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“Just to let you know,” Ruby’s mother began, “I hired a new boy to do yardwork and he’ll probably be over here tomorrow. So don’t be alarmed.”

“Alright,” Ruby sighed dragging the last of her luggage into her room. This was the first time she’d been in her bedroom in four months. Finally, her first year in college was over with and now she could came back to Tulsa and relax all summer.

“I’ll leave a check for him on the kitchen counter before I go to work in the morning,” her mom said as Ruby fell back onto her high queen size bed.


Ruby lazily opened her eyes around 11:30 the next morning and ran her hand across her cat laying beside her. She roamed around her empty house opening the blinds and taking in the green grass and warm sun which were missing from her college in New York City. She decided to put on her red bikini and lay out by the pool. She threw her hair up on top of her head and gathered up a towel, sunscreen, and her sunglasses. She picked up her mom’s portable boom box and took it with her outside.

Ruby spread her towel out onto one of the cushioned lounge chairs. She plugged in the radio by the house and found her favorite station. She stretched and walked back over to her chair dipping her foot in the pool as she passed it.

She had been laying out for about half an hour when she heard the gate open and the faint sound of grass rustling beneath oncoming footsteps.

“Hello?” A male voice called out spotting the back of a brunette head.

Ruby sat up and turned in his direction. “Hi,” she smiled. The boy was just that - a boy - no more than 15 or 16. His thick honey colored hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. He wore orange board shorts and a white t-shirt with a pair of beat up old New Balances.

“Um, I’m supposed to clean the pool today for your mom. I live across the street,” he said walking towards her.

“Oh okay,” she said. “Yeah, she told me. What’s your name?”

“Zac,” he stated standing beside her so she no longer had to turn around.

“I’m Ruby,” she informed him.

“Cool,” Zac nodded as his eyes traveled the length of her glistening body. She noticed his gaze and raised one of her knees.

“Oh, am I in your way?” she asked.

“No, not at all,” Zac raised his eyebrows.

“Alright well just let me know if I am.”

“No problem,” Zac said making his way toward the small shed where the cleaning equipment was kept. She noticed how the orange shorts brought out the bronzed tone of his legs. He had nice legs. She bit her bottom lip and adjusted her bikini top while he wasn’t looking.

“What would you do?” Zac sang to himself along with the Stone Temple Pilots song on the radio as he skimmed the pool for fallen leaves. “What would you do if I followed you?”

Ruby watched through the dark lenses of her sunglasses as Zac rounded the pool. When he was finished he wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

“You want me to get you anything to drink?” Ruby offered.

“Um, sure. That’d be great,” Zac said replacing the skimmer back in the shed.

“Kay,” she gave a coy grin sauntering off towards the sliding glass door. Zac licked his lips as he watched her. She untangled the rubber band from her hair with one hand and let dark loose curls fall down her back.

“Mm-mm,” Zac pressed his lips together and shook his head. He retreated to the shed to get the vaccuum for the pool.

“Here ya go,” she later returned with a bottle of water holding it out to him.

“Thanks,” he said quietly taking it from her.

She briefly looked down his tall form and back up to his face. “Your welcome,” she smiled.


“This is for you,” Ruby handed the check her mother had left to Zac. She held her towel loosely around her standing in the doorway to the backyard.

“Cool. I appreciate it,” Zac said folding the check and putting it in his pocket. “Well I’ll be back tomorrow to mow the lawn - just to let you know.”

“Alright,” Ruby nodded. “Take it easy.”

“See ya,” Zac said heading off towards the gate exit.

“I hope so,” Ruby said to herself as she watched him walk away.

chapter 2
