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Bands, damn good ones too!

Stuff you need to know!

WarningI hate fucking posers. You know all of you MTV pop-punk listening bitches, Who pretend to be punk and say you are a punk, but you only listen to Good Charlotte, Simple Plan and (New) New Found Glory. Now lets get this straight, I have nothing against the bands, I like all 3 of them. I've got their cd's too. I've got something aginst all you posers, who just listen to them and claim to be punk. They are pop-punk. If that's all you listen to, then you're not punk, don't say you listen to punk, or you're a punk. There are millions of kids out there, who are punks and don't call them selfs punks and they listen to music who deserves to be called punk. So you posers have no right to even think of your selfs as punks. And Fuck MTV for turning punk into a style and punk music into a commercial music.
The New Beginning

Well incase you missed that warning up there, I don't like posers. So I would like for anyone reading this, who is only into finding out about new bands, so they can look impressive to please fuck off and leave this site.

It's sad. I know people, who will learn about some band, for example, Saves The Day. They won't even learn all that much about them. Maybe the name of one of their CD's and a song or two. Take that and when people ask, "What's your fav band, What's your Fav. song, Who's Saves The Day, Etc." They say, "I'm sorry, I'm leaving, Hold, They are this great underground emo band....etc." just to impress people, to make it look like they know alot about music or punk. I know a few people like that and i'm sure there are thousands more out there, that you just want to beat the shit out of.

Sorry I like to go on about small things, which in my opinion aren't small things at all. I got into the punk Scene about 2 to 3 years ago, a year before it really started to make it's mark. I liked it, it was this underground thing, that felt like only the privalged new about. And then bang, MTV picked up on bands (in my opinion forced them to become pop) turned them into pop-punk bands. Introduced them to thousands of screaming teenaged girls and made them drop there original fans and you get MTV pop-punk shit. Now some of this shit isn't bad, just those screaming teenage girls and they're lost hardcore attitude, take New Found Glory for example. Nothing Gold Can stay...their best Cd...kind of hard pretty good. Sticks and Stone...a good CD...but pretty pop. Not everything that comes off of MTV is pop-punk shit, i've heard pretty good bands on MTV. So there I go again on another rage. But that's it for now.

P.S. Take off those fucking ties, if your not in what a parent would say church clothes and a boy, then you fucking look stupid.

A band you need to know more about.

Saves The Day. In my opinon the best band in the world. You've heard me talk about them before. I love this band. They have four CD's out, about to have a new, 5th, CD out. They are starting up touring again with Taking Back Sunday. I'm currently trying to get tickets and plan to drive up, to a show, with a few of my friends. I suggest you hear this band out, and do the same. You will probably hear alot more about this band.

Saves The Days new CD is called "In Reverie", their new single (I guess it's a single) is called "Anywhere with you". I'll admit it sounds a little different from their older CD's, some even say it sounds like old weezer, but if you're a true Saves The Day fan then you'll have no problem with it. Go to their Web site, to hear "Anywhere with you". Any other information that you need to know, you should find out through reading the banner down there. For some reason when you click on the banner, it says the page can't be displayed. Angelfire is fucked up, what can I say?

Some good bands

Well someone told me that Dashboard Confessionals new CD is already out...I didn't know that was out yet, but it's a great CD from what I've heard of it, and the song I heard off of it. I'm going to pick it up right after I find some money. The Appelseed Cast has a new CD out, so does Lewis, Brandtson, and Red Animal War. All very good bands. When I scrape up even more money from between the couch seats, i'll go pick those up too. Of course, once again, when the new Saves The Day CD comes out, go buy it!

Saves The Day, wow.

Once again, I can not tell you how much i'm loving this new Saves The Day album. I've heard more of the songs off their new album, which hit stores Sept 16, just check the banner above. Email me, if you'd like the E-Card which lets you hear a few of their songs, or, if you still have Kazaa or any other music downloading site, you can download a few songs. Saves The Day is a great band. Check them out!

My Fav. Bands are...?

Please fill free to Email me, if you have any disagreements and would like to prove your point or you just have some other comment.
