

Kingery: I spoke too soon. I should have known Vance had something in mind.

(Keyser rakes Vance eyes through the mask and shoves him away, pulling himself off of the barbed wire. Blood is immediately seen pouring from the Executioner's back. Keyser goes on the assault, but is halted by a spinning back kick from Vance. Keyser falls back and Vance grabs him by the hair. He goes to toss Keyser back to the barbed wire, but Keyser goes limp and falls to the mat. He succumbs to a boot to the face from Vance. Vance grabs Keyser by the back of the head and tries to throw him into the barbed wire again, but Keyser sticks out a hand to keep himself back.)

Effler: And there you see the immediate effects of having that barbed wire pressed against human flesh as you take a look at the back of Jordan Keyser.

Kingery: Vance knows it’s effective and look at that! Keyser's got his other hand on the bottom rope!

(Keyser is inched toward the barbed wire, but he's got his other hand on the bottom rope. Blood begins to seep between his fingers as he screams out in pain. Mayhem just gets a twisted smile on his face.)

Effler: The WTF co-founder is enjoying this. How's that going to hurt Jordan, Jesse?

Kingery: I don't know if you ever took notice, but Keyser is right handed. That's going to hurt him in regard to doing anything. Whether he's throwing a punch or gripping a chair, he'll be in pain if he tries to use that hand again.

(Vance finally relents by dropping a fore arm on the back of Keyser's head. He pulls the Executioner to the center of the ring by his leg and drops an elbow on him. Vance, perhaps in a blood thirsty mood, begins to bite Keyser's forehead!)


Effler: This crowd is just totally behind Vance tonight!

(Majikal Mayhem moves away and holds one fist up to the crowd. Keyser regains his composure, though, and as Vance swings back around to start the attack again he catches him with a drop toe hold into the barbed wire! Vance flies off, clutching at his throat!)

Effler: Holy cow! Vance just took a spill, throat first, into the barbed wire! This match could be over already and it just started!

Kingery: Vance has suffered worse.

Effler: Like what? A shotgun blast to the face?

(The camera zooms in and we see blood trickling down his chest from underneath his hand. Vance pulls his hand away and we see that there is no major damage done to his artery, but the sight of his own blood sends him into a frenzy. He tackles Keyser to the mat and begins to assault him with a flurry of punches. Vance pulls Keyser up and lifts him onto his shoulder. He points at the barbed wire ropes as the crowd give their unyielding approval.)

Effler: He's going to do it! He's going to drop Jordan throat first on top of the barbed wire!

Kingery: He wouldn't!

Effler: After everything Aramis and Keyser have done to him, what do you think he's going to do? What would you do in that situation?

(Vance charges the ropes, but Keyser slips out from his grip. He pushes the fellow Hall of Famer into the ropes, chest first and school boys him on the rebound.)

Ripper: One, two-- no!

Effler: It was almost over!

(There are small lacerations on Vance's chest. We can see that the bandages over some of the burns are starting to shred. Keyser recovers from the pin attempt by hitting a rising Vance with a European Uppercut. Keyser takes him over with a snap mare and plants a boot in the small of Vance's back. He drops and locks in a rear chin lock.)

Effler: Keyser slowing down the pace of things.

Kingery: He's probably trying to recover from what's already happened while taking advantage of the lacerations around Vance's neck. I know I would!

(Keyser lets up for a second and drives a knee in Vance's back and pulls him up to his feet. He wrings the arm and whips him into the barbed wire. Vance puts his hands out and stops himself before he goes chest first into the barbed wire, letting his hands take much of punishment. As he turns, though, Keyser is there to clothesline him over the top rope!)

Effler: And Vance gets reacquainted with the barbed wire from that clothesline from Keyser!

Kingery: Vance has suffered only mere flesh wounds so far, but eventually that blood loss is going to wear him down the longer this match continues on.

(Keyser slides underneath the bottom rope and goes right after Vance. Grabbing him by the mask, he rakes his face across the cage. We can see the mask now start to shred on the barbed wire and a dark spot appear at Vance’s forehead. The Executioner drives Vance forward, smacking his head off the cage, and then throws him backward so that his head connects with the concrete behind them. Keyser holds his hand up drawing boo’s from the crowd.)

Effler: Keyser soaking up every bit of hate as a motivating factor toward winning this match.

(He stomps Vance and goes to one of the weapons positioned ring side: a kendo stick. He takes a few practice swings before going back to Vance. Positioning it under Vance's throat he makes the Teal Hero meet eye to eye with him before cracking the stick across his back! A welt as thick as the cane immediately surfaces on Vance's skin as the next shot tears into his back. Mayhem falls to all fours as more shots rain down on him preventing him from making any attempt of fighting back. One final shot across the ear sends him sprawled out onto the concrete floor.)

Effler: That kendo stick seemingly effective against Majikal Mayhem tonight.

Kingery: Well, let's think about that. It's a weapon, Adam. What do you think it was going to do?

Effler: Choke the life out of him, apparently!

(Keyser straddles his opponent's back and applies a modified camel clutch using the cane. Vance fights to pull the cane away from his throat but fails. Keyser wrenches back, pulls harder, as Majikal Mayhem begins to go limp. Before he can pass out, though, Keyser lets go and allows Vance to drop to the floor and regain some bit of composure.)

Effler: I don't think Jordan wanted to win it like that. I think he wants to inflict as much pain as humanly possible on Vance as he can before the nights over.

Kingery: Well, he's got the tools to do it!

(Keyser drops the cane and moves to a table set up ringside. He pulls it closer to Vance and reaches down, pulls him up by the mask, and drapes him across the table. Keyser follows and places Vance in a standing head scissors.)

Effler: He's going to pile drive him through that table!

(Keyser gets him up--)

Kingery: Vance is fighting!

(--but Vance brings himself back down. He pulls away and hits a low blow before picking up Keyser. With all of his strength, Vance hurls him backward, over his head, and into the steel cage!)

Effler: Fall away slam into that barbed wire!

Kingery: Suddenly, I think, Keyser is regretting showing up tonight!

(Keyser's skin is momentarily pulled and plucked from his body upon contact leaving gaping holes in his back where his blood spews even more than before. He gets to his knees in pain, but Vance sends him back down to the floor with a shining wizard.)

Effler: The shining wizard from Majikal Mayhem. Strong enough to put just about anybody down.

(Ripper moves to the outside as Vance drops for a pin.)

Ripper: One! Two! Thre--

Effler: Keyser kicks out!

Kingery: Way too soon.

Effler: I think Majikal Mayhem knows he needs to try when he can. With the nature of this match it could go either way at any moment.

(Vance hammers away at Keyser's face with straight punches before getting up and moving over to the table. He jumps onto it and waits for Keyser to stand. He attempts a cross body block, but Keyser catches him. Using Vance's back as a battering ram he pushes him into the cage.)

Effler: Payback from the Executioner!

(Keyser charges the ring post and wraps Vance's body around it, letting him drop to the floor shortly there after. We see that more of the bandages are coming off from around Vance’s burns. Keyser finds a staple gun ring side and moves back to Vance. He traps him in a standing guillotine choke and drives the first staple into his shoulder blade. Vance screams out in pain as another is driven into the small of his back, another into his right arm, and three more into his other shoulder blade! Finally, Vance has had enough as he drives Keyser back first into the ring apron. It only slows the Executioner down for a moment before he plants another staple right between Vance's eyes!)

Effler: A staple right in Vance's face!

Kingery: Haha, Jennifer's going to love that! She was always saying how she thought he'd look good with a few piercings! Not to mention that Mask is now attached directly to his skull!

(Vance falls to the arena floor clutching at his face. He begins to crawl away but Jordan cuts him off. Grabbing his chin, he lifts Vance's face again to look him in the eye.)

Effler: Keyser looking Majikal Mayhem in the eyes... You've got to believe that he's enjoying every second of this.

Kingery: He hates Vance! Always has. Going way back to the Anarchy Reborn/DoC war with the WTF!

Effler: And another staple to the face of Vance!

(The WTF Myth, though, fights through the pain and takes Keyser over with a double legged take down. He props him up and catapults him face first into the barbed wire covered cage. Keyser now sports the crimson mask as he falls to the arena floor. Vance, though, shakes the pain and gets to his feet. He goes searching for that staple gun...)

Effler: What's Vance going to do?

Kingery: Something horrible, he's got the staple gun!

Effler: And Keyser's running for his life!

(Seeing that Vance has bad intentions in mind he sprints away from the American Sentinel. Vance, grinning from ear to ear, gives chase. All around the ring they go before Keyser slides into the ring. Vance follows him, but Keyser puts on the breaks. He goes to boot MM in the face, but he catches his foot. He trips up Keyser and sends him onto his back. Vance grabs his other foot and looks Keyser in the eyes.)

Effler: He's not going to--

Kingery: He is!

(Vance drives the staple gun into Keyser's crotch and squeezes!)

Effler: He did!

Kingery: Urrp...


(Keyser rolls into a fetal position all the while holding his injured lads.)

Kingery: I think I'm gonna be... Urp... **BURP**

Effler: Well, at least Keyser already had one kid because it doesn't look like he's going to be having anymore.

Kingery: Whew... I think I'll be good.

(Vance rolls Keyser onto his back and straddles him. He nods to the crowd and smiles as they cheer him on. He holds Keyser's right leg to the side as he goes on the assault, effectively emptying the staple gun into Jordan's groin!)

Kingery: Oh, god... BRAGHLLFAGGHLLLLLL!!!!

Effler: Son of a-- Clean up! We need clean up in the Crow's Nest! Somebody get me a janitor!


(Vance stands up and tosses the staple gun to the side soaking up the cheers from the crowd. Keyser, though, is fighting to pull the staples from his groin. Majikal Mayhem, meanwhile, pulls the two from his face and puts them in his mouth. He makes a chewing motion and spits them at the crowd. He makes a throat cutting motion with his thumb and goes back to Keyser.)

Effler: The blood is flowing, the vomit is spewing, and Majikal Mayhem is going for the kill! Are you okay, Jesse?

Kingery: ...

Effler: Speechless...

(Vance knees Keyser in the gut and pulls him in for a suplex. He lifts him straight up into the air and holds him. The crowd cheers as Vance nears the ropes and explodes as he drops him stomach first onto the top rope! Keyser yelps in pain and Vance backs off. Slowly, carefully, Keyser tries to free himself from the prickly barbs, but Vance has other things in mind. He slaps his thigh, charges up, and shoots a super kick right into Keyser's jaw that sends him to the arena floor.)

Effler: Majikal Mayhem just relentless in his attack as my co-host, Jesse Kingery, chugs down a seltzer. If anyone expected this match to be anything less then they were horribly mistaken!

(Vance slides underneath the bottom rope and grabs the table from before. He tosses it into the ring and goes for a small bag. He reaches in and produces the contents to the crowd: a bottle of lighter fluid and a book of matches! He tosses them into the ring to the crowd's delight. Lifting Keyser to his feet, he does the same.)

Effler: Things aren't looking good for Keyser right now. He's bleeding from multiple lacerations and deep gashes, they're practically stab wounds... and now Majikal Mayhem is going to turn that table into a pyre to effectively END Jordan Keyser's reign as the WTF's General Manager with an exclamation point!

Kingery: I think I'm going to be ok. Some one get me some mouth wash and new shirt!

(Majikal Mayhem douses the table in the lighter fluid before moving to the book of matches. He sparks one match and lights the rest of the book, turning it into a fire ball. He tosses the burning book onto the table and sends flames flying into the arena. Putting Keyser in a standing head scissors he smiles to the crowd one last time before lifting him up over his head.)

Effler: Power bomb into the table!

Kingery: Keyser reverses!

(Jordan throws Vance with a hurricarana, barely missing the table. Vance springs to his feet and charges Keyser, but the Executioner lives up to his name and catches him. Scooping the WTF Myth into the air, he spins him, and brings him crashing down through the burning table with a spine buster slam!)

Effler: Holy cow!

Kingery: I've got to give it to him... nice.


(The flames are extinguished on impact, but the damage is done. Vance lays motionless in the smoldering wreckage as referee Dennis "Buddy" Ripper looks on astonished. The look on Keyser’s face suggests he can barely believe that he was able to put Vance down. It takes a few seconds of delay, but Keyser makes the cover. Dennis drops shortly there after and makes the count.)

Ripper: One! Two! Three!

Effler: No! Majikal Mayhem got the shoulder up at the last second!

(Surprised is an understatement to describe Keyser's expression. He falls to the mat in exhaustion right beside his adversary.)

Effler: Both of these guys are spent. Right off the bat they were entrenched in barbed wire and it's been nothing but a war of wills ever since to see who can kick out of what horrible thing the other has done to them.

Kingery: There's a lot at stake here. Something that just goes beyond pride and professionalism. Something damned near indescribable, but clearly defined by the brunt of a fist and the count of three.

(Keyser, the first to stir, rolls onto his stomach. Exhausted, he throws an arm over Vance.)

Ripper: One! Two! Three!

Effler: No! He kicked out at the last possible second!

(Exasperated, Keyser rolls out of the ring and makes toward the door. He yells at the nearest official to open it and an argument ensues. Meanwhile, Vance gets to his knees. Keyser lashes out at the official through the chain link fence missing the man by inches. The Gothic Cowboy jumps to the apron and waits for Keyser to turn. He does.)

Effler: Running shooting star press off the apron!

Kingery: And here I thought he didn't have it in him to pull that off anymore...

(Vance flattens Jordan, laying him out on the concrete. He stumbles as he stands, but Majikal Mayhem quickly shakes the cobwebs and removes the ring steps. There, taped underneath the steps, is a pair of hand cuffs. Vance removes them and holds them up to the crowd.)

Kingery: Oh, now that's justice!

Effler: Things are getting progressively worse for Jordan Keyser as this match wears on.

(Mayhem clamps one cuff down on Keyser's right hand and clamps the other to the cage. He goes underneath the ring and pulls a chair from it. Spray painted across in Teal is the word, "Justice." Jordan shakes his head as his assailant draws near with a blood thirsty look in his eyes.)

Kingery: You know how I said the hand cuffs were justice before... I was wrong. Now, THAT's justice!

Effler: Keyser looking on, trying to kick Majikal Mayhem away, but he's just out of his reach!

(Keyser throws one last kick before Vance goes on the assault, slamming it into his leg. Jordan stumbles and catches a chair shot right on top of his skull. He falls to the arena floor, but Vance doesn't stop. Turning it side ways, he hits Keyser in the side and then brings it down across his back! Vance kicks him into the barbed wire covered cage and brings the chair up over his head for one last chair shot right to the crown of his opponent's head. Keyser falls to the arena floor seemingly unconscious. Vance backs off and enters the ring, holding the chair up to the crowd.)

Effler: Standing tall is Majikal Mayhem at the moment.

Kingery: At the moment? What do you seriously think is going to happen that could turn the tide for Jordan right now?

Effler: A little help from Jack Daniels and a set of bolt cutters.

Kingery: Oh.

(Jack Daniels sprints down the aisle way, bolt cutters in hand. He sticks them through the cage and cuts the chain suspending Jordan's limp body against the cage. Though, Jack doesn't get the response he'd hoped for as Keyser simply falls to the arena floor, exhausted, battered, bloodied, and unable to go on. Vance sees this and exits the ring.)

Effler: And Majikal Mayhem is going to end this!

Kingery: What makes you think that?

Effler: That look in his eyes. He knows Keyser is beaten.

Kingery: Well, remember this, Adam. Humans take pity, but justice doesn't!

(Vance smacks the chair against the cage causing Daniels to jump back. An inaudible threat is given by the Teal One and he throws the chair back into the ring. He picks up Keyser by the hair and rolls him back into the ring. Before he follows, he gives Daniels one last threatening stare.)

Kingery: I wonder what he told him?

Effler: An invite for crumpets and cake?

(As Majikal Mayhem reenters the ring, though, Keyser is able to hit him with a low blow. Mayhem falls to his knees as Keyser, summoning his reserve strength, dropkicks him into the barbed wire ropes! Keyser pulls him close and whips him across the ring into the opposite ropes, but Vance is able to shoot himself off and come flying back with a jumping clothesline. Vance kips up as Keyser bumbles to his feet.)

Effler: Majikal Mayhem is up! A boot to the stomach and--

Kingery: Justice Scorned!!!

(Vance drops Keyser with the implant ddt onto the chair marked Justice and rolls him over for the pin.)

Ripper: One! Two! Three! Effler: He did it!

Kingery: No! Keyser kicked out at the last possible second!

Effler: I don’t believe it.

Kingery: Keyser’s career if not his life is on the line tonight. It’s going to take a lot more than that to put him down!

(Vance musters up his strength and gets to his feet as Keyser grabs hold of the ropes and begins to pull himself up.)

Effler: I don’t know where Keyser’s getting it from or if he even realizes this, but he’s doing damage to himself using those ropes as support!

Kingery: Heart, Adam. I know the son of a bitch has been acting like he doesn’t have one, but he does and it’s as black as night!

(Keyser finally stands on his own power, staring down Majikal Mayhem as he does. He wipes the blood from his hands off on his face and licks the open wounds. He begs for Vance to charge. He obliges.)

Effler: Clothesline by Majikal Mayhem sends Keyser back down to the mat.

Kingery: Keyser’s done, he just doesn’t want to give up!

(Keyser, bewildered, rolls to his knees and fights back up to his feet. Vance, wild with joy, hits him with a right, but Keyser fires back with a left. Vance goes to fire another, but Keyser gets the boot up in time to halt the attack. He hammers Vance across the back with a fore arm before locking in his neck and waist.)

Kingery: Death By Hanging on the ropes!

(The barbed wire shreds Vance’s back more as he slips across them and back down into the ring. Keyser picks Vance up and hits him with a left. The bandages fall from Vance’s chest revealing mostly healed burns, though we can see the skin will never be the same. It is clear the burns to Vances chest weren’t as bad as the ones to his face causing him to re-don the mask. Unfortunately for Keyser, Vance fires back with a right! Vance goes to whip him into the ropes, but gets reversed. Vance shoots off the ropes and is caught as he returns in a set up for the Perfect Execution!)

Kingery: He’s got him!

Effler: No! Mayhem fights out!

(Immediately Majikal Mayhem begins to fire elbows into the side of the Executioner’s head. He frees himself from his grip, but Jordan throws a wild clothesline. Vance ducks, spins his opponent, and takes him into the air above his head.)

Effler: He’s got him up for Wrestling’s Toughest Finisher!

(Vance moves over to the chair he dropped before and sends Keyser crashing down on top of it. Immediately, he covers.)

Ripper: One! Two! Three!

(The bell sounds as Vance rolls off of his opponent. “What I’ve Done” begins to play. Vance stands up slowly and looks down at Jordan as if actually wondering what he’s just done. The look on his eyes through the mask suggest shock, but the smile says nothing but relief.)


(We fade out to commercial. “Still Frame” by Trapt is heard playing. We see Eric Dillinger walking towards a wrestling ring that sits in the middle of a desert. Andrew O’Reilly is seen sliding into the ring coming face to face with Eric. The screen freezes for a moment.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and i cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(The two men begin to fight. Then we see Shawn Anderson appear out of the desert walking towards the same ring. Out in the desert on the other side of the ring we see Viking appear as well, walking towards the same ring..)

And every time I think I’ve finally made it
I learn I'm farther away than I have ever been before
I see the clock and its ticking away, and the hourglass empty
What the Fuck do I have to say

(While Eric and Andrew begin to fight Shawn and Viking both climb in and go after each other.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Release me, I'm just as lost as you
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(As the four men brawl in the ring we see Jordan “The Executioner” Keyser and “The Real Deal” Brad Bronson both appear out of the desert heading for the ring.)

Keep it inside, the image portrayed
As if I couldn’t stand losing as if I couldn't be saved, no way
A small confession I think I'm starting to lose it
I think I'm drifting away from the people I really need

(Brad and Jordan enter the ring at the same time and make beelines for each other adding to the fight. On cure Biff and Jack Daniels are seen appearing out of the desert. They make their way towards the ring.)

A small reflection on when we were younger
We had it all figured out 'cause we had everything covered
Now were older its getting harder to see
What this future will hold for us, what the Fuck are we going to be?

(Biff and Jack enter the ring and we see a lone man walking towards the ring. He wears a kilt. He slowly walks to the ring, and circles around it. Haggis looks for his opportunity to strike.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Release me, I'm just as lost as you
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(Haggis climbs into the ring and rushes into the ongoing battle.)

So lost, I'm just as lost as you
Oh well what am I going to do
I'm afraid I'm falling farther away (from where I want to be)

(Out in the desert we see a missile flying through the air, and then can see through its targeting sensors a screen of the men in the ring fighting far off. The missile speeds towards them.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Release me, I'm just as lost as you
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(The missle hits the center of the ring and we see a bright flash before cutting to a logo:)

Live Sepetember 6, 2009 from the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

(We cut backstage where Brad Bronson is seen walking into the WTF arena. His wife, Hatsuko is behind him. The two stop and turn to look at one another. Hatsuko has a pained look on her face, while the smile on Bronson's face makes his excitement evident. He smells the air, and puts a hand out to Hatsuko. She takes it and smiles, woefully.)

Hatsuko: Bradley... are you sure you want to do this?

Bronson: Sure? It's what I was meant to do. I started this journey over 6 years ago. I'm ready now to not only take that title, but I'm meant to hold onto it this time.

(Hatsuko shakes her head.)

Hatsuko: Honey, you don't have to do this for me or BJ. We love you and we know that you are a good man. You don't need a small piece of gold around your waist to prove that to us.

Bronson: After all that I've done to you and to my son? I've been a terrible father, and an even worse husband. You don't understand how tortured I am inside, every time I look at both of you. I'm here to push myself to the limit to show the two of you what it takes to be a man. To be an attentive father. To be a loving husband. I need to do this, if not for you and BJ, then for myself.

(Hatsuko just shakes her head again, and kisses Brad. )

Hatsuko: Well then, do what you need to do, Bradley. I will be waiting here after the show. I love you.

Bronson: I love you too, Sukie. I'm going to be just fine.

(With that, Brad turns and walks away. The camera remains focused on Hatsuko as he walks away. )

Hatsuko: (quietly, to herself) I know you'll be just fine. That's what I'm afraid of.

(She sheds a single tear before she turns and walks away. )

(The scene cuts to Logan Rollins elsewhere the back. He is dressed in his usual black WTF polo shirt, dress pants, and shoes. Rollins lifts up the mic and begins to speak.)

Rollins: We are moments away from the Xtreme Rumble, and I'm here with former World Heavyweight Champion, Andrew O'Reilly.

(The camera zooms out and pans to the right ever so slightly, bringing the Emerald Hero into view. He is dressed in his ring attire, as well as an old school black "Redefining Xtreme" t-shirt. The fans in the building explode at the sight of him. Andrew simply grins in recognition.)

Rollins: This isn't your first Xtreme Rumble Andrew. We saw you last year, take yourself and Aramis to the very edge, and then threw yourselves over. You were out of action for nearly two months after the match. How will you handle yourself in this one?

(Logan moves the mic over, holding to Andrew. O'Reilly simply looks around, as the fans in the building chant his name. Drawing confidence, the Emerald Hero smirks and turns to Logan.)

Andrew: Well Logan Rollins, last year I still had a broken left hand, if you'll remember...

(Rollins nods in acknowledgment.)

Andrew: And I wasn't at 100% going in. But with that in mind, I still nearly won the whole thing. I eliminated five people in the Rumble, earning myself the United States title in the process. I took Aramis to the very edge of his being, and when he tried to do me in, I tossed his ass off the Crows Nest.

(The fans pop, remembering one of the most re-played moments of last year.)

Andrew: Now, he got the better of me last year. But it's a new year Logan. I'm 100% ready for this match. This year, I'm going to take home that title shot, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

(Logan once again moves the mic over to himself to speak.)

Rollins: Besides the big one, are there any other titles the Emerald Hero is interested in earning?

Andrew: Honestly Logan, any of 'em are fine by me. I've never been the Canadian Champion, or a Tag-Team Champion. More titles never hurt nobody.

Rollins: You seem to be developing a lot of bad blood between yourself, and the Bastard Icon, Eric Dillinger. What are your plans concerning him, in the Xtreme Rumble?

(Andrew stands still for a moment, in quiet contemplation.)

Andrew: Logan, what can I say that hasn't already been said?

I've said my piece. I've told him that I will be first in line to send him crawling back to Texas. And that's what I'm gonna do.

(The Emerald Hero turns to the camera.)

Andrew: Eric, this is the big one now. You finally get to go face to face with me. Your golden goose, so to speak.

I made you a lot of money over the past year. Hell, I bet you could retire comfortably with the massive figures I've drawn into your pockets.

But now you're on the roster. And with that, comes the all-encompassing ass-kicking that only the Emerald Hero can deliver. I'm not making you no money in this match. I'm not adding an extra digit to your paychecks anymore Eric.

Now you get to see exactly why Andrew O'Reilly is a household name across the world. Now you get to see the continent-spanning phenom in action.

Prepare for a bloodbath Eric, cause when I'm done with you, you'll never be able to look at those paychecks the same way again.

And as for the rest of you. The time for talking is done.

Let's do this.

(Andrew gives the camera one last glare for effect, before stomping away. Logan watches him leave then turns to the camera.)

Rollins: Andrew O'Reilly, pumped up and ready to go! Let’s get back to the action!

Title vs. Title Match
WTF World Title
WTF Canadian Title
Viking (WTF World Champion) vs. "The All Star" Shawn Anderson (WTF Canadian Champion)
Referee: Jimmy Johnson.

(We cut back to David Raines in the ring.)

Raines: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WTF Canadian Championship and the WTF World Heavyweight Championship…

First let me introduce the Canadian Champion from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada…

Weighing in at two hundred and forty four pounds…


(“All Star” by Smash Mouth hits…)

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Back to the rule and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow

Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play…

(As the first line of chorus finishes Shawn Anderson comes through the curtain and the crowd cheers so loud it drowns out the song. Anderson wears a Tennessee Titans Jersey with his name and the number thirteen on it and his standard denim shorts. Around his waist the Canadian Title shining in the spotlight, Anderson slaps hands with fans all the way to the ring then around the ring before climbing in. Shawn takes the title belt and hands to Jimmy Johnson then he pulls the jersey off and throws it into the crowd before backing into his corner and awaiting the arrival of the World Champion…)

Raines: And the now… (“Immigrant Song” by Led Zepplin begins to play. The crowd hits a full fledged roar, cheering their heads off …

P.A.: A-ahhhhhhhh, ah,

Raines: He is the WTF “World Heavyweight Champion”

(The crowd gets even louder…)

P.A.: A-ahhhhhhhh, ah,

Raines: From Martinsville, Illinois. Weighing at three hundred pounds and standing at Seven Feet tall….

P.A.: We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

Raines: Laiiiiiiiiif “The Viiiiiiiiiiiking” Burrrrrrrrrrrrrnssssssssssss!

(The crowd roars as Viking steps out through the curtain into the aisle wearing blue jeans, a Viking T-shirt, brown steel toe boots, and has his wrists and hands taped up. The World Heavyweight Championship is wrapped around his waist and his long blonde hair hangs down loosely at his shoulders.)

P.A.: On we sweep with threshing oar;
our only goal will be the western shore.

(Viking takes the title belt off and holds it up, and bellows much like he did at March Massacre. The crowd roars and then Viking makes his way down the aisle.)

P.A.: A-ahhhhhhhh, ah, A-ahhhhhhhh, ah,

(Much like Anderson he starts around the ring still slapping hands and smiling for the crowd.)

P.A.: We come from the land of the ice and snow,
from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
How soft your fields so green, can whisper tales of gore,
of how we calmed the tides of war. We are your overlords.

(As he steps into the ring and locks eyes with the “All Star,” Anderson applauds him as well giving a little nod which Viking returns…)

P.A.: On we sweep with threshing oar;
our only goal will be the western shore.
So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins,
for peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing

Effler: We’re almost ready to watch this epic confrontation of two of the WTF’s greatest gladiators unfold here in Chattanooga, Tennessee!!!

Kingery: I don’t know if I’d go quite that far Adam!!!!

(Viking lifts the World title high above his head again and lets out another cry his eyes still locked on Shawn’s who is now pointing at the championship belt and saying something to Laif as the music fades out Referee Jimmy Johnson hands David Raines the title belts and ushers him out of the ring as Viking and Anderson circle each other until the sound of the ring bell sounds and then tie up in the center of the ring with Laif quickly getting the upper hand and tossing Anderson to the mat. Laif gives a little grin and shows the “All Star” one of his biceps as Shawn reconsiders his strategy…)

Kingery: There’s no way that crazy Canuck can match power with the Viking…

Effler: As shocked as our fans maybe I have to agree with you Jesse…

(Anderson gets back to his feet and ties up with Laif again this time quickly sliding around behind the big man and pulling his feet out from under him. As Laif starts to get his feet Anderson gives him a slap across the back of his head and when Laif turns to face him its Anderson wearing the grin and pointing at his head…)

Kingery: And I guess it’s safe to say Laif shouldn’t try to match brains with Anderson, then again Laif only knows one strategy…

Effler: Which is???

Kingery: If it ain’t broke you haven’t smashed it hard enough!!!

(On the third tie up Laif backs Shawn to the ropes and whips him across the rings then charges and turns the “All Star” inside out with a clothesline…)

Kingery: See!!!

(Now Laif drags Shawn up by the hair and knocks him right back down with a right hand then lifting him again he whips Anderson hard to the turnbuckle. Shawn hits and staggers back out walking right into a gorilla press slam. The Viking bounces off the ropes and drops a three hundred pound leg drop across Anderson and hooks the leg…)

Effler: 1… tw… NO!!! ANDERSON KICKS OUT!!!!

(Laif grins again as if knowing that wasn’t gonna work and drags the “All Star” up and whips him to the ropes but Shawn ducks the double axe handle smash bounces off the ropes again connecting with a clothesline that staggers Laif then the “All Star” hits another one and another one but still the big man holds his ground looking slightly dazed but Anderson quickly steps through the ropes and spring boards himself into the air but before he can connect with the clothesline Laif power slams him right out of mid air and again tries for a cover…)


Kingery: 1… 2… NO!!!! ANDERSON KICKS OUT!!!

(Laif rolls Anderson onto his stomach and then drives his knee into Anderson’s back repeatedly then he lifts the “All Star” and delivers a repeating pendulum back breaker stopping only after driving Anderson on his knee for the fifth time and then holding him over his knee one hand pressing on his face and the other on his lower body for a few moments then throwing him to the mat…)

Effler: So far it’s been all Laif!!!

(Laif lifts Shawn up and whips him to the corner then follows him as if trying to spear him but Shawn pushes his legs up and Laif runs under him colliding shoulder first with the ring post. Thinking quickly Anderson rolls the big man up…)

Effler: 1… t… Laif gets his shoulder up!!!

(Anderson bounces off the ropes and drop kicks Laif in the side of the head as the big man was getting to his knees and stays on the attack with a running knee drop across Laif’s forehead then he tries for another cover…)

Effler: 1… 2… Again Laif kicks out!!!

(Laif sits up but Anderson is way a head of him with a swift kick to Viking’s back then chest then back the face Laif finds himself on the mat again and Shawn springs up to the top rope and launches himself air connecting with a five star frog splash and cover the large Norseman again…)

Effler: 1… 2… Thr… NO!!!! Laif got his shoulder up!!!

(Anderson quickly refocuses his attack grabbing Laif’s left leg and firing three kicks into the “Viking’s” knee/hamstring then the “All Star” leaps and drives his knee into Laif’s sandwiching the Norseman’s knee between his own and the mat. Anderson grabs hold of Laif’s left foot and pull upward with knee placed on Viking’s who screams out in pain…)

Effler: Well Jesse it’s gonna be awful for Laif to smash the “All Star” from his back!!!

Kingery: Laif will find a way!!!

(As if on cue Laif put his right into Anderson’s face knocking the “All Star” down and releasing the hold. Both men slowly get to their feet and a groggy Anderson charges Laif who’s holding himself up ropes but manages to get that big right foot up again knocking Anderson down again. Laif slowly paces trying to shake off the attack on his but turning his back to Anderson for a quick second stops that as the “All Star” hits well place chop block taking out the left again. This Anderson slides under the bottom and drags Laif over just enough so that his legs dangle off the side of the ring. Anderson lifts the left leg and smashes it down across the ring apron four times then he drags Laif over to the ring post and positions him so that one of Laif’s legs is on either side of the ring post then Anderson grabs both legs and crotches Laif then applies a figure four leg lock around the ring post, Laif bellows in agony and Shawn continues to apply the pressure…)

Effler: Figure four on the ring post, Anderson’s really trying to ground the Viking!!!

(The ref starts counting and at sound of four Anderson releases the hold the climbs up and onto the top and leaps driving both his feet into Laif’s massive chest. The “All Star” drags him back into the center of the ring and tries for a cover…)

Kingery: 1… 2… thr… NO!!!

Effler: Laif just got his shoulder up in time!!!!

(Anderson gives a quick look of irritation to the ref before lifting dragging Laif up by his hair and backing him into the nearest turnbuckle with a series of chops and punches then showing his strength and lifts Laif into a seated position on the turnbuckle and climbs up on to the second rope. The “All Star” applies a front face lock as if thinking about a superplex but Laif counters with three quick right hands, Anderson blocks the forth and leaps up trying a top rope hurracanrana but Laif catches him leaps hitting a super sit down power bomb with such force that Anderson hits the mat and back flips landing on his stomach. Both men lay motionless momentarily…)


Kingery: That’s how you smash a Canadian!!!!

(Laif slowly drags himself over and rolls Anderson over before throwing on of his giant arms over top of the challenger…)

Kingery: 1… 2… thre… NO!!!!!


(Laif looks shocked but immediately focus on crawling to the nearest set of ropes and dragging himself up to his feet. Meanwhile Anderson is stirring and very slowly getting to his feet. Laif is up first but stays along the ropes and allows the “All Star” to charge but before Anderson can think about clothes lining Laif over the top rope Viking ducks and lifts Anderson to the heavens with a back drop the send the challenger soaring into the first row. Security surrounds the pile steel chairs, hot dogs and spilled beer that has become Shawn Anderson’s landing cushion and by the look on his face even Laif can’t believe how far he threw the “All Star.”)

Effler: OH MY GOD!!!!

Kingery: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, nope it’s the “All Star” and it looks like he’s run out of frequent flyer miles!!!!

Effler: Jesse! He could be seriously injured!!!

Kingery: I sure hope so!!!

(Laif drops down and rolls under the bottom rope the limps over to the barricade where Anderson’s lifeless body lays, the big man slowly steps over the rail and drags Anderson to his feet and bounces his head off the guard rail then clubs him with a series of right hands, Anderson quickly falls to his knees and as Laif lines up for another punch the “All Star” out of desperation drives his right hand into Laif’s rune stones sending the big man down. Anderson collects a steel chair from the rubble and brings it down across Laif’s leg then his back and then tosses it over the rail. The “All Star” lifts Laif up and half walks half stumbles backward a couple steps before clothes lining the big man over the rail. Both men lay in heap as the crowd looks on…)

Effler: What a fight!!!!

(Both men simultaneously begin to stir but Laif using the ring apron drags himself up first then stumbles over to the ring steps as Anderson pulls himself up on the rail and grabs the steel chair. Laif leans on the steps catching his breath as Anderson charges his the chair but Laif hits another big boot driving the chair back into Anderson’s face. The “All Star” staggers backwards nearly falling again but catching the guardrail, meanwhile Laif has removed the upper half of the ring steps and shouts “HEY ALL STAR CATCH!!!” Anderson turns as Laif tosses the ring steps into his face with a sickening thud!)


Kingery: Might??? He just ate the ring steps Adam, if he awake under there I’ll be shocked!!!

(Laif slides the bottom half of the ring steps into the ring and then turns his attention back to Shawn moving in and lifting the ring steps off him and dragging him to his feet. Shawn is a bloody mess, it appears a large wound has opened on his forehead and covered his face in blood and Laif doesn’t let up two right hands right into the wound and then whipping face first into the ring post. Viking slowly stalks the groggy bloody challenger tossing him into the ring then tossing the steel chair into the ring then David Raines loses his chair to the battle and finally Laif lifts the ring apron and grab a trash can full of weapons and throws it into the ring…)

Effler: Laif’s wasn’t lying when he said he used weapons!!!

(Finally Laif gets back in the ring and sets up a steel in the corner and sits on for a second as if pondering his next move then grabs the other chair and forces it between the top and second rope in the same corner; Laif then turns to Shawn Anderson who seems to be out on his feet, the Viking kicks him in the gut and lift him…)


(As Effler just mention Laif tosses Anderson into the steel chair covered corner and with the sickening sound of flesh meeting steel Anderson find himself sitting a stop a completely destroyed chair with the one that was wedged in ropes still hang there. Viking drags him into the center of the ring and covers him…)

Kingery: 1… 2… Three!!!!


(Laif immediately gets to his feet and glares at the ref as Anderson slowly pulls himself up on the trash can, finally after a few choice words for the ref Laif turns back to Anderson who meet him with a shot from a Singapore cane right between the eyes, Laif staggers backward and takes another one then on the third swing aimed at Viking’s ribs Laif catches the cane and grabs Anderson by the throat and with one arm lifts and choke slams the challenger. Viking shakes off the cane shots and lifts Anderson whipping him to the ropes but Shawn attempts to slide through his legs…)

Effler: FIVE HOLE!!!

(Laif drops onto Shawn’s back as he slides and locks in a stein recliner…)


(Laif wrenches on Shawn’s neck and blood oozes from the wound on Shawn’s forehead but the “All Star” refuses to tap out and with every time he says no Laif pulls a little harder but somehow Shawn despite howling in pain starts to drag himself and Laif to the ropes…)

Kingery: Look at the pressure Laif is putting on this hold!!!

Effler: And look at the heart and determination Shawn Anderson is showing dragging seven feet and three hundred pounds of Laif across the ring!!!!

(Just before Shawn finally reaches the ropes Laif let’s the hold go and lifts Shawn up then whips him to the ropes and bounces off them himself however Shawn ducks the clothesline and after another bounce off the ropes…)


(Again as previously mentioned the “All Star” connected with his patented super kick but lays motionless as does Laif…)

Effler: I can’t believe out of pure desperation Anderson hits his patented super kick but he doesn’t have the ability to capitalize!!!!

(Anderson slowly begins to drag himself to Laif and drapes an arm across his chest…)

Effler: THIS IS IT!!!! 1… 2… thre… NO!!!! LAIF GOT HIS SHOULDER UP!!!!!

(Anderson looks as though he’s going to cry as the ref flash two fingers in his face, but drags himself up and stumbles over to the trash can and like king Arthur pulling the sword from stone reaches in and finds his thumbtack covers baseball bat. Meanwhile Laif has pulled himself up on the ropes and turns staggering towards Anderson who meets him a homer run swing into Laif’s rib cage. The bat clings to the flesh and rips it as Anderson pulls it back and bounces off the ropes and drives the bat into the side of Laif’s cranium. Anderson drops down and straddles the champ driving the bat into this forehead/face over and over again until Laif is a bloody mess…)


(Anderson finally falls off the champ and again both men lay motionless Anderson’s face cover in a crimson mask and Laif bleeding from the abdomen and his blonde hair slowly turn red as the blood soaks into it. Anderson climbs to his feet and drags the bottom half of the ring steps into the center of ring, then he turns back to Laif and drags him up and hooks a front face lock as if wanting to DDT him on the ring steps but Laif fights back with a couple rights to Shawn’s already weakened ribs then Laif stand upright and lift Shawn high up over his head…)


(Anderson’s body bounces with a sickening thud and Laif gets up and bounces off the ropes and drops and elbow on Anderson’s whose still laying on the ring steps then drags the “All Star” off and tries for a cover…)

Kingery: 1… 2… thre… NO!!!! HOW IN THE HELL DID HE KICK OUT!!!!

Effler: Heart, determination and the will to win…

(Laif is shocked but not distracted from task at hand, he gets to his feet and marches across the ring and waits for the “All Star” to get to his feet and then charges but before we know what Laif was thinking Shawn hits a drop toe hold driving Laif face first into the second turnbuckle. Shawn sets Laif in seat position and drags the ring steps over and sets them on Laif’s lap then backs off and charges drop kicking the stairs into Laif’s abdomen. Anderson pulls the stairs off Laif and lifts up on to the second and climbs up after him hitting two right hands before Laif pushes him off and slowly climbs to the top rope. Anderson gets to his feet charges leaping up onto the top rope ala Shelton Benjamin and hooks Viking in a front face lock before dropping split legged across the top rope…)

Effler: SLAM DUNK!!!!

(Anderson performs the split legged moonsault DDT to perfection bouncing Laif’s head off the ring steps…)

Effler: ON THE RING STEPS!!!!!


(Anderson can’t capitalize though as he also landed on the ring steps so again both men lay motionless as the ref checks on them Anderson start to stir well before Laif and drags himself over tosses his body over Laif’s…)

Effler: 1… 2… Three!!!!


Effler: These two men are tearing each other apart!!!!

(Anderson finds himself in a seated position still leaking blood from his forehead wondering what the hell he’s gonna have to do to put Laif away and the big man slowly crawls to the rope both men reach their feet at the same time and stand toe to toe in the center of the ring throwing right hands at each other with Anderson surprisingly getting the upper hand, he backs Laif to the ropes and whips across the ring and tries for a back body drop but he drops his head too soon and Laif hooks and delivers…)

Kingery: THOR’S HAMMER!!!!!

Effler: It’s over!!!!

(Laif rolls Shawn over and collapses onto him…)

Kingery: 1… 2… thre… NO!!! WHAT!!! NO!!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE ANDERSON KICKED OUT!!!!!

Effler: Believe Jesse, these two men are redefining the word Toughest in “Wrestling Toughest Federation.”

(Laif looks horrified and as the ref explains to him that Shawn kicked out, finally Laif gets to his feet and attempts the move again but before he can hook Anderson’s arm Shawn grabs his legs and pulls them out from under him then locks in the scorpion death lock and leans back applying the…)

Kingery: Anderson is applying the “Haggis Stretch” on Laif!!!!

Effler: Right out of the M.V.P. playbook!!!

(Laif screams in pain as Anderson puts as much pressure as he can into the hold but Laif just like Anderson refuses to submit. Eventually Shawn releases the hold mostly because he lacks to energy to maintain it. The “All Star” lies motionless trying to regain some strength as Laif weakly climbs up on the trash can and produces a sledge hammer. Anderson is back on his feet now but has no idea what’s gone on behind him slowly he turns and Laif charges aiming the hammer for Shawn’s face The All Star dodges the huge swing and lands a hard front kick to Viking’s stomach, then immediately to his knee. Laif drops to one knee.)

Effler: A costly mistake by Laif the Viking.

Kingery: I can’t decide…. Do I want the Canadian loser to win or do I want the dumb loser to win. It’s all so…… boring.

Effler: It’s a two title match Jesse! It’s between two of the WTF’s finest!

Kingery: I don’t see Jordan or Jack in the ring Adam.

(Anderson makes a few heavy shots to Laif’s head with his elbow and takes a step back, looking like he’s going to boot Laif in the head. As soon as the All Star lets up, Viking begins to stand up again. Anderson shakes his head with a slight smile and instead bounces off the ropes and rebounds straight back at the big man. He drops and begins to slide through Viking’s legs, but Viking drops immediately and lands, full force, on Anderson’s back. Anderson lets out a surprised yell as Viking takes the moment and reaches down to grab Anderson’s legs and pull them into a Boston Crab.)

Effler: A great counter from Viking. Simple and effective.

Kingery: Yeah, it was phenomenal. He sat down, Adam.

Effler: Shut up.

(It’s obvious the recent kick to Viking’s leg has made it a shade wobbly. Anderson makes some ground toward the ropes every time Viking winces and tries to reset it for better leverage. The ref is down with Anderson asking if he will give up. Anderson simply snarls and pulls himself a little closer to the ropes. Soon, he’s there and grabbing the bottom rope.)

Effler: He’s to the ropes, he might be able to break this hold.

Kingery: He’s just gonna apply more pressure pulling himself up. Stupid.

(Indeed, Anderson begins to pull himself up and begins to yell against the added pressure. Viking looks back, keeping the lock in, confused. Clearly though, the more Anderson raises himself, the harder it is for Viking to hold his balance.)

Effler: Anderson is trying to make Viking lose balance and let go of the hold. With that wobbly knee, it might work.

Kingery: And kill himself in the process.

(Viking begins to understand the tactic and looks determined to hold the submission. With a roar, Viking pulls the All Star’s legs toward him as hard as he can. Anderson is immediately forced against the second rope, now being hung and choked on it.)

Effler: Looks as though the All Star’s plan has backfired on him.

Kingery: Not very bright if you ask me. Get it…. I made a joke referring to…

Effler: We know Jesse. Very brilliant…..

(The ref is there again. Anderson is changing color, but still fighting. He even manages to take a swat at the ref. Viking lets up just a bit to reset his feet and Anderson capitalizes. He pushes himself up just a bit and pulls himself forward. The motion pulls Viking off balance and Anderson leans down and grabs Viking’s feet, the lurches into a forward roll that takes him on over and onto his feet, at the same time he pulls Viking’s feet as hard as he can, sending the big man face first into the mat.)

Effler: He got out of it! Trying to prove that you, indeed, can’t outshine….

Kingery: Shut up.

(Anderson falls to one knee with his hand on his back and Viking rolls onto his back trying to get his bearings.)

Effler: These two men have to go on to compete in the Rumble. I can’t believe this.

Kingery: What about Vance and Jordan? They have to compete as well.

Effler: Yes, but at least they’ve been able to get some rest during this match, These two will get maybe five minutes…

(Both men get to their feet at the same time. Viking goes for another haymaker, and again, Anderson dodges under the swing and ends up behind the big man.)

Kingery: He just never leans. Anderson may suck, but he’s too fast for that. Hell, Adam, you’re too fast to let that big club of his hit like that.

(Anderson goes off the ropes and lands a double drop kick to the same knee he kicked earlier. Viking drops to a knee and holds the hurt one. Anderson is up in a flash and kicks Viking in the back. Laif winces and moves his hands to hold the small of his back. Anderson moves in again, but this time Viking is ready. He throws an elbow back and catches Anderson right in the All Stars. As he bends over in pain, Viking grabs his head and rolls him over his shoulder with a snap mare, right onto his knee. Viking doesn’t let him fall, he smashes his forearm into Anderson’s chest a few times, crushing him between his meat club arms and his knee. After three times, he lets the All Star roll off and onto the floor.)

Effler: These two just don’t know the word quit, and they still have the Rumble to go through.

Kingery: It was dumb to move this match. No matter who wins, and it doesn’t matter, neither of them will have anything left to defend what they’ve earned, or anything else for that matter.

Effler: Both men have promised they’ll have enough to be in both matches an make an impact.

Kingery: My bookie promised me good odds on…. Well…. The point people can’t always follow through, especially not these two.

(Viking slowly stands up and then gets the All Star to his feet. He lands two solid European uppercuts and then, with a yell, picks Anderson up off the ground and over his head.)

Effler: A great show of the Viking’s strength! Anderson is in for a rough fall from way up there!

Kingery: I’m going to grudgingly agree with you. That’s going to be a good nine or ten foot fall.

(Viking lets go of his opponent and catches him across his chest. Without sacrificing much of the momentum, he pulls Anderson down, back first, across his knee. He rolls Anderson off his knee, and the All Star is now laying on his stomach.)

Effler: What a powerful backbreaker! He may have broken the All Star’s spine!

Kingery: That’s the point of a back breaker I hear.

Effler: I don’t see how the All Star is going to wrestler in the Rumble after that.

(Viking stares at Shawn Anderson as if deciding what to do next. He shakes his head. Shakes it again. Then shakes it violently.)

Effler: What the…?

Kingery: He’s trying to stay conscious….

(Viking loses the fight. We see his eyes cross, and he falls backwards laying next to Shawn…Both men get one arm over the other. The ref counts.)

Johnson: One! Two! Three!

(The crowd cheers as the bell rings.)

Effler: Wait….what? What just happened?

(Johnson holds up an arm of both men…)

Effler: I…

Kingery: What the hell?

Raines: The winners of the match….Viking and Shawnnnnn Annnndersonnnnn!!!!!

Effler: What? This wasn’t a tag match.

(Viking and Shawn both finally roll over and get to their knees….both looking confused. The referee confers with Raines. Raines then makes another announcement.)

Raines: As a result of this match and both men retain their belts.

(With that they are both on their feet, livid. Screaming at the referee. The crowd boos.(

Effler: It looks like neither man is happy about this.

Kingery: I can’t blame them.

(We hear them both yelling for Johnson to restart the match. He keeps shaking his head. While Anderson continues to yell, Viking calls down to Raines for the mic. David gives the World Champ the stick.)

Viking: What the hell Jimmy? This isn’t right. Restart this match.

(he shoves the Mic in the refs face.)

Johnson: No.

Anderson: This is bull and you know it. These fans came to see one winner here….

Viking: Restart the match Johnson!

Johnson: No!

Viking/Anderson: Why Not?

Johnson: The match ended with a clean double pin. Plain and simple. The match is over as senior referee I will not restart it.

(Anderson looks livid. Viking however seems to calm down.)

Viking: Fine.

Anderson: What?

Viking: Fine. He’s right. The match ended with a clean pin.

Anderson: That’s bull. I had you….

Viking: Now wait…I do agree. It isn’t the ending I wanted either….This means that Shawn has to go on to the Rumble while I sit back and wait to see who my next challenger.

(The crowd boos. Viking and Shawn both look like they agree with the crowd.)

Viking: We moved our match so we’d both be in the Rumble, so it would be fair to both of us…So here’s what I am going to do….

(Viking reaches out for the World Title belt, and it is handed up to him. He walks back to the center of the ring.)

Viking: The Xtreme Rumble is next. The winner gets a shot at that belt right.

(Johnson nods.)

Viking: I remember a few years ago this belt used to be defended in the Rumble.

(The crowd explodes. Anderson stops complaining and grins from ear to ear. Viking hands the belt to Johnson.)

Viking: You take that and you hang it right up there….

(He points towards the top of the Xtreme Vision, drawing another pop.)

Viking: We’ll do this old school. Since you won’t restart this match Shawn and everyone else here tonight will get a shot at this belt right now in the Rumble. The first man to pull the belt down wins the World Title and eliminates himself from the Rumble….

(The crowd explodes again. Viking drops the mic and looks across at Shawn Anderson. He offers his hand to The All Star. Shawn smiles from ear to ear, looks at Laif’s hand then shakes it.)

Effler: I don’t believe it.

Kingery: Wow…

Effler: No titles changed hands when we thought one man would walk out with both belts, but Viking just entered the WTF World Title into the Xtreme Rumble!!!

(We fade out to commercial. “Still Frame” by Trapt is heard playing. We see Eric Dillinger walking towards a wrestling ring that sits in the middle of a desert. Andrew O’Reilly is seen sliding into the ring coming face to face with Eric. The screen freezes for a moment.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and i cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(The two men begin to fight. Then we see Shawn Anderson appear out of the desert walking towards the same ring. Out in the desert on the other side of the ring we see Viking appear as well, walking towards the same ring..)

And every time I think I’ve finally made it
I learn I'm farther away than I have ever been before
I see the clock and its ticking away, and the hourglass empty
What the Fuck do I have to say

(While Eric and Andrew begin to fight Shawn and Viking both climb in and go after each other.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Release me, I'm just as lost as you
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(As the four men brawl in the ring we see Jordan “The Executioner” Keyser and “The Real Deal” Brad Bronson both appear out of the desert heading for the ring.)

Keep it inside, the image portrayed
As if I couldn’t stand losing as if I couldn't be saved, no way
A small confession I think I'm starting to lose it
I think I'm drifting away from the people I really need

(Brad and Jordan enter the ring at the same time and make beelines for each other adding to the fight. On cure Biff and Jack Daniels are seen appearing out of the desert. They make their way towards the ring.)

A small reflection on when we were younger
We had it all figured out 'cause we had everything covered
Now were older its getting harder to see
What this future will hold for us, what the Fuck are we going to be?

(Biff and Jack enter the ring and we see a lone man walking towards the ring. He wears a kilt. He slowly walks to the ring, and circles around it. Haggis looks for his opportunity to strike.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Release me, I'm just as lost as you
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(Haggis climbs into the ring and rushes into the ongoing battle.)

So lost, I'm just as lost as you
Oh well what am I going to do
I'm afraid I'm falling farther away (from where I want to be)

(Out in the desert we see a missile flying through the air, and then can see through its targeting sensors a screen of the men in the ring fighting far off. The missile speeds towards them.)

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and I cant get out of here
Release me, I'm just as lost as you
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you

(The missle hits the center of the ring and we see a bright flash before cutting to a logo:)

Live Sepetember 6, 2009 from the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

(The camera cuts to the back where we come up to a shot of Eric Dillinger walking through the back wearing army fatigue shorts, a black Lagwagon t-shirt, knee pads, black wrestling boots, and a blue bandana going across his forehead. He's taping up his fists with the normal black athletic tape as he goes. Logan Rollins comes up to him with a microphone in hand.)

Rollins: Eric! Any words before you return to the ring tonight?

Eric: Not really, Logan. The only I have to say is that I'm going to go out there tonight and fight smarter, not harder.

Rollins: And what does that mean, Eric?

Eric: Think about, Logan. Think about it.

(And at that, Eric chuckles and walks away leaving Logan dumbfounded.)

Rollins: Well, there you have it.

(We cut back to an office where we see Jennifer Kidd-Bonesteel talking with Susan Burns. The wife of the WTF owner lets out a sigh.)

Jennifer: I can’t believe he’s still doing this…

(The personal assistant of the WTF Owner and wife of WTF World Champion Viking nods in agreement.)

Susan: I know what you mean. I feel the same way about Laif some times. But they really do have the best interest of the WTF at hear.

Jennifer: Trust me I know. You and I have been working non stop on this deal with the Apex Wrestling Association.

(Susan nods.)

Susan: Its already paying off. JC Barr himself went on Wrestling Midwest’s show and told them they’d have to start stepping up to our level.

Jennifer: Yeah, that’s another thing I am worried about. Who’s to say a WMW star won’t show up tonight to try to make a name for themselves and score some points with the AWA?

Susan: I’m not sure we have to worry about th---wait that isn’t what this is about is it?

Jennifer: What do you mean?

Susan: You’re upset because Aramis got his extension in court.

(Jennifer sighs and nods.)

Jennifer: You’re damned right I am upset. The man should be behind bars for everything he’s done. And now his lawyer is making it out like the WTF is the whole reason that Aramis did the things he did.

Susan: Well don’t you worry about that Jen. I’ve been on the phone with the folks at ESN legal and they assure me that Ben Cash is doing everything he can to help us out. The WTF and ESN are in this together.

Jennifer: I know, but this isn’t the kind of press that we need going into our partnership with the AWA.

(Susan nods.)

Susan: You are right about that as well, but the AWA is fully aware of our situation and they still want us. That says something about the WTF name doesn’t it?

(Jennifer pauses and this time she is the one to nod.)

Jennifer: I suppose it does.

(Susan smiles.)

Susan: Why don’t you and I got get some sodas, and find someplace where we can take turns looking away from the action. I don’t think either one of us really wants to watch the Rumble.

Jennifer: No…but we always do don’t we?

Susan: We always do. Damned men.

Jennifer: A men!

Main Event

WTF Canadian Title goes to the first person to score a submission.
WTF US Title goes to the person with the most eliminations.
First WTF Tag Title goes to the first person to draw blood.
Second WTF Tag Title goes to the first person to score a ten count.
Last Man Standing is the No. 1 Contender for the WTF World Title
It is possible to win more than one title as well as the World Title Shot.
Referees: Jimmy Johnson
Dennis "Buddy" Ripper
Joe Geddis
Chris Nave.

(We come back to the arena. David Raines is in the ring. There are three men already in the ring. One wears wrestling tights that have black splotches on them, the other two stand together wearing camouflaged wrestling masks.)

Raines: Ladies and Gentlemen. It is time once again for the WTF Xtremeeeeeee Ruuuuuumbblllllllleeeeeee!

(The crowd cheers loudly.)

Raines: Every WTF Championship will be on the line in this match, including the WTF World Heavyweight Champion.

The WTF Canadian Title will go to the first person to score a submission.

The WTF US Title will go to the person with the most eliminations in this match.

The First WTF Tag Title will go to the first person to draw blood.

The Second WTF Tag Title will go to the first person to score a ten count.

The WTF World Heavyweight Championship will go to the person who can pull it from its perch high above the arena floor above the Xtreme Vision 3000. That man will be eliminated from the match.

Finally, the winner of the match and Last Man Standing becomes the new number one contender for the WTF World Title

(The crowd cheers as Raines pauses.)

Raines: Already in the ring making their WTF Debuts… The Ultimate Soldiers: Minuteman and Peackeeper, and KOW!

(The crowd cheers for the new blood, but not very loudly waiting to see what they have to give to the WTF.)

Effler: Three new competitors. The odd Kow, and the tag team of the Ultimate Soldiers.

Kingery: Kow?

Effler: Yes, why?

Kingery: Just making sure. Starting a list of Kow related jokes.

(Effler sighs.)

Raines: Making his way to the ring….

("Too Bad" by Nickelback begins to play. The crowd pops.)

Raines: He is a former WTF World Champion. From Tampa, Florida, standing at 5'11" and weighing 250 pounds….he is the “Real Deal” Braaaaaad Brooooonson.

(Brad steps through the curtains and poses to the crowd. The crowd pops for Bronson. Then we see Brad stumble forward, and Julian York standing behind him. York attacks Bronson again. The music cuts out as the crowd begins to boo. I the ring the two Ultimate Soldiers begin to attack Kow.)

Kingery: Why does Raines always try to announce the entrances. He knows something like this happens every year.

Effler: Because its his job Jesse.

(We see David Raines hightailing it out of the ring while the referees at ringside spring into action. We see Stalker come out and join in the attack on Brad Bronson. York and Stalker work on Bronson with alternating attacks, moving “The Real Deal” down the aisle and towards the ring.)

Effler: Stalker seemingly teaming up with the United States champion in the early moments of this match.

Kingery: Well that’s good for the opening moments, but come the end of this match there can be only one winner.

Effler: I think that is well understood by every man in this match.

(The crowd goes crazy as a figure rushes down the aisle and plows into Julian York. “The Emerald Hero” Andrew O’Reilly begins to lay punch after punch on Julian York. Then “Majikal Mayhem” Vance Bonesteel makes his way down the ring, wearing a Dark justice shirt, but the way it is puffed out he clearly has numerous bandages around his chest covering his burns and injuries from his Insane Asylum match. The crowd pops loudly.)

Effler: Vance Bonesteel is now in the fight, backing up Andrew O’Reilly who has come to the aid of The Real Deal.

Kingery: How is Vance even able to move?

Effler: This is the WTF Jesse. No pain no gain.

(Viking follows soon after and helps Vance with Stalker while York and Andrew brawl at ringside. In the ring the Ultimate Soldiers have gotten the best of Kow and are taking turns hitting him in one of the ring corners.

Then three men step out into the aisle together. They raise their arms to the crowd and receive a huge cheer.)

Effler: It’s the MVPS!

Kingery: Whoo Hoo!

Effler: You like them now?

Kingery: That was sarcasm Adam.

(Shawn grins and looks up above the Xtreme Vision. Haggis and Biff step forward while Anderson starts to climb the scaffolding holding up the huge screen. Viking looks up and sees Anderson climbing. The big man says something to Bonesteel, who nods and lets Stalker go. Stalker slumps on the floor at ringside. Dark Justice heads up the aisle and locks up with the MVPs, Vance with Haggis and Viking with Biff.)

Effler: Shawn Anderson going for the big prize, the WTF World Heavyweight title.

Kingery: See, that’s what I would have done. That’s what all of these guys should have done.

(Shawn continues to climb, but is stopped as Jordan “The Executioner” Keyser and Jack Daniels both run through the curtains and towards Shawn. They each grab a leg and start pulling “The All Star” back down. At ringside Stalker pulls himself up and rolls into the ring, getting the attention of Peacekeeper. Julian York now has the better of Andrew O’Reilly, holding him up against one of the corners outside the ring where the ringside barriers meet. Peacekeeper breaks off and pulls Stalker up. They begin to fight, while Kow is able to finally mount an offense against Minuteman.)

Effler: This match is well underway and we have yet to see Eric Dillinger though all of the other scheduled participants in this match are now involved.

Kingery: And as far as I am concerned we can do without Eric.

(Haggis and Bonesteel fight tooth and nail, with Haggis getting the advantage over the already taxed Vance. Viking and Biff go at it like two bulls, their blows against each other echoing through the arena. Jack and Jordan finally pull Anderson all the way off the scaffolding. They go to attack but Anderson is quicker, throwing punches of his own at both men, momentarily keeping them both at bay.)

(Biff lands a vicious right on Viking, who staggers back and falls to a knee. Still feeling the effects of the match he just had with The All Star Viking stays in that position. Biff backs off and moves to aid Shawn just as Anderson loses his momentum. Jordan and Jack begin beating Shawn. Biff pulls Jack off of Shawn Anderson and starts to fight with Daniels.)

Effler: Biff coming to the aid of the leader of the MVP’s there.

Kingery: Sure, he’s gotten Jack Daniel’s attention but look at Keyser.

(Keyser hits his “Ring Supremacy” version of the unprettier on Shawn Anderson right there on the stage. Jordan smirks down at the unmoving All Star, then starts to climb the scaffolding. In the ring Kow hits Minuteman with a Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex. Stalker goes a more traditional WTF route and drops Peacekeeper with a low blow that draws the now ritualistic groans from the mostly male crowd. Haggis and Bonesteel are now at ringside themselves, fighting right next to the ring apron while Julian York is choking Andrew O’Reilly with a camera cord. On the far side still outside the ring.)

Kingery: Look at that, Julian York showing every in the WTF what it means to compete in this match.

Effler: He’s choking the life out of Andrew O’Reilly.

Kingery: I know. Isn’t it great? We saw the bloodbath in the Insane Asylum, we saw the brutal beating in the World Title match and now we get to watch the fall of golden boy Andrew O’Reilly. This has been a great Pay Per View!

(Jordan gets just a bit farther up the scaffold than Anderson did when a large hand suddenly wraps around his ankle. A vicious tug pulls one of the Executioner’s hands loose. The camera pulls back to show us that it is WTF World Champion Viking who is defending his title has pulled Jordan from the scaffolding. Both men show the signs of their earlier matches, but that doesn’t stop them. They begin to fight tooth and nail there on the stage.)

Effler: Viking stopping Jordan from ascending that scaffolding.

Kingery: Damn that big son of a bitch!

(Laif and Keyser disappear behind the curtain on the entrance ramp. A camera follows them to find Laif throwing Keyser, face first, over a production table. People wearing head sets scramble for safety, some of their head sets being snagged in the process, as Laif climbs on top of Keyser.)

Effler: There's literally pandemonium all across this arena!

Kingery: It's hard to keep track of it all. We got people in the ring, people in the crowd, and people fighting into the back!

(He begins laying into Jordan with hard fists until a chair flies and hits Laif across the forehead. Keyser looks up.)

Keyser: Thank God, it's you!

(Another chair flies into view this time laying out Keyser!)

Effler: Jesus, who is that?!?

Kingery: I don't know, but they just laid out the World Champ and our former GM!

(Just then a familiar figure burst through the curtain holding a steel chair. Dressed as we saw him earlier, it's Eric Dillinger wearing a snarling grin on his face.)

Kingery: I could've guessed.

Effler: It's the Bastard Icon!

(Eric charges down the aisle and assaults Biff, who was just fighting with the Stalker. Eric drives the back of the chair into Stalker's midsection and slams it down across his back. Before Biff can regain his sense, Dillinger hits him with the chair again! Biff falls against the barricade, but springs back to his feet. Amazed, Dillinger hits him again with the chair. Biff, still standing, looks dazed. Finally, Dillinger, drops the chair, goes low with a boot, and ddt's him onto the floor.)

Effler: Well, that's one way to put him down!

(Eric charges through the curtain and and assaults Biff, who was just fighting with Jack Daniels. Eric then drives the back of the chair into Jack’s midsection and slams it down across his back. Before Biff can regain his sense, Dillinger hits him with the chair again! Biff falls against the barricade, but springs back to his feet. Amazed, Dillinger hits him again with the chair. Biff, still standing, looks dazed. Finally, Dillinger, drops the chair, goes low with a boot, and ddt's him onto the floor.)

Effler: Well, that's one way to put him down!

(The crowd cheers for the Bastard Icon. Eric looks up and sees Haggis with a boot across Vance Bonesteel’s throat while using the ring apron for leverage. Vance’s legs are kick. Eric grins and picks the chair up, rushing down the aisle he slams the chair right into the back of the Kilted Wonder’s head. The crowd pops as Haggis drops. In the Ring we see that now it is Stalker fighting with Minuteman and Kow is fighting with Peacekeeper.

Kow and Stalker seems to be working together as they Irish whip the tag team partners into each other. The Ultimate Soldiers slam into each other and fall to the map. Stalker picks up Peacekeeper and gives him "The Whisper", a Release German Suplex into turnbuckle Kow takes Minuteman and gives him a snap suplex. As Kow is getting up his is nailed right in the face with a Silent Strike" Spinning heel kick from stalker.

Brad Bronson, reappears in the match having laid in wait. As Stalker lands from doing the spinning heel kick Bronson slides in the ring and locks in an Indian Deathlock on Stalker. Stalker begins to grimace in pain.)

Effler: Bronson back in this one.

Kingery: Where did he go?

Effler: Bronson has bided his time for the last year, I am sure that a few more minutes of picking his moment was no problem.

(We see York stagger away from Andrew O’Reilly holding his eye. Andrew clutches at his throat gasping for breath, smirking at the thumb to the eye. Vance pulls himself up using the ring apron and looks at Eric Dillinger. Eric grins from ear to ear and swings the steel chair and misses as Vance ducks. knocking the WTF Owner back down.

Shawn Anderson is back on his feet and staggers towards the ring, forgetting about the WTF title for now he comes up behind Eric just as the Bastard icon is lifting the chair again. Anderson grabs the chair and pulls if from Eric who spins around. The two start to get reacquainted, while Vance slides back down to the floor leaning against the steel steps.

The curtains move and we see Viking slowly walking back out carrying Jordan Keyser. Jordan struggles against Viking, and then falls free of his grasp. They begin to fight once again there beneath the Xtreme Vision.)

Effler: Eric isn’t wasting time with his return. He’s taking on the biggest and best the WTF has to offer.

Kingery: He hasn’t been in there with York yet just you wait.

(As for the US Champion he comes around the ring and sees Anderson and Eric fighting. York spins Anderson around pulling him away from Eric and the two begin to fight. For his part Eric spots Andrew O’Reilly back in his feet and pursuing York. Dilinger pushes past Shawn and Julian. Andrew finds himself face to face with Eric and snarls tackling the Bastard. O’Reilly works Eric over with punches Dillinger fights the pugilist off and gets to his feet, but O'Reilly is right back on him! He moves Dillinger over to the corner where the ring barriers meet. All the Bastard Icon can do is cover up. O'Reilly educated hands find their mark, though, and knocks Dillinger to the floor.)

Effler: I have never seen anyone go toe-to-toe like O'Reilly has just now!

Kingery: I'd hate to give it to someone like O'Reilly, but he's got youth and speed on his side compared to Dillinger's experience and strength.

(O'Reilly picks Dillinger up, but the All Star is there to hammer down on him. Julian York quickly occupied Shawn again. With the Emerald Hero's back turned, Dillinger shakes the cobwebs and wraps his arms around O'Reilly's waist. With one heave, he gives the former World Champ a release German suplex over the ring barrier and into the crowd!)

Kingery: Ha! Take that!

(But it doesn't take long before Shawn just goes to pounding on Dillinger himself. Shawn Anderson pushes Julian York away. The Sultan of Sin staggers backwards, and Shawn takes his opportunity. He rushes the US Champion and slides through York’s legs. Shawn quickly gets to his feet and before Julian opponent knows what’s going on Shawn hits an inverted neck breaker on him. Anderson goes for the pin. Joe Geddis is there.)

Geddis: One!

(Eric moves to stop the count, but Vance is back up, flying over the pin attempt and spearing Eric.)

Geddis: Two

(Eric and Vance They end up in a pile next to the ring barrier, while Shawn hooks a leg.)

Geddis: Three!

Raines: Julian York has been eliminated, giving Shawn Anderson one elimination and the lead for the WTF United State title!

(The crowd pops loudly for the all star. For his part Shawn gets up and looks around. He sees Viking and Jordan fighting under the Xtreme Vision, and Jack Daniels getting back to his feet with Biff obviously still down and not quite ready to get up. Shawn makes his way back up the aisle. Andrew O’Reilly slides back over the ringside barrier landing in the heap that is Eric Dillinger and Vance Bonesteel. In the ring Bronson continues to wrench on Stalker’s legs while Kow slowly gets back up and finds himself once again in a two on one situation with the Ultimate Soldiers. Brad sees this and releases the deathlock. Brad is up and goes for Minuteman, spinning him around and starting to brawl with him.)

Effler: Look at this action. I am glad this match only happens once a year Jesse. I don’t think I could keep up with this week in and week out.

Kingery: I don’t think these competitors could do that either.

(Eric untangles himself from Vance and Andrew and rolls into the ring. He looks at Kow and Peacekeeper, then at Bronson and Minuteman. Eric smirks to himself and moves over to Stalker. Eric picks up the masked mad man and lifts him up signaling to the crowd. The crowd gets to its feet, tearing their attention from the other action going on as their friends point out Eric. Up and Down Stalker goes slamming into the mat with the “Dirty Broken Glass”, Spinning Northern Lights Driver. Eric goes for the pin.)

Nave: One! Two! Three!

(The crowd pops. Bronson is distracted just long enough to get nailed with a nasty punch from Minutemen.)

Raines: Stalker has been eliminated by Eric Dillinger via Pinfall tying Dillinger with Shawn Anderson for the WTF United States Title!

(Shawn Anderson spins Jack Daniels around and suddenly we have a bit of a rematch from the last Xtreme as Viking and Jordan fight not far away from Shawn Anderson and Jack Daniels. Haggis is back to his feet and staggers up the aisle yelling at Biff as he passes. Biff begins to stir.

Haggis pulls Jordan away from Viking. Haggis screams at Jordan and begins to viciously attack the former GM with what can only be described as uncontrolled rage. Viking takes a step back watching, then is happy he has done so as he spies Biff approaching. Viking moves to intercept Biff while Shawn continues to battle with Jack Daniels on the other side of the cage.)

Effler: The MVPs are drawing a line under the Xtreme Vision here.

Kingery: Oh god! With York gone I don’t know who I’m going to root for here but I’m telling you one thing, it won’t be the MVPs!

Effler: There is a lot of history going on in that fight underneath the Xtreme vision.

Kingery: Who cares about History right now. It is about the future. Specifically the near future and who can climb that scaffolding and grab the title.

(Bronson clotheslines Minuteman over the top rope, he then grabs Peacekeeper and simply throws him over the top rope. Bronson then turns to Kow and motions that it is time for the two of them to go at it.)

Effler: I don’t know who this Kow is, but he’s held out against numerous double teams so far and now is about to go up against one of our former World Champions here in the WTF.

Kingery: Bronson’s going to make mince meat out of him….

Effler: You’ve had almost fifteen minutes and that’s all you came up with.

Kingery: Nope. It was just the first one.

(Kingery sounds proud of himself. Kow charges The Real Deal and is met with a Fall Away Slam. Bronson quickly follows up and puts the newcomer in “The Reality Check – Half” standing figure four leg lock.

Vance Bonesteel and Andrew O’Reilly get up and find themselves face to face with the Ultimate Soldiers who have also just finished pulling themselves up. Vance says something to Andrew who nods in agreement. The two men rush the newest WTF Tag Team, Andrew on Minuteman and Vance on Peacekeeper. Vance and his opponent soon find themselves brawling in the aisle and moving back towards the group under the Xtreme Vision.

Andrew lands a series of body shots to Minuteman’s chest then grabs his head. The Emerald Hero runs and jumps off of the ring steps while holding on to the Soldier’s head. He lands the Emerald Cutter there on the ring steps. The crowd gasps, then cheers loudly for the Emerald Hero.)

Effler: Emerald Cutter on the Ring Steps!

Kingery: Holy crap. If Andrew wasn’t so dead set on being the Emerald Hero I might actually like him.

Effler: What?

Kingery: Well with Armais gone….Andrew did push Aramis to the limit more than once over the last year. That mean’s he’s got to have a little bit of talent right?

Effler: Oh sure. Two time WTF Champion last year, wrestler of the year ….maybe a little talent.

(Andrew makes the pin. In the ring we see Kow tapping out to the Reality Check. Geddis is there to make the call.)

Nave: One! Two! Three!

Raines: Kow has been eliminated via submission by Brad Bronson. Your New Canadian Champion….Braaaaaad Broooonson!

Minuteman has been eliminated via pin fall by Andrew O’reilly. O’Reilly and Bronson now join the tie for the United States title!

(Haggis over extends on a punch and Jordan is right there to capitalize. He swings an arm around Haggis and nails him with the Perfect Execution sidewalk slam right there on the stage. Jordan goes for the pin.)

Anderson tries to intervene, but Jack barrels into him and pushes him back towards the curtain. Viking and Biff are locked up in a test of strength.)

Johnson: One! Two! Three!

Raines: Haggis has been eliminated via pinfall by Jordan Keyser. Keyser also joins the tie for the WTF United States title!

(Peacekeeper is seen mounting an offense against Vance, pushing their fight back towards the ring. Showing signs of wear from his activities tonight, Vance staggers back towards the ring.

Andrew rolls into the ring and comes up facing Brad Bronson. Brad smiles nodding at Andrew, Andrew nods back. They move to each other and lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Bronson pushes Andrew back towards the ropes. Andrew digs his feet in and counters out of the move coming up behind Bronson.

Eric sits in a corner watching the two, then he spots Vance and the Ulimate Soldier approaching. Peacekeeper shoves Vance back against the ring apron. He grins beneath his mask and then rushes towards the WTF owner. Vance moves on instinct and drop toe holds the newcomer right into the apron. Peacekeeper lands with his head on the apron and kneels there. Eric grins and moves, running. He leap frogs over the rope and drops a big leg drop right across the masked man’s head. The crowd pops.)

Effler: The Huntsville Death Sentence from Eric Dillinger!

Kingery: Please, someone stop him. He’s only been back a few minutes and I’m already sick of him again!

(Under the XTreme Vision Viking double choke slams Biff right on the stage then moves on Jordan Keyser. Meanwhile Shawn Anderson is getting beaten by Jack Daniels. Jack goes for the Liverpool Kiss headbutt, but Anderson ducks out.

At ringside Eric goes for the pin.)

Nave: One! Two! Three!

Raines: Peacekeeper has been eliminated by Eric Dilinger by pin fall. Eric is now in the lead in the race for the WTF United States Title!

(In the ring Andrew lifts Bronson over with a release German Suplex. Bronson flips over and lands on his feet. Brad rushes Andrew and grabs him from behind. He rolls Andrew up. Geddis is there.)

Geddis: One! Two! NO!

(Andrew kicks out and comes up next to Brad. He whips Bronson to the ropes then leap frogs him. “The Real Deal” bounces off the far ropes and comes back trying to clothesline Andrew. The Emerald Hero ducks the clothesline and rushes Bronson. Brad turns around and once again the two men lock up in a collar and elbow tie up.

Under the Xtreme Vision Shawn Anderson Irish whips Jack Daniels towards the edge of the stage. Jack stops, teetering for balance, before he goes over the edge. Shawn is right there when Jack turns around nailing him with the High Heat super kick. Jack is sent spinning off the stage to the arena floor. The crowd pops. Anderson drops down to the floor, with Jimmy Johnson following him. The All Star goes for the pin.)

Johnson: One! Two! Three!

(The crowd pops once again for Shawn)

Raines: Jack Daniels has been eliminated via pinfall by “The All Star” Shawn Anderson. Anderson and Dillinger are now once again tied for the United States title.

(At ringside Eric climbs back in the ring with a chair, and makes a beeline for Andrew and Bronson. He swings the chair and nails it right across both men’s heads as they are locked up. The break apart from each other, with Andrew falling to the man and rolling out of the way. Eric drops the chair and goes for Bronson. He tosses brad out of the ring and follows suit. Eric then digs around under the ring. The crowd pops.)

Effler: The Bastard Icon going after the man he had to strip of the World Title last year during his sting at GM.

Kingery: And he’s going after another weapon to do it…wait…what the hell?

(Eric pulls out a large plush Spongebob Squarepants. He turns and grins. Bronson stands up and shakes his head seeing the “weapon”. Brad walks up to Eric, and Eric swings the plush toy. Bronson doesn’t even flinch, continuing to move towards Eric expecting it not to hurt. This is however, The Bastard Icon. The toy bounces off of Bronson’s head and sends him sprawling flat on his ass. Eric turns the toy over and we can see that there is a plate of sheet metal sewn onto the back of the toy. The crowd pops.)

Effler: Well…that’s one place to hide a weapon I suppose.

Kingery: I feel violated Adam Effler. VIOLATED!

(Vance walks up the aisle slowly, adjusting his mask as he does so. He sees Viking sitting on top of Biff landing blow after blow, then Biff get both hands around Viking’s head and flip him over. Biff begins to pound on Viking. Jordan has moved over to the edge of the stage and jumps off, hitting the rising Shawn Anderson with a tornado DDT onto the arena floor. Vance grins beneath the mask and moves to the scaffolding.)

Effler: Wait….Jesse Look!

Kingery: What? Where? Oh…oh please no! Someone stop him!

(The crowd pops as Vance begins to climb the scaffolding. Eric sees him and starts around the ring to go stop Vance. Eric has forgotten Andrew O’Reilly though. Andrew does a dive through the ropes, spearing Eric into the ringside barrier. Vance continues to climb.)

Effler: I’m watching this Jesse and I don’t see anyone freed up to stop Vance. He’s already climbed higher than the other men that have tried so far tonight.

Kingery: Can you imagine the horror? Vance back in place as WTF Owner and holding the WTF World Title at the same time?

(Biff looks up and sees Vance. He lands one more punch on Laif and starts to get up. Viking looks up and sees Biff’s focus. A multitude of emotions flash across Viking’s face as he sees the chances of retaining the World Title quickly slipping away, but also that his best friend will be the one to get it. Viking latches on with both arms, wrapping around Biff’s leg. Jordan looks up as well, and sees the same thing. He begins to climb back up onto the stage.)

Effler: The Executioner trying to get back up in position to stop his bitter enemy from claiming the WTF Title.

Kingery: Someone help Jordan please!!!

(Vance crests the top of the Xtreme Vision while Andrew and Eric start to fight at ringside. Jordan pulls himself onto the stage and scrambles to the scaffolding. Vance walks across the platform and starts climbing the ladder to grab the belt. The crowd is cheering him on.)

Crowd: Vance! Vance! Vance! Vance!

(Vance gets to the top of the ladder. Jordan isn’t even halfway up the scaffold. Biff is now kicking Viking in the head, but Viking is slowly getting to his feet shaking with rage. Andrew and Eric are distracted in their fight and do not see Brad Bronson who comes up and bashes their heads together. Brad then grabs Eric and pulls him back into the ring.

Vance touches the WTF World title and stops. He looks down at something up on the platform. He quickly jumps off the ladder causing the whole platform to shake. Another figure is up on the platform. Vance rushes the person and they start to fight. The camera zooms in, which is shown on the Xtreme Vision itself. The crowd begins to boo heavily.)

Effler: I don’t believe it!


(Its Aramis. Vance Bonesteel and Aramis fight high atop the Xtreme Vision beneath the WTF title. Aramis punches Vance right in the shoulder that Jordan filled with staples. Vance falls to his knees. Aramis then boxes his ears, and follows up by punching him right in the jaw. Jordan doesn’t like the rocking of the scaffolding and slides back down to the stage. He looks up to see what is going on and smiles.

Aramis picks Vance up and signals to the crowd.)

Effler: He’s going for the Tunceli Trauma right there on the platform. But he’s not even employeed here. He can’t win the title.

Kingery: I….no…I…

(Suddenly Kingery sounds worried, and definitely “out of character”.)

Kingery: Adam….this…

(We hear Jesse’s headset hit the table.)

Effler: Folks. My broadcast partner has left the Crow’s Nest and is picking his way across the catwalk to the Xtreme Vision. I don’t know what is ----NO!!!

(Aramis drops Vance with a Tunceli Trauma Spine buster off the edge of the Xtreme vision opposite the side that Anderson took Jack Daniels off the stage. Vance falls through the air, past the stage and lands amidst production equipment boxes. The crowd falls silent. The wrestlers all stop. First the ones closest to the Xtreme Vision, then the ones in the ring as the referees make their way up to the stage area.

Jordan looks around, and quickly runs across the stage yelling at Jimmy Johnson. He jumps off the stage, climbs over the scatters boxes and finds Vance laying on top of a tarp with god only knows what underneath. Jordan actually goes for a cover.)

Johnson: One! Two!

(Viking moves across the stage, and goes after Jordan but is too late.)

Johnson: Three!

(Jordan pops up and sees Viking coming. He rushes back through the equipment, heading backstage once again with Viking in tow. Jimmy Johnson follows them. We see another figure rush up the aisle and through the curtain. Eric Dillinger is in hot pursuit trying to cut Jordan off.)

Effler: This isn’t good ladies and gentlemen.

(Aramis stands atop the Xtreme Vision looking down with a sick twisted smile on his face. He then notices Jesse picking his way through the girders. Aramis grins again, and moves towards the back of the platform. He grabs a pre-rigged rope and lowers himself backstage. Biff helps Shawn Anderson back up onto the stage and explains what has happened. Shawn looks irate. He walks over to the edge of the stage and looks down at the paramedics and referees tending to Vance. We now see Jennifer Kidd-Bonesteel and Susan Burns there as well. Up above Jesse sees that Aramis is gone and starts back for the Crow’s Nest. The crowd stays quiet. At ringside Andrew and Brad stand in the ring looking on.)

Effler: Vance could be seriously injured here ladies and gentlemen. These men don’t know what to do.

(Then the Xtreme Vision changes views. We see Jordan running down a hall. He looks back over his shoulder at the purusing Viking, and turns back forward just in time to run into a door that opens suddenly in front of him. The door slams shut, and Jordan sprawls backwards. Viking grabs Jordan up and powerbombs him through the door then pins him on the wreckage. Johnson is right there.)

Johnson: One! Two! Three!

(Viking looks up and we see another man standing in the room, presumably the man that opened the door in Keyser’s path. It is Mike Kidd. The crowd pops loudly seeing the WTF Charter Member standing there in full ring gear.)

Viking: What’s this?

(Viking gets to his feet.)

Kidd: This is about family.

(Mike then picks Jordan up and tosses him into the lockers. Mike turns back to Viking as does the camera just in time to see Aramis run past the door quickly followed by Eric Dilinger. The two men begin to give chase.)

Effler: Mike Kidd! Mike Kidd is back!

(We hear the sounds of Jesse grabbing his head set up. The shot cuts to the crow’s nest where Jesse looks extremely mad.)

Kingery: This has to stop. Aramis can not keep doing this. He is not employeed here anymore. What is wrong with our security.

Effler: I thought you were a fa---

Kingery: No Adam. This isn’t show. This is for real. Aramis could have just ended Vance’s career. This isn’t about enteraining the fans now. Its about family. You’re on your on.

(Jesse then tosses the headset back down and starts climbing down from the crow’s nest to help with Vance. Biff and Anderson look at each other. We can see Biff clearly ask Shawn “What do we do?”

Shawn clearly answers “We do what Vance would do Biff.”

Anderson yells at the referees, and points towards the ring. He then slaps Biff on the chest and starts heading to the ring towards Brad Bronson and Andrew O’Reilly.

The crowd cheers half heartedly, still worried about Vance who is being fitted with a neck brace.)

Effler: Jesse Kingery has tossed his head set aside and walked away from his job folks. Mike Kidd has returned and is in pursuit of Aramis backstage along with Viking and Eric Dilinger.

Jordan Keyser has been eliminated, after eliminated Vance immediately after that horrific fall. And now Vance is being loaded carefully onto a backboard while the remaining MVP’s head down to the ring to continue this match with Brad Bronson and Andrew O’Reilly.

(Back stage Eric chases Aramis right through a door to the outside, where Aramis dives into waiting car that speeds off. Eric slams into the side of the car as it pulls out and yells in frustration. Viking and Mike Kidd come rushing out the door.)

Viking: Where is he?

(Eric points at the car now peeling out into traffic.)

Viking: DAMN!

(Eric looks back and sees Mike.)

Eric: What’s he doing here?

(Mike Kidd steps forward.)

Kidd: I’m here for my sister. For my brother in law. For the WTF. I’m here for the WTF World Title!

(Eric shakes his head.)

Eric: All you had to say was “I’m Back.”

(Eric rushes right for Mike and spears him to the ground where they begin to fight. Viking watch them fight for a moment, then quietly walks back into the ring and then runs back through the hall ways towards the arena floor.

Back in the arena we see Biff and Bronson fighting it out in the ring, and on the other side Andrew O’reilly and “The All Star” Shawn Anderson. Andrew lands a series of combination punches on Shawn Anderson while Biff has Bronson backed into a corner. Andrew then begins to hit Shawn Anderson with a series of Knife Edged Chops. The crowd “Whooos” for each chop.)

Effler: We have action in the ring, we have action outside the arena. And we have our owner being carted off ladies and gentlemen. I promise that we will keep you updated on Vance Bonesteel’s condition.

(Vance is being wheeled out on a stretcher. We cut back to outside the arena where we can see Mike Kidd dragging Eric back through one of the main entrances. They are now fighting amongst a throng of fans getting sodas.

They brawl in the entry hall of the arena. In the ring Anderson has turned the tables on Andrew and is now landing chops on O’Reilly. Bronson is still being manhandled by MVP’s enforcer.

Viking pushes through the curtain and rushes down the aisle. He climbs over the top turnbuckle as the crowd cheers for him. Viking moves right up to Biff and spins him around. Just like that the two biggest men in the WTF are once again going at it, while Bronson takes the opportunity to catch his breath. Shawn Anderson moves into hit Andrew again but the Emerald Hero explodes out of the corner with a European uppercut that sends Anderson back wards and spins him around. Andrew capitalizes, rushing out of the corner and bull dogging Shawn Anderson to the mat.)

Effler: Viking has entered the fray in the ring, but Mike Kidd and Eric Dillinger are still fighting out in the concourse.

(The camera cuts to the two men fighting in the concourse just in time to watch them fight through a doorway with a sign next to it that says “Men”. The camera and referee Jimmy Johnson follow the men into the bathroom. Mike slams Eric’s head off of the counter. Eric grabs at the counter for anything to use as a weapon, and finds nothing. Mike slams Eric back first into the wall, and lets Eric slide down next to one of the stalls. Mike walks back to get a trashcan to use as a weapon.

Eric sees something under the stall door and grabs it. As Mike comes back with the trashcan over his head, Eric kicks him in the guy. Kidd drops the can and The Bastard Icon is up in an instant swinging his own weapon. Glass shatters over Mike’s head. We see that it was an 8 x 10 picture frame. Mike goes down to his hands and knees. Eric blinks, and turns the now broken frame over. He blinks again and shows the picture to the camera. Its one of Jon Ralph.

Eric moves to the stall door and knocks. Slowly the door opens, and sure enough there’s Jon Ralph covering up his nakedness with a suit coat.)

Eric: Do I even want to know why you are in here with a picture of yourself.

Ralph: Its…no…that’s….

(Eric laughs, then is slammed into as Mike spears him into the wall. The stall door shuts and we hear the lock click in place and what sounds like a grown man crying.)

Effler: I think I could have lived forever and not seen that…

(We cut back to the action at ringside. Viking sends Biff into the ropes and knocks him down with a Big Boot while Andrew O’Reilly has turned his attention on Brad Bronson. Andrew rushes across the ring towards Brad. Bronson gets to his feet quickly, and back drops Andrew over the ropes.

Viking moves over to Shawn Anderson and pulls the All Star up. Viking pushes Anderson into a corner and begins to hit him with shoulder block after shoulder block. Anderson tries to fight back, but Viking is relentless, fueled by his concern for Vance and his desire to retain his title.)

Effler: Shawn Anderson has already lost the Canadian title here as Brad Bronson won it earlier. Viking is looking to retain his world title, which he put on the line in this match after his match with Shawn Anderson earlier ended in what effectively was a draw. Both men scored a pin fall on each other.

(Viking backs up and then runs into the corner slamming into Anderson. Bronson moves over to Biff and locks him in the “Reality Check”. Buddy Ripper is there to check on him. Biff doesn’t tap, fighting against the move. Viking pulls Shawn out of the corner and clotheslines him over the top rope. Just then Biff does finally tap out.)

Raines: Biff has been eliminated via submission by Brad Bronson. The race for the US title is now tied between Bronson, Anderson, and Dillinger.

(Shawn Anderson lands on his feet, but then falls to his knees leaning on the apron. At that moment Mike Kidd and Eric Dillinger come sprawling through a side entrance near the stage and back up the aisle. Eric is in control of the fight, but its clear that he and Mike have been putting each other through hell.

Eric keeps hitting Mike, staggering him down the aisle. Biff is rolled out of the ring by Bronson. . Eric sees Anderson and moves towards him. Viking sees Brad, grabs him by the head and trunks, and throws him over the top rope to ringside next to Shawn and Eric. Mike Kidd moves up and begins attacking Bronson. Viking climbs out of the ring and joins the brawl.)

Effler: We have all of our remaining competitors back at ring side. We are getting down to it, and the tag team titles haven’t even been decided yet!

(Andrew rolls back into the ring on the far side and gets up. He sees the action at ringside and grins. He runs across the ring, jumps up onto the top rope and flies off with a springboard moonsault into the group of men at ringside. They all sprawl to the floor.)

Effler: And like that all the men are down.

(Mike Kidd is the first man up, rolling into the ring. Eric Dillinger crawls out of the mess of men and begins to root around under the ring again. He comes up with yet another unorthodox weapon, an artificial leg.)

Effler: What is that doing under the ring?

(Eric rolls into the ring and goes after Mike Kidd again, this time using the artificial leg to beat Mike Kidd about the torso. The crowd pops. Andrew pulls himself up and goes for Brad Bronson, dragging him over to the other side of the ring.

Eric picks Mike Kidd up and gives him the Dirty Broken Glass. He goes for the pin.)

Ripper: One! Two! Three!

Raines: Mike Kidd has been eliminated via pin fall by Eric Dillinger putting Dillinger back in the lead for the United States Title!

(Andrew picks up Bronson and runs towards the ringside barrier. He then drops Bronson down with a seated piledriver. Andrew immediately goes for a pin.)

Nave: One! Two! Three!

Raines: Brad Bronson has been eliminated via Pin Fall by Andrew O’Reilly.

Effler: Brad Bronson and Mike Kidd gone in seconds of each other. We are down to Eric Dillinger, Andrew O’Reilly, Shawn Anderson, and Viking!

(Shawn Anderson and Andrew O’Reilly both roll into the ring. Eric rushes Shawn, but Shawn side steps him and tosses Eric out to the floor.

(Eric is tossed to the outside and is quickly pursued by Laif.)

Effler: You've got to believe that deep down Laif wants to exact some revenge for banishing his former tag team partner.

(The World Champ whips Dillinger into the guardrail and follows him in with a big splash. Dillinger collapses to the concrete floor, gasping for air. Laif is unrelenting, though, as he picks Dillinger up by his chin. He hits a hard right and sends him back to the floor. We see a gash open up on Eric Dillinger’s forehead from the punch. Viking goes to lift him again, but this time Dillinger comes up with a broken tablepiece. He nails the Viking between the eyes sending wood splintering into the air and blood streaming down the champs face, but doesn't send him to the ground.)

Effler: Wow!

(Laif swats the wood from Dillinger's hands and goes on the offense. He headbutts Dillinger with his freshly open wounds and sends the Bastard Icon running into the ring to get away from him. Laif begins to give chase again, but is caught up with Jack Daniels.)

Effler: Smart move by Dillinger.

Raines: The winner of the first tag team title belt by result of first blood…..VIiiiiiiiiking!

(The crowd pops.)

Effler: Viking current holds the WTF World title and one half of the WTF tag team titles. Who will his co champion be?

(The camera flashes to inside the ring where Andrew O’Reilly has Shawn Anderson on his shoulders up on the top turnbuckle.)

Effler: What is Andrew….oh wow!

(Andrew flies off the turnbuckle with a rarely seen finisher of his. Its basically a burning hammer (inverted death valley driver) off of the top rope. Anderson lands on the mat and does not move. Geddis begins a count.)

Geddis: One! Two! Three! Four!

(Andrew gets up and runs to the turnbuckles, flying off with a leap crashing into Eric Dillinger and Viking once again.)

Geddis: Five! Six! Seven!

(Andrew gets up, having not taken much of a beating on that landing and running on pure adrenaline.)

Geddis: Eight! Nine!

(O’Reilly begins to pound on Eric Dillinger.)

Geddis: Ten!

Raines: Winner of the second Tag Team Title belt by result of a knock out…Andrew O’Reilly!

Effler: But Shawn Anderson is not Eliminated!

(O’Reilly then starts to pound on Viking. Geddis wakes up Shawn Anderson who looks around. The ref explains to Shawn what has happened. Shawn looks angry at first, then smiles from ear to ear. He holds a finger up to his lips indicating Geddis to be quiet. Anderson rolls out of the ring right next to O’Reilly. Anderson points to Andrew and nods, then claps.)

Anderson: Well done Andy. Good luck.

(Anderson then sighs, a bit over exaggerated, his face full of disappointment, and he walks towards the aisle. Andrew watches Shawn go, grinning from ear to ear. Then Andrew mves over and begins pounding on Viking.)

Effler: Wait….Shawn Anderson is duping Andrew O’Reilly. The Emerald Hero, lost in the moment, doesn’t realize that Shawn wasn’t eliminated.

(Fans at ringside try to get Andrew’s attention, but to no avail. Eric pulls Andrew off of Viking and begins to slug it out with him. Anderson has made it to the stage and is climbing the scaffolding. The fans are cheering. Eric, oblivious to what is going on, thinks it is for his fight with Andrew. He rolls Andy into the ring. Eric slides in after him. Anderson starts to climb quickly.

Eric comes up and is met with an inverted Atomic Drop from Andrew. Andrew drops to his knees again, while Eric stumbles around in pain. Andrew pulls himself up and rushes towards the Bastard Icon. Eric moves quickly, hitting the “Punk N Disorderly” full nelson slam on Andrew. Eric goes for the pin.)

Nave: One!

(Anderson climbs to the top of the platform, and sets the ladder up.)

Nave: Two!

(Anderson starts to climb the ladder quickly.)

Nave: Three!

(Anderson gets his hands on the belt. The fans pop loudly, some for Eric getting the pin on Andrew, others for Anderson touching the world title that Vance Bonesteel was so close to grabbing earlier.)

Effler: No one at ringside realizes that Anderson is up there….

(Shawn reaches up and unclaspes the world title from around the loop, pulling it down.)

Raines: The NEW WTF World Heavy Weight Champion….

(Eric looks around in amazement, and then spots Anderson. We see Viking pull himself up and stare up at The All Star.)

Raines: SHAWNNNNN THE ALLLLL STAR AAAAANDERSOOOONNNN! Shawn Anderson is now officially eliminated.

(The crowd pops. Shawn holds the WTF Title high above the arena floor, posing.)

Raines: Andrew O’Reilly has been eliminated via pin fall by Eric Dillinger. That means that Eric Dillinger is the neeeew WTF Unnnnited States Champion!

(The crowd pops again. Viking turns and looks in the ring.)

Raines: Eric Dillinger is the new United States Champion.

Effler: Viking walked in as World Champion but now holds one half of the Tag Team belts. Both men are left in this match with the winner going on to Desecration to face Shawn Anderson for the WTF title.

Not the way I expected this night to turn out folks.

(Eric rushes Viking and tries for a baseball slide drop kick. Viking falls back to the floor and lets Eric slide right out of the ring. Viking reaches under the ring and comes out with a steel chair. Eric sees this and slides back into the ring and then rushes out the other side. Eric comes up with a steel chair of his own. Both men slide back into the ring at the same time and come to their feet wielding chairs.)

Effler: A stand off between two men that have done all that can be done in the WTF. One of whom will face Shawn Anderson at Desecration….

(They both swing at the same time, and their chairs collide. It is easy to see that Viking go the better of the exchange, the reverberation of the collision running down Eric’s arms. Eric drops his chair. Viking swings again, but Eric ducks. Eric comes up with a kick to the midsection that causes Laif to drop the chair. Eric goes for the “Dirty Broken Glass” then. He lifts Laif up spinning around. The crowd pops.)

Effler: I don’t believe it….Eric has Laif in the air!!!

(Viking kicks his feet, and drops back down. He then lifts Eric up, countering the move with a Brainbuster DDT.)

Effler: Wrestling’s Toughest Finish from Viking!

(Viking moves in for the pin.)

Johnson: One! Two! Thr—NO!


(Viking gets up, not believing it. He picks Eric up and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle. Viking foes for a pin.)

Johnson: One! Two! NO!

(Eric kicks out again. The crowd goes nuts. Viking picks Eric up and goes for a Thor’s Hammer. Eric counters, and then reverses around and is able to actually lift Viking up and drop him with a Punk N Disorderly.)

Effler: These two men can smell the end. Viking has had one hell of a night here folks, and its not been a shabby return for the Bastard Icon….Eric with a cover.

(Eric goes for a pin.)

Johnson: One! Two! Thre--- NO! Kick out! No!

(Viking does kick out. Eric shakes his head, punches the mat, then gets up and grabs one of the chairs. He moves to hit Viking with it, swinging way back. The Bastard swings the chair forward only to have Viking’s long leg come up in a kick that shoves the chair back into Eric’s face. Eric falls over to the mat. Viking rolls over and crawls to Dillinger, locking in the Viking’ Vice bow and arrow lock. The crowd is on its feet.)

Effler: This could be it…

(Johnson gets in position waiting to see if Eric will tap.)

Effler: Things have been shooken up tonight here in the WTF, and we still have no word on the condition of WTF Owner Vance Bonesteel…

(Johnson continues to ask Dillinger if he wants to give up. Dillinger keeps shaking his head.)

Crowd: Viking! Eric! Viking! Eric! Viking! Eric! Viking! Eric! Viking! Eric! Viking! Eric!

(Johnson continues to ask. Finally, Eric’s hand reaches out and taps repeatedly. The crowd blows up.)

Effler: Viking did it!

Raines: Eric Dillinger has been eliminated via submission…..the winner of the 2009 Xtreme Rumble….one half of the WTF Tag Team Champions….>Viiiiiiiiiking!!!!

(Viking releases Eric almost immediately and rolls to the edge of the ring where Buddy Ripper stands outside. Viking sits on the edge of the ring with Ripper holding up his hand.)

Effler: We’ve seen the return of Mike Kidd. A hellacious Insane Asylum. A five star WTF World Title Match, and every title in the WTF change hands tonight in this Xtreme Rumble.

But that is all we have for you tonight folks. Join us in two weeks on the final stop of the WTF Xtreme Pandemonium Tour where we find out what the fall out of this Rumble will be, and just how badly hurt Vance Bonesteel is.

For everyone here at the WTF I’m Adam Effer….Good night!

(We fade out on the sight of Viking sitting on the edge of the ring while “Immigrant Song” plays. Viking holds the WTF Tag Team title belt in one hand, and holds his head with the other. Eric Dillinger lays in the ring blinking up at the lights. Fade to a WTF and Apex Wrestling Alliance logo.)