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“You want to go to a high school soccer game and be obnoxious?” Ruby asked Ben over the phone.

“Why would we go to a high school soccer game?” He asked.

“Because Zac said we could come and his team’s in the state playoffs,” she explained. “Just come. It’s a field full of Varsity soccer players.”

“Fine,” he laughed. “I have nothing else to do tonight anyway.”


Ruby and Ben went over to the stadium where Zac’s game was on the warm May evening. They walked down the bleachers, Ruby in her olive green shorts and white spaghetti strap tank top and Ben in his khaki pants and red t-shirt, and stood against the fence next to the field.

“Where is he?” Ben asked surveying the multitude of high school boys in soccer uniforms.

“There,” Ruby pointed. “Number 6.”

“What?” Ben raised his eyebrows when he found him. “Where did all his hair go?”

“He cut it,” she said watching as they ran around the field. “I think it looks good.”

“It does. He’s so cute, Ruby. Why did you break up with him?” Ben asked.

“Ben, don’t even start,” she told him.

“Oh, come on. Look how adorable he is in his soccer uniform,” Ben said leaning his head against hers.

“Shut up,” she laughed. “I bet his family’s here,” she said turning around to look at the bleachers. “There’s his dad and his little brother.”

“Go talk to them,” Ben said.

“I don’t know. They all probably hate me for upsetting their son,” she said.

“Look at number 22,” Ben leaned into her.

She laughed. “Why don’t you ask for his phone number?” Zac ran along side the field as the other team tried to score. The ball was blocked by defense and kicked to the other side. “Come on, number 6. Hustle,” Ruby shouted before her and Ben started laughing.

Zac looked up from his offense position on the field. His eyes scanned the crowd until he saw Ruby. He smiled and quickly nodded his head before he had to run again.

At halftime, the team retreated to the sidelines and gathered at the Gatorade cooler before getting a lecture from their coach. After the speech the team scattered to go rest and Ben made his way to the bathroom.

“Lookin’ good Hanson,” Ruby said leaning on the fence and resting her chin on her hand as he walked over to them.

“Hey,” he smiled. “I didn’t think you’d come.”

“I’m here,” she smiled back. “Like I’d miss an opportunity to see you run around and get all sweaty,” she said looking down at him in his red soccer shorts, white socks pulled up over his shin guards, and his red and white jersey.

“We’re winning,” he said pulling up his jersey to wipe the sweat off his face.

“I can see that. You’re doing good,” she assured him. “So what happens if you win this one?”

“We play East this weeknd for the state championship,” he told her.

“Cool. This team you’re playing sucks anyway,” she said.

Zac laughed. “They’re like second in the state.”

“Well you guys are cuter,” she said.

“Oh well then we’ll definitely win,” he laughed at her.

“Hanson,” his couch shouted. Zac whipped his head around. “What are you doing? Get over here and stretch out.”

“Sorry Coach,” Zac said stifling a laugh. “I’ll see you later,” Zac said rejoining the team on the grass.

“Good luck,” Ruby said as Ben came back.


“Ruby,” Zac called before Ruby got into Ben’s car after the game, which Zac’s team had won.

“Yeah?” She raised her eyebrows and turned towards him.

He jogged over to her still out of breath from the commotion after the game. He stood over her and backed her up against the passenger side of Ben’s car. His eyes searched hers as his chest rose and fell with his breathing. “Come over tonight,” he told her quietly.

She looked up at his damp face, one cheek streaked with dirt and a grass stain, and his hair all in dissarray. She swallowed the lump in her throat and slowly nodded. “Okay,” she breathed out.

He nodded along with her and licked his lips. “Okay.” He backed away and went to find his car.

Chapter 2